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gerent powers to pass through it, on condition that they do not there eftablish the theatre of the war, nor poffefs themselves of entrenched pofitions, &c. &c.

Given at Berlin, Auguft 5th, 1796, old flyle, and the
18th Thermidor, 4th year of the French Republic.


Treaty of Peace concluded between the French Republic and his Royal Highness the Infant Duke of Parma, Placentia, and Guastalla, under the Mediation of his Majefty the King of Spain, exercised by the Marquis Del Campo, his Ambassador to the French Republic.


HE French Republic and his royal highness the infant Duke of Parma, Placentia, and Guaftalla, defiring to re-establish the ties of amity which formerly fubfifted between the two states, and to put an end, as much as in their power, to the calamities of war, have accepted, with eagerne fs, the mediation of his Catholic Majefty, and have named for their plenipotentiaries, that is to fay, the Executive Directory, in the name of the French Republic, the citizen Charles Delacroix, minister of foreign affairs, and his royal highness the Infant Duke of Parma, Meffieurs the Count Pierre Politi and Don Louis Boll; who, after having exchanged their respective powers, have determined upon and concluded definitively the following articles, under the mediation of his Catholic Majefty, exercifed by the Marquis del Campo, his ambaffador to the French Republic, who has alfo prefented his full powers:

Article I. There shall be peace and amity between the French Republic and his royal highnefs the Infant Duke of Parina; the two powers fhall carefully abftain from every thing that may alter the good harmony and union eftablished between them by the prefent treaty.

II. Every act, engagement, or anterior convention, on the part of one or other of the two contracting powers, which might be contrary to the prefent treaty, thall be confidered as null and void. In confequence, during the courfe of the prefent war, neither of the two powers fhall furnish to the enemies of the other any fuccours in troops, arms, warlike ainmunition, provifions, or money, under whatever title and denomination it may be.

III. The Infant Duke of Parma engages not to permit the emigrants, or banished perfons of the French Republic, to stop or fojourn in his ftate.

IV. The French Republic and his royal highness the Infant Duke of Parma engage to remove the fequeftration from all the


effects, revenues, or goods, which may have been feized, confifcated, detained, or fold, from the citizens or subjects of the other power, relative to the prefent war, and to admit them to the legal exercise of the actions or rights belonging to them.

V. The contributions ftipulated in the convention of armistice, figned at Placentia on the 20th of laft Floreal, between General Buonaparte in the name of the French Republic, and the Marquifes Pelleviene and Phillippo delle Rofa in the name of the Infant Duke of Parma, fhall be fully difcharged. There fhall neither be levied nor exacted any other; if there have been levied any contributions in money, or required any fupplies in provifions, beyond what is fettled by the faid convention, the contributions in money fhall be reimbursed, and the provifions paid for at the current price at the time of delivery. There fhall be named on each part, if neceffary, commiffaries to execute the prefent article.

VI. From the fignature of the prefent treaty the states of his royal highness the Infant Duke of Parma fhall be treated as thofe of friendly and neutral powers; if there fhall be supplied any neceffaries to the troops of the Republic, by his royal highness or his fubjects, they fhall be paid for at a price agreed upon.

VII. The troops of the Republic fhall enjoy a free paffage through the ftates of the Infant Duke of Parma.

VIII. One of the contracting powers fhall not grant a free paffage to the troops of the enemy of the other.

IX. The French Republic and his royal highnefs the Infant Duke of Parma defiring to establish and augment by ftipulations, reciprocally advantageous, the commercial relations that exifted between their citizens and refpective fubjects, determined as follows:

X. Silks, grain, rice, olive oil, cattle, cheese, wines, and other articles, the produce of the eftates of his royal highness, shall be exported to the territories of the Republic without any restrictions bevond thofe which the exigencies of the country may render neceffary. The faid restrictions fhall never attach folely and efpecially upon the French citizen. There fhall even be granted every degree of preference for the purchase of the objects (mentioned or alluded to in the prefent article) of which circumstances may fufpend or restrain the exportation.

XI. All articles being the produce of the Republiz, its colonies or fisheries, fhall be imported, free of duty, into the ftates of his royal highness, and exported from France, fubject only to fuch reftrictions as local circumftances may render neceffary.

XII. All articles of French manufacture fhall likewife be imported to the states of his royal highnefs, unless he may deem it expedient, for the profperity of his own manufa&ures, to impofe certain restrictions or prohibitions; but these reftri&tions fhall in no case operate against French manufactures exclusively, to which

his royal highnefs even undertakes to give all the preference he can confiftently with the profperity of the manufactures of his own ftates.

The above articles fhall be executed with the most scrupulous reciprocity for the introduction of the manufactures of his royal highnefs's ftates into France.

XIII. The mutual duties on exports and imports shall be regulated by a separate convention: in case that such convention fhould not be ratified by the Republic, it is exprefsly agreed that the faid duties fhall be reciprocally afcertained and collected in the mode obferved with the countries the most favoured by the Republic.

XIV. The produce of the lands of the Republic, her colonies and fisheries, fhall be conveyed freely through the states of his royal highness, or lodged in warehoufes on their way to the other ftates of Italy, without the payment of customs, and liable only to a certain toll on their paffage, for the fupport of the highways; which fhall be regulated with all poffible difpatch, and founded on a moderate footing between the contracting parties, at fo much per quintal per league. The toll fhall be payable at the first office for entering the goods. .

The above article fhall alfo be in force in all part of the Republic; and all goods and merchandise the produce of the states of his royal highness the Infant Duke of Parma shall be subject to the fame regulations as above. And,

As the right of toll above mentioned has been retained only with a view to contribute to the fupport of the bridges and highways, it is exprefsly ftipulated that the goods and merchandise conveyed by the rivers and navigable canals fhall be reciprocally exempt from duties of every description.

The contracting parties refpectively fhall adopt the neceffary measures for the due execution of the prefent and preceding articles.

XV. In conformity to the fixth article of the treaty concluded at the Hague, the 22d Floreal, 3d year, the peace concluded by the prefent treaty is declared common with the Batavian Republic. XVI. The prefent treaty fhall be ratified, and the ratifications exchanged in one month at most from the present day, exclusively. Done at Paris, in the 5th year of the French Republic,

one and indivisible. (Signed)




His royal highnels ftipulates to grant a remiffion of one-fourth of the rights of importation on the goods and merchandise, being the produce of the Republic, her colonies, fisheries, and manufactures,

factures, deftined for the home confumption of the ftates, and alfo the right of exportation on the goods and merchandife, the produce of the ftates, and deftined for the foreign poffeffions of the Republic; provided the French Republic agree to a reciprocal diminution of duties.

I. On the goods and merchandise arifing from the ftates of his royal highnefs, at their entry on the territory of the Republic. II. On all goods and merchandife, the produce of the Republic, on being exported for the states of his royal highness. Done at Paris, the day and year as above.





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