Sect. XIII. The massacre of the innocents. The re- - Sect. XIV. Jesus goes to Jerusalem at twelve years of Sect. XV. The preaching of John the Baptist in the wil- Sect. XVII. The baptism of Christ. The Holy Spirit Sect. XVIII. Christ tempted in the wilderness by the Sect. XIX. The testimony of John concerning Christ. Sect. XXI. Christ turns the water into wine, his first miracle. - - Sect. XXIII. The last testimony of John the Baptist. Sect. XXIV. Christ discourses with a woman of Samaria. 79 Sect. XXV. Christ returns into Galilee. Sect. XXVII. Passages of the prophecies of Daniel re- lating to the kingdom of heaven. Sect. XXVIII. Christ begins to preach the Gospel, and calls Peter, Andrew, James and John. Sect. XXIX. Passages from the prophecies of Isaiah, foretelling the coming of Jehovah to bring salvation. Seot Jairus's daughter, and gives sight to two blind men. 113 Sect. XXXIV. Christ walks in the corn-fields with his disciples on the sabbath-day. His discourse with the Pharisees concerning the Sabbath. He cures a man Sect. XXXV. Christ having spent the night in prayer, Sect. XXXVIII. Continuation of Christ's sermon on the Sect. XL. Conclusion of Christ's sermon on the mount. Sect. XLI. Christ cures the centurion's servant. Raises Sect. XLVIII. Christ sendeth out the twelve apostles Sect. XLIX. Christ's discourse concerning John the Baptist. He upbraids the cities of Chorazin and Bethsaida for their unbelief. He invites the heavy Sect. L. John the Baptist beheaded in prison, at the Sect. LI. Christ eats with Simon the Pharisee. A wo- man anoints his head with ointment, and washes Sect. LIII. The apostles return to Christ. He feeds five thousand with five loaves and two fishes. Sect. LV. Christ discourses with his disciples concern- Sect. LVI. Christ heals the impotent man at the pool Sect. LVIII. Christ cures the daughter of a Canaanitish woman. Gives hearing to a deaf man; and per- Sect. LIX. Christ feeds four thousand with seven loaves Sect. LX. A blind man cured. Peter professes his 2.52 Sect. LXII. Christ is transfigured before two of his - Sect. LXVI. Continuation of Christ's discourse con- Sect. LXVIII. Christ goes to Jerusalem at the feast of tabernacles. He discourses with the Jews concern- Sect. LXX. Christ's proclamation on the last day of the Sect. LXXIII. The seventy disciples return. Christ ing prayer. He dines at the house of a publican. covetous covetous rich man. He exhorts his disciples to page Sect. LXXVIII. Christ warns his hearers of the dif. Sect. LXXIX. Christ cures a man of the dropsy at the : - Sect LXXX. Christ urges the necessity of considering 359 Sect. LXXXIV. The parables of the unjust judge, and - Sect. LXXXV. Christ rebukes the intemperate zeal of James and John, and heals the ten lepers. He |