On 13th October, the following Artillery Officers were passed out of the College: On 10th November, a class of 51 fresh Officer Students joined the 'Iraq into the Army: In addition to these, 13 Officers failed to pass out of the College and returned to civil life. On 10th November, a class of 51 fresh Officer Students joined the 'Iraq Military College being of the following ranks: A class of 50 Non-Commissioned Officers also joined the College for a class of instruction on this date [see (ii) (d)]. On 17th November, the following officers of the July course were commissioned: Generally speaking, the College had now begun to function satisfactorily and better results in training were plainly evident. On 1st January, 1922, the remainder of the July class passed out of the College to the Army. They were of the following ranks : A new class joined on the 3rd January, 1922, of the following ranks : The students were now divided into 4 classes as under: 1st Class: (In two divisions). Senior officers who had joined in Novem ber, 1921, and January, 1922. 2nd Class: Junior officers who had joined in November, 1921. 3rd Class: Junior officers who had joined in January, 1922. 4th Class: Non-Commissioned Officers who had joined in November, 1921. Owing to these classes being at different stages of instructions, the system of training had to be modified to meet requirements and the staff were very fully employed. The difficulties which were formerly met with, however, were not experienced, as the administration and organisation of the College had now much improved and the whole establishment haa settled into their places. During February and March, a marked improvement generally as regards training was noticeable. During February, Officers of ranks as under were commissioned and left the College: All these were of the November, 1921, class. Ninety-four Officer Students now remain in the School and will be ready for commissions by 31st March. The senior division of the 1st class, and the 2nd class are required for the Army on 1st April under present arrangements, and therefore the January class will complete a 6 months' course. Physical training was discontinued from November, 1921, and Tactics instituted for No. 1 class. Particular attention has been paid to Musketry, and in addition to frequent firing on the Miniature Range, a course of Musketry on the long range was begun on 4th March for the senior division of No. 1 Class and classes No. 2 and 4. The Translation Department of the 'Iraq Army was attached to the 'Iraq Military College and has been flooded with work, as in addition to carrying out the ground work of the bulk of the translation of Military Text Books required by the College and the Army at large, they were occupied with work required for the interior economy of the School, Lecture, etc. (b).-Translations and Courses of Instruction. The undermentioned books have been translated into Arabic and in addition lectures on Tactics and Military Administration, Standing Orders, etc., have been translated and printed in Arabic. One of the first tasks with which the Ministry of Defence found itself confronted was the necessity of forming an Arabic Military vocabulary. Hitherto all Military Terms, Text Books, Words of Command, etc., have been written in Turkish, and the necessity of translating these into Arabic involves the selection, adoptation and classification for Military purposes of words which have hitherto carried no special Military significance. The following courses of instructions have been held during the year:(a). A three months' course of instruction in Motor Transport (Fiats and Ford). One Officer and 17 men passed this course with credit. (b). A 6 weeks' course for 14 officers in the 2.75 B.L. Gun. (c). (d). A 2 months' course for 7 officers and 7 N.-C.O.'s in the .303 A 4 months' course at the 'Iraq Military College for 50 (after- (e). 14 Artificers have undergone a course of instructions in the British Ordnance Workshops, Baghdad. (ƒ). 16 men have been trained as Farriers at the Civil Veterinary Hospital. (g). 5 officers and 31 N.-C.O.'s have undergone a Cavalry Course under the senior Liaison Officer, Cavalry. 4. MEDICAL AND VETERINARY. (a).--Medical. Recruiting for the 'Iraq Medical Corps began on 2nd July, 1921, and a small hospital of 20 beds was opened in the North Gate Barracks, on 25th August, 1921. For establishment of the Medical Corps see (7). Baghdad Mesul Hillah 35 beds 50 "" As these hospitals are not yet fully equipped very serious cases are usually sent to Civil Hospitals. During the past 6 months 484 cases have been treated in Military Hospitals. There have been 5 cases of death in Hospital. There have been 2 cases of death out of Hospital (one of these due to an accident). Prevailing Diseases: Eye Diseases. Venereal. Only 1 case of infectious disease has been reported. Field Ambulance. A Field Ambulance of 2 sections is being prepared and is nearly complete. Medical Examination of Recruits and Invaliding. The rejection of recruits, or invaliding of soldiers out of the Army, has been chiefly due to the following causes: Trachoma and its consequences. Malarial Cachexia. Profound Anaemia usually due to Malaria or Ancylostomiasis. (b).—Veterinary. The Veterinary Service of the 'Iraq Army is naturally in its initial stage of development. Administrative British and Iraq Personnel. A Veterinary Adviser being necessary at Headquarters, the services oi the existing Director of Civil Veterinary Department for the sake of economy, are utilised. The executive Veterinary Officers ('Iraqis) are four in number, one in charge of Remounts and the other three in charge of areas. Two of them have not completed a full Veterinary course and it is proposed to send them to India to fully qualify. Further, the Veterinary Inspectors of the Civil Veterinary Department render all Veterinary aid in those areas where there is no Army Veterinary Officer stationed. The subordinate personnel consist of two men from each Unit being attached to the Veterinary Officers in charge of their formations and undergo a special course of instruction and work under their orders in the Unit's sick lines. Veterinary Hospitals. For the sake of economy, there are no Veterinary Sections nor Hospitals. The existing Hospital of the Civil Veterinary Department being available, the Hospital cases are evacuated there. Veterinary Equipment. All Units are provided with Field Veterinary Equipment on an economical scale and are issued to and held on charge of the Veterinary Officers concerned. Veterinary Stores. All Veterinary Stores are supplied from the Civil Veterinary Stores, Baghdad, on indent and the Director of Civil Veterinary Department personally scrutinises the demands. Returns. A return of sick and lame animals is rendered weekly by each Veterinary Officer for the Units under his charge to the Veterinary Adviser direct. Veterinary History sheets have been compiled for all animals and are kept with the Unit Commanders. Health of Animals. During the last two months ending 10th March, the total number of cases. treated in Sick Lines is 241. Of these 170 have been returned to duty, two have died and three were destroyed as incurable. Sixty six remain under treatment of which 42 are surgical cases. No contagious disease exists at the present time. The Arab pattern shoe has been universally adopted. Men have been and are being trained at the Civil Veterinary Hospital, Baghdad, as shoeingsmiths on a three months' course. Veterinary inspections of Units are made periodically by the Veterinary Adviser. 5.-JUDICIAL. On the 11th August, 1921, the "Iraq Army Proclamation" (provisional), was passed by the Council of Ministers and signed by His Excellency the High Commissioner. Under this Proclamation a permanent Court-Martial was instituted at Army Headquarters, Baghdad, to try the more serious offences against Military Law, and in March 1922, permission was obtained to institute similar permanent Courts-Martial at other stations at the discretion of the Minister of Defence. The total number of Courts-Martial held during the current year was 8 and the total number of cases of breaches of discipline reported to Ministry of Defence, but not warranting a Court-Martial was 180. The procedure used at Courts-Martial and Courts of Inquiry is based on that laid down in the Army Act and King's Regulations. N.B. The 3rd 'Iraq Cavalry will be formed on 1st April, Hillah: 1st 'Iraq Infantry (with one Coy. Hindiyah Barrage) 811 11 7 7.-AUTHORISED ESTABLISHMENT FOR 1921-22 AND ORGANISATION OF UNITS. The strength of the 'Iraq Army during the past year has had to be regulated not by the duties required of it so much as by the funds which could be provided for it from the revenues of the country. A total sum of 55 lakhs was set aside for the Army and plans were made to recruit the forces gradually so as to keep within the limits of this provision. The final strength aimed at was a force of: One Cavalry Regiment. One Battery of Artillery, composed of two Sections of 2.75" Mountain Three Battalions of Infantry. Two Transport Companies. Ministry and Advisory Staffs. Recruiting Staff. Officers' School. Medical Services. Accounts Department. During the year, it was found advisable to modify the composition of the above force in certain details, notably in the composition of the Battery, the 18 pdrs. Section of which was abandoned. The necessity of taking over the duty of garrisoning Mosul by April 1st, 1922, entailed a further re-organisation and the raising of additional troops. The money for this was found out of savings effected in the previous Budget due to Units not being recruited up to programme and from an additional vote of 8 lakhs. The additional forces to be raised with this sum consisted of two Regiments of Cavalry and one Mountain Battery. The total force, therefore, authorised at the end of the financial year was as shown in the following table: (The above figures represent enlisted personnel and are exclusive of Menials, and Artizans). 8. SUPPLY OF CLOTHING, ARMS, EQUIPMENT. AND ANIMALS. The greater bulk of the Army's general and surgical equipment, ammunition and warlike stores, personnel equipment and clothing, has been purchased through the Disposals at prices averaging 60 per cent. of Ordnance Vocabulary prices. Sufficient clothing and stores, etc.. has been provided for the Army sanctioned during the current financial year. Some stores and clothing were purchased locally such as head-gear, blankets, brow bands, saddlery, and some from overseas. Animal requirements have been provided by surplus animals from the Army of Occupation. The following have been taken over:— |