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The Nonconformist's Memorial, being an Account of the Lives, Sufferings, and printed Works of two thousand Ministers ejected from the Church of England, chiefly by the Act of Uniformity, August 24, 1662. Originally written by Edmund Calamy, D. D. Abridged, corrected, and methodised, with many additional Anecdotes, and several new Lives. By Samuel Palmer. The second Edition. In three Volumes. Embellished with Heads of the principal Divines, chiefly from Original Pictures. Vol. 1st. Button and Son.

9s. 6d.

THE copious title page of this work sufficiently

explains its contents; and it is impossible for the pious and liberal mind to peruse it with indifference. It details the cruel effects of persecution. We would fain believe that the world is too enlightened and benevolent ever to repeat the tragedy. But it is proper to be on our guard; and it is fit that such examples of patient and conscientious suffering should beget in us a detestation of bigotry, and a generous regard for the interests of pious individuals.

Select Amusements in Philosophy and Mathematics, proper for agreeably exercising the Minds of Youth, translated from the French of M. L. Despiau. With several Corrections and Additions; particularly a large Table of Chances or Odds at Play. Kearsley. 5s. 6d. in boards

HE ardour with which science has been pro

variety of discoveries, which constitute a never failing source of amusement. Not only our own countrymen, but also foreigners, have distinguished themselves by their researches-the investigation of

knowledge is a joint concernit is indeed of universal obligation.

This publication contains a collection of pro blems for solution, and of experiments, for the entertainment of a very instructive and impressive nature. We have no room for specimens; but may just remark, that the volume is accompanied with a strong recommendation from the celebrated mathematician, Dr. Hutton, of Woolwich; this will be sufficient to the readers of our Miscellany.

Letters on Education. By Miss Hamilton, Author of the Memoirs of Modern Philosophers, &c. Robinsons.

HIS enlightened female has laid before the

Tpublic several little works, which have been well received. Having been encouraged by her former efforts, she proceeds with a commendable zeal in the great task of improving mankind. The subject of education has been hackneyed-but yet there are certain branches which remain in a state of imperfection. It is possible, that minds variously constituted may throw light on topics which require illustration-and surely, in so important a business as that of training up youth every ray of wisdom should be thankfully admitted and improved.

As Miss H. means to pursue the subject, we must suspend a final judgment till the whole plan be completed. In the mean time, we must express our hearty approbation of what has been accomplished. On many subjects we were happy to perceive that she observes a just medium between Miss More and Miss Edgeworth. On the topic of religion in particular, she exhibits neither the spruceness of the one, nor the indifference of the other.


With Miss H. we are of opinion, that youth should be trained up from their early years to a manly, rational, and chearful piety.

The Encyclopedia of Wit. Philips. 6s. in boards.

HIS pot-bellyed volume may, by some, be Tdeemed a dear pennyworth; yet it certainly contains a vast quantity of anecdotes; many of which will entertain the vacant mind. There are times in which the most serious want recreation, and to such the book may prove useful. We wish such anecdotes and sayings were more select ; though, on the whole, the present budget merits our approbation..

Retrospect of the Political World,

THE present month has been exceedingly barren of news; hostilities having ceased between the different nations of Europe, we have few events to record in this department of our work, which can either attract attention or gratify curiosity.

The only event by which the public are at this moment interested, is the signing the DEFINITIVE TREATY at Amiens. Of this celebrated transaction we know scarcely any thing on which we may depend with certainty. That the parties have left Paris and are arrived at Amiens, is well known to be the case. That the affair has commenced and made some progress towards its conclusion, is another fact pretty generally acknowledged. But still politicians are much perplexed respecting the particular articles of which the treaty is to be constituted. Concerning the interests of Portugal, various opinions are entertained. Indeed, the French

and English papers are somewhat contradictory on' the subject. As to the time also, when this grand business will be completed, large wagers are laid. It is, however, apprehended, that in a very short time, the definitive treaty will be brought to a termination.

It is with no small pleasure that we conclude our labours for the year, with the recollection that WAR has ceased in the course of it. In this circumstance every generous Briton will rejoice. Henceforward we are led to entertain the prospect that the blessings of tranquillity will reach every corner of our land. May want and misery be banished from amongst us! May the bounties of Providence, arising from the late plentiful harvest,' be widely circulated and gratefully enjoyed! MayPeace and Plenty shed their joint influence on the NEW YEAR, which will have commenced by the time our readers take into their hands the present number of the Monthly Visitor!




THE elegant little theatre at Strawberry-hill, left by Lord Orford to the Hon. Mrs. Damer, has been just opened, and the exhibitions were graced by a numerous and elegant auditory.

2. Cornet Sampson, of the light dragoons, engaged to walk ninety miles in twenty-one hours and a half, for 1050 guineas. He is a gentleman of low stature, very light made, and about 22 years of age. He is now training himself at Headon in Holderness.

3. The Ministers of Leith received a sum of money for the poor, accompanied with the following note" An extra gift to the poor, out of grati

tude to God for restoring to this country the inestimable blessing of Peace. May it please him to grant that it may be a perpetual peace between this country and the world! A Friend to Peace."

4. A model of a boat, on a new construction, has been submitted to the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty for their inspection-it is so constructed, as to go againt wind and tide, and requires but one man to conduct it.

7. The remains of Mrs. Crawford, twenty-five years ago the great favourite of the public, and the first tragic actress of the day, were deposited in the cloister of Westminster Abbey, in the grave of her former husband, at her express request before she expired. Her coffin was placed over that of Mr. Barry, near that of the last Mrs. Pope.

8. A tenant belonging to an old house in Great Guilford Street, in the Borough, was removing his goods before he had proceeded from the place but a few yards the whole front of the house tumbled to the ground, with a great noise that alarmed the neighbourhood. A passenger going by at the time was nearly buried in the ruins.

10. The annual meeting of the Royal Academy took place for the distribution of the prizes to the successful candidates-the president called up the students, and distributed the prizes as follow-for the best painting, the gold medal, S. F. Rigaud for the best architectural design a gold medal, to T. Willson-for the best drawing of an academy figure, a silver medal, R. A. Watty-ditto, for the second ditto, J. H. Merton-for the best architectural drawing, a silver, medal, J. Wilton. The president then made an address to the students with his usual spirit and ability.

11. An attempt was made to poison a family near York. Mrs. T. one morning went to the pump in order to fill the tea kettle with water for

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