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" Can he delight in the production of such abortive intelligences, such short-lived reasonable beings? Would he give us talents that are not to be exerted ? Capacities... "
The Arminian Magazine: Consisting of Extracts and Original Treatises on ... - Page 487
by John Wesley - 1785
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The Spectator: ...

1718 - 348 pages
...that Wifdom, •which ihines through all his Works, in the Formation of Man, without looking on thfs World as only a Nurfery for the next, and believing...feveral Generations of rational Creatures, which rife tip and difappear in fuch quick Succeffions, are only to receive their firft Rudiments of Exiftence...
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The Spectator, Volume 2

1729 - 342 pages
...Capacities that are never to be gratified > How can we find that Wifdojn which fhines through all his Works, in the Formation of Man, without looking on this World...Creatures, which rife up and difappear in fuch quick Succefllons, are only to receive their firft Rudiments of Exiftence here, and afterwards to be tranfplanted...
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The Moral Miscellany: Or, a Collection of Select Pieces, in Prose and Verse ...

English literature - 1773 - 394 pages
...capacities that are never to be gratified ? How can we find that wifdom which mines through all his works, in the formation of man, without looking on this world...rational creatures, which rife up and difappear in fncli quick fucceflrons, are only to receive their firft rudiments of exiftence here, and afterwards...
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Sermons on several subjects, Volume 1

Beilby Porteus (bp. of London.) - Sermons, English - 1783 - 468 pages
...kind ; to provide himfelf with a fucceflbr, and then to quit his poft : but, that thofe fhort-lived generations of rational creatures, which rife up and difappear in fuch quick fucceffion, are only to receive their firft rudiments of exiftence here, and then to be tranfplanted...
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Lessons in Elocution, Or, A Selection of Pieces in Prose and Verse: For the ...

William Scott - Elocution - 1789 - 416 pages
...capacities that are never to be gratified ? How can we find that wifdom which fhines through all his works, in the formation of man, without looking on this world...the feveral generations of rational creatures, which rile up and difappear in fuch quick fucceffions, are only to receive their firft rudiments of exigence...
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Elegant Extracts: Or, Useful and Entertaining Passages in Prose ..., Volume 1

English literature - 1797 - 680 pages
...Oiine» through all his works, in the formation of man, without looking on thii world M only a nurfcry for the next, and believing that the feveral generations of rational creatures, which rife up and difapÇW in fuch qnick fucceflions, are only to receive their firft rudiments ef exiftence htrt, and...
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Essays on suicide and the immortality of the soul. With remarks by the ...

David Hume - 1799 - 142 pages
...that are never to be gratified? How can we find that wifdom , which fliines through all his works, in the formation of man , without looking on this...creatures , which rife up and difappear in fuch quick .fucceflions, are only to receive their hrft rudiments of exiftence here, and afterwards to be tranfplanted...
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The English Reader: Or, Pieces in Prose and Poetry Selected from the Best ...

Lindley Murray - Readers - 1799 - 408 pages
...that are ' never to be gratified ? How can we find that wifdom which fliines through all his works, in the formation of man, without looking on this world as only a nurfery for the next; and without believing that the feveral generations of rational creatures, which rife up and difappear in...
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The Beauties of the Spectators, Tatlers, and Guardians: Connected ..., Volume 2

Joseph Addison - English imprints - 1801 - 364 pages
...Capacities mat are never to be gratified ? How can we find that wifdom which fhines through all his works, in the formation of man, without looking on this world as only a nurfery for the nsxt, and Believing that the feveral generations of rational. creatures, which rife up and difappear...
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The British essayists; with prefaces by A. Chalmers, Volume 7

British essayists - 1802 - 342 pages
...Capacities that are never to be gratified ? How can we find that wisdom, which shines through all his works in the formation of man, without looking on this world as only a nursery for the next, and believing that the several generations of rational creatures, which rise...
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