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In page 263, line 19, read United States instead of United Provinces.






Armistice concluded with the Duke of Wurtemberg by General Moreau, Commander in Chief of the Army of the Rhine and the Moselle.

I. THE Duke of Wurtemberg shall instantly withdraw the troops whom he has furnished to the coalition for his contingent. These troops shall remain armed, and the Duke shall employ them as he thinks proper for the maintenance of the police in the interior of his dominions.

II. The French troops shall in future have a free passage through the towns of the duchy. Such of the troops as in virtue

- of the present article shall be ordered into any of the towns, shall be lodged either in the houses of the inhabitants, or in barracks, according to circumstances, but always in such manner as to cause no danger to the inhabitants.

III. The general in chief, in paffing through the duchy with his troops, in order to continue his military operations, will cause respect to be paid to persons and property. He will also take the necessary precautions to prevent any injury being done to the religion, and civil and military laws of the country.

IV. If it is necessary for the maintenance of the troops paffing or fojourning in the duchy, to draw subsistence from the country, fuch as corn, bread, meat, hay, oats, wood, carriages, or horfes, requisitions for which shall be made by the generals or commiffaries of war, these articles shall not be refused; but they shall be received on account as contributions in provisions and ready money, which the Duke of Wurtemberg is to furnith to the army. Every other article purchased from private persons shall be paid VOL. V.




for in ready money by the treasurer of the army. The articles furnished, from the date of the present armistice, to the French troops under General Duchefne, shall be deducted from the contributions of provisions demanded.

V. The Duke of Wurtemberg shall pay into the chest of the treasurer of the army of the Rhine and Moselle, a sum of four millions of French money in the following manner-a million in ten days; two millions in the next ten days. The fourth million shall be paid in two months after the date of the present armistice.

The Duke of Wurtemberg shall, besides, furnish provifions and other objects, as it shall be stipulated in private.

VI. The Duke of Wurtemberg shall send to the Directory at Paris a plenipotentiary to negociate peace with the French Republic.

VII. The towns of Esslingen and Renthingen being under the special protection of the Duke and the seignores of Sindhingen and Bechingen, belonging to the Duchess Dowager, are comprised in the present armistice, and in consequence are subject to the contributions demanded for their quota in proportion to their


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VIII. The general in chief will listen to all proposals for negociations which may be made by the Duke of Wurtemberg in the name of the states of the circle of Suabia, that may defire to treat with the French Republic.

Head-quarters, Baden, 29th Meffidor, 4th year of the French Republic (July 17.)



General in Chief of the Army of the
Rhine and the Mofelle.

Treaty of Peace between the Duke of Wurtemberg and the French


THE French Republic and his Serene Highness the Duke of Wurtemberg and Teck, equally animated with the defire of terminating the war in which they have been engaged, and for renewing that intercourse of commerce and of good neighbourhood which must be reciprocally advantageous to them both, have appointed the undernamed plenipotentiaries; the Directory, in the name of the French Republic, citizen Charles Delacroix, minister of external relations; and his Serene Highness the Duke of Wurtemberg and Teck, Baron Charles Woepwart, minifter of state and prefident of the chamber of finances, and Abel, counsellor of legislation, who, after having respectively interchanged their full powers, agreed on the following articles :


Art. I. There shall be peace, amity, and good understanding, between the French Republic and his Serene Highness the reigning Duke of Wurtemberg and Teck; confequently all hoftilities shall ceafe between the contracting powers from the date of the present treaty.

II. The Duke of Wurtemberg revokes all adherence, consent, and accession, open or fecret, given by him to the armed coalition against the French Republic, to any treaty of alliance, offenfive or defensive, which he may have contracted with it. In future he shall withhold from the powers at war with the Republic any contingent or aid in men, horfes, provifions, money, warlike flores or otherwise, under whatever title they may be demandedeven though he should be called upon as member of the Germanic empire.

III. The troops of the French Republic shall have free passage into the ftates of his Royal Highness, and permiffion to refide and to occupy all the military posts neceffary for their operation.

IV. His Serene Highness the Duke of Wurtemberg and Teck renounces, in favour of the French Republic, for himself, his fucceffors, and all who have any claim, all his rights to the principality of Montheliard, the lordships of Hericourt, Passavant, and other dependencies, in the county of Hobourg, also the lordships of Riquewir and Ofthein, and generally cedes to it all the property, rights and landed revenue, which he poffefses on the left bank of the Rhine, and the arrears due to him. He renounces all right against the Republic for all claims he might pretend to have against the French Republic, or the privation hitherto of the faid rights and revenues; and any other claim of whatever denomination anterior to the present treaty.

V. His Serene Highness engages not to permit the emigrants and priests, banished from the French Republic, to refide in his states.

VI. There shall immediately be concluded between the two powers, a treaty of commerce on grounds reciprocally advantageous. In the mean time all commercial relations shall be renewed on the fame footing as before the present war. All articles and commodities belonging to the foil, the manufactures, the colonies, or fisheries of France, shall enjoy in the states of his Royal Highness, liberty of tranfit, exempted from all duties except the tolls on carriages and horfes. French drivers shall, with refpect to the payment of the said tolls, be treated as the most favoured


VII. The French Republic, and his Serene Highness the Duke of Wurtemberg, respectively engage to remove the fequeftration of all effects, revenues, or goods, seized, confiscated, detained, or fold, belonging to French citizens on the one hand, and to the inhabitants of the duchies of Wurtemberg and Teck on

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the other; and to admit them to a legal exercise of their respective engagements and rights.

VIII. All the prisoners respectively made shall be delivered up within a month, reckoning from the exchange of the ratifications of the present treaty, on paying the debts they may have contracted during their captivity. The fick and wounded shall still be taken care of in their respective hofpitals, and shall be delivered up immediately on their cure.

IX. Conformably to the fixth article of the treaty concluded at the Hague, on the 27th Floreal of the third year, the prefent treaty of peace and amity is declared to be common with the Batavian Republic.

X. It shall be ratified, and the ratification exchanged within a month, reckoning from the fignature, and fooner, if poffible.

Paris, 20th Thermidor, fourth year of the French
Republic, one and indivitible.
CHARLES, Baron de Woepwart,


The Directory agrees upon and figns the present treaty of peace with the Duke of Wurtemberg, negociated in the name of the French Republic by the minister of external relations, named by the Executive Directory, by an arret of the 11th Thermidor, (prefent month) and charged with instructions for that purpose, at Paris, 21ft Thermidor, 4th year of the French Republic, one and indivisible.


(As an authentic copy)

LAGARDE, Secretary General.

This treaty was ratified by the legiflative body.

Armistice between the Circle of Suabia and General Moreau, Commander in Chief of the Army of the Rhine and the Mofelle.

IN the first four articles it is ftipulated that the circle shall withdraw its troops from the coalition, allow a free passage through the circle to the French troops, furnish them with provifions, waggons, and horfes, for which they will be paid, and fuffer the mails to pafs undisturbed.

Art. V. The circle of Suabia shall pay into the French military cheft the fum of twelve millions of livres in fpecie in the following manner: half a million within the first ten days, half a million in the next ten days, a million in the third decade, two millions in the fourth, two in the fifth, two in the fixth, two in the feventh, and two in the eighth decade.

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