When General Davidowich fent off this report (the evening of the fecond affair), he was encamped with his right towards the Lake of Garda, near Colla, and his left to the Adige; Pefchierra being in front of his right wing, and Verona in front of his left.
I have the honour to be, &c. (Signed)
Right Hon. Lord Grenville, &c.
Admiralty Office, Dec. 20.
Copy of a Letter from Rear-admiral Bazely, Commanding Officer of bis Majefty's Ships and Veffels in the Downs, to Evan Nepean, Efq. dated December 17, 1796.
YOU will be pleafed to acquaint their Lordships, that I this morning received a letter from Mr. Nick Simmons, master of the Lion armed cutter, dated Seaford Roads, the 15th inftant, giving me an ac count of his having the day before captured off the Owers, after a chafe of four hours and a half, the Hazard French cutter privateer, mounting two carriage guns, and two fwivels, with small arms, and feventeen men, which had been out two days from Fecamp, but had not captured any thing.
Copy of a Letter from Captain Talbot, of his Majefty's Ship Eurydice, to Rear-admiral Bazeley, dated in Dover Road, the 16th of Dec. 1796.
LAST night I captured La Sphinx privateer, of forty-fix tons and twenty-fix men, from Dunkirk, on a cruize; the left it yesterday at twelve o'clock, and had not taken any thing; fhe is Southampton built, and has made a practice of running along ashore as a coafter. The laft cruize fhe was at fea fhe was boarded by one of the armed luggers the North Sea, but got clear by producing Swedish papers. I have fent her into Dover harbour, and, when I have landed the prifoners, fhall immediately proceed to my ftation. She had nothing but fmall arms on board. I am, &c. &c. JOHN TALBOT. P. S. Iince find fhe has four four-pounders and two fwivels in hes
From the LONDON GAZETTE, December 24, 1796.
Admiralty Office, Dec. 24, 1796.
Copy of a Letter from Captain James Young, Commander of his Majefty's Ship Greyhound, to Evan Nepean, Esq. dated in Spithead, December 20, 1796.
I HAVE to acquaint you, for the information of my Lords Com- miffioners of the Admiralty, that yesterday, at four A. M. I fell in with and captured, off Barfleur, L'Aventure, French privateer brig, of fixteen four-pounders and fixty-two men, commanded by Citizen Pel- tier, two days from Calais, on her first cruize, and had not taken any thing.
I have the honour to be, &c. &c. &c. JAMES YOUNG.
Armistice between General Buonaparte and
ADET, Minifter from the French Re-. Arret at Milan, refpecting the abolition of
public to the United States-Letters from Touffaint Louverture to him, Page 1-His letter to Mr. Pickering refpecting the conduct of the United States to France, 256-His fecond letter to Mr. Pickering on the same subject, 263- His letter to the French citizens in Ame- rica refpecting the national cockade, 294
America, United States of, Proteft from Captain George Dominick, 240-Rati- fication of the explanatory article of the treaty between Great Britain and the United States, 242-Letter from the American ambaffador at London to Mr. Johnfon, refpecting neutral fhips, 243- General Washington's letter of refigna- tion, 243-Correfpondence with the French, minifter Adet, 259-Proclama- tion of Mr. Washington, refpecting the explanatory article to the treaty with Great Britain, 295-Speech of the Prefi- fident to the Congrefs, 298-Addrefs of the Congress in answer to it, 302 Angereau, General, his proclamation to the citizens of Ferrara, 43 Archduchess of Auftria-Her proclamation to the Tyrolefe, 23 Archduke Charles-His declaration re- fpecting the commencement of hoftilities, 21-His proclamation refpecting the re- conquered districts of the German Empire, 164 Armiftices, concluded by General Moreau with the Duke of Wirtemberg, Page i with the Circle of Suabia, iv with the Circle of Franconia, v with the Margrave of Baden,
a fociety, the minifter Marine, refpecting Toulon, 37-Arret of the Directory refpecting feamen, 56
Barthelemi, M. de, his letter to the mi- nifter for foreign affairs, refpecting the Auftrian minifter, 155-His note to the Canton of Bafle refpecting the Emigrants, 308
Bavaria, Elector of, Armistice with the French Republic, xii
Bediani, his answer to the French director
Sucy, refpecting two English floops, 306 Berthier, General, his funmmons to the com- mandant of Mantua; 55
Bonnard, General, to the magiftrates of Frankfort; 49
Bouillon, Prince of, his proclamation at Jerfey to the Emigrants, it Bournonville, General, letter to the com- mittee of Union for affairs on land, 44
Buonaparte, General,-Armistice with Na- ples, xiv
His proclamation re- fpecting the contribution from Lom bardy, 24-Proclamation to his foldiers, 26-Receives an addrefs from the people of Albe, to procure liberty in Italy, 27
Addrefs to the Republic of Venice, re- fpecting the conduct to be observed by his army in the Venetian ftates, 28-His X procla
proclamation to the Milanefe, relative to their conduct, 29-Proclamation to the Milanefe, respecting the excelles com- mitted in fome Communes, 29-His proclamation to the Tyroiefe, refpecting the marching of his army, 32-Elis pro- clamation refpecting the Imperial fiefs, 33-Addrefs to the Municipalities of Pavia and Milan, refpecting the Univer- fities, 35-Orders refpećting Leghorn, 38-Letter to the Grand Duke of Tuf- cany, refpecting the infults offered to French fhips at Leghorn, 39-Second letter to the Grand Duke, refpecting the conduct of General Spannochi, 40-Pro- clamation to his foldiers, 78-Proclama- tion to the Tyrolete, 98-His answer to the inhabitants of Reggio, 114-His let- ter to the Directory, refpecting the eva- cuation of Corfica, 118
Canto d'Irles, Count-His reply to General Berthier, 56
Carnot-His fpeech on the celebration of the fete in honour of the victories of the army of Italy, 17
Cochon, Minister of Police-His letter to the commiffioners of the Directory, re- fpecting English merchandife, 149 Cortica, evacuation of, 118. 147 Council of 500--Their refolution refpect- ing mandats, 56-Their decree refpect- ing the amnesty, 102-Refolution re- fpecting English merchandife, Their refolution refpecting the general difcipline of the armies, 144
Decrees-Of the Council of 500, respecting the amnesty, 102-Published at Lisbon, refpecting the entrance of ptivateers, 163 -Published at Modena, for the aboli- tion of feudal jurifdiction, 139--Pub- hifhed at Coblentz, 142
Decree of the National Affembly of the United Provinces, for the abolition of a privileged church, 85
Del Campo, Marquis, appointed minifter from the Duke of Parma to the French Republic, 310
Delacroix, Charles-His correfpondence with Lord Malmesbury, 169 to 200 Diet of Ratifbon-Declaration to the diet from the Emprefs of Ruffia, 7--Pro- ceedings of the diet refpecting the war, 52
Edict, royal Pruffian, refpecting the wear ing of the national cockade at Berlin, 48 -Of the Pope, on the reception to be given to the French, 51-Edict of the King of Naples refpecting the war, 112 Elector of Saxony-His declaration re- fpecting the affembling of his troops,
Elliot, Sir Gilbert-Letter to the governor of Porto Ferrajo, 41
Emperor of Germany-His proclamation to his fubjects refpecting the war, 83- His proclamation refpecting the defence of Bohemia, 86-His proclamation re- fpecting fupplies for the war, 103-His propofition to the ftates of Hungary to arm, 158
Emprefs of Ruffia-Declaration to the Im- perial diet refpecting the war, 7-Pro- clamation iffued refpecting Dutch fhips,
15 Expedition againft Ireland -Letters relative thereto from Mr. Pelham, 234 Executive Directory-Proclamation to the army of the Sambre and Meule, 16- To the army of the interior, 49-Their arret refpecting feamen, 56-Their refo- lution refpecting the western departments, 57-Their letter to General Buonaparte, approving of his conduct, 57-Their refolution refpecting M. de Rehaufen, 63 -Anfwer to M. de Spinola, 78-Their meffage refpecting troops in peace, 86- Refpecting the troops of the interior, go
-Their refolution to fupprefs the army of the coafts of the ocean, 91-Their proclamation refpecting attempts to ex- cite alarm at Paris, 94-Their letter to the minifter of war refpe&ting reducing expenfes, 184-Their meffage refpecting English merchandise, 119. 121-Their anfwer to the Landgrave of Heffe's mi- nifter, 126-fend a negotiator to Vienna to negotiate a general armistice, 155- Answer to the Prince of Pignatelli, 157
Their declaration refpecting the re- ports of the arrival of an English pleni- potentiary at Paris, 214-Their metlage refpecting the wants of the Republic, 217 Speech to the American minifter Monroe, 304-Reply to the minifter from the Duke of Parma, 310-To the minifter from the King of Sardinia, 310-To the envoy from the Bey of Tunis, 311
Faypoult-His note to the fecretary of flate at Genoa, respecting the conduct of the
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