... if any man shall think by view and inquiry into these sensible and material things to attain that light whereby he may reveal unto himself the nature or will of God, then indeed is he spoiled by vain philosophy... The Works of Francis Bacon - Page 9by Francis Bacon (visct. St. Albans.) - 1819Full view - About this book
 | William Hawkins - 1787 - 440 pages
...fentiments, the great Lord Bacon fays, " If any <c man fhall think by view and enquiry into thefe " fenfible and material things, to attain that light " whereby he may reveal unto himfelf the nature " and will of God, then is he fpoiled through vain " philofophy. And hence, continues... | |
 | William Hawkins - Sermons, English - 1787 - 442 pages
...fentiments, the great Lord Bacon fays, " If any " man fhall think by view and enquiry into thefe " fenfible and material things, to attain that light " whereby he may reveal unto himfelf the nature " and will of God, then is he fpoiled through vain " philofophy. And hence, continues... | |
 | Books - 1821 - 398 pages
...the infallible decrees of nature : — but if any man shall think by view and enquiry into sensible and material things, to attain that light whereby he may reveal unto himself the nature and will of God, then is he spoiled through vain philosophy : for the sense of man is as the sun which... | |
 | Books - 1821 - 400 pages
...the infallible decrees of nature : — but if any man shall think by view and enquiry into sensible and material things, to attain that light whereby he may reveal unto himself the nature and will of God, then is he spoiled through vain philosophy : for the sense of man is as the sun which... | |
 | Henry Southern - 1821 - 398 pages
...the infallible decrees of nature : — but if any man shall think by view and enquiry into sensible and material things, to attain that light whereby he may reveal unto himself the nature and will of God, then is he. spoiled through vain philosophy : for the sense of man is as the sun which... | |
 | 1821 - 402 pages
...the infallible decrees of nature : — but if any man shall think by view and enquiry into sensible and material things, to attain that light whereby he may reveal unto himself the nature and will of God, then is he spoiled through vain philosophy : for the sense of man is as the sun which... | |
 | Francis Bacon - Logic - 1825 - 432 pages
...not to be lightly passed over : for if any man shall think by view and ! inquiry into these sensible and material things '•. to attain that light, whereby...for the contemplation of God's creatures and works produceih (having regard to the works and creatures themselves) knowledge ; but having regard to God,... | |
 | Edward Bulwer Lytton Baron Lytton - English literature - 1832 - 228 pages
...shall think, by view and inquiry into these sensible and material things, to attain that light thereby he may reveal unto himself the nature or will of God,...produceth (having regard to the works and creatures thcmselvei) knowledge; but (having regard to God) no perfect knowledge, but wonder, which is broken... | |
 | Edward Bulwer Lytton Baron Lytton - 1835 - 382 pages
...not to be lightly passed ' over; for if any man shall think, by view and inquiry into these sensible and material things, to attain that light, whereby...wonder, which is broken knowledge. And therefore, (note how wonderfully this image is translated, and how beautifully applied,) it was most aptly said... | |
 | Baptists - 1835 - 696 pages
...to attain to the mysteries of God." "If any man shall think, by view and inquiry into these sensible and material things, to attain that light, whereby...God, then indeed is he spoiled by vain philosophy. — And hence it is true, that it hath proceeded, that divers great and learned men have been heretical,... | |
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