THE Arminian Magazine, For the YEAR 1785. CONSISTING CHIEFLY OF EXTRACTS AND ORIGINAL TREATISES O N Univerfal Redemption. VOLUME VIII. LONDON: Printed b J. PARAMORE, at the Foundry, Moorfields; THE Arminian Magazine, For JANUARY 1785. An EXTRACT from Dr. WHITBY's Difcourfes. on the FIVE POINTS. DISCOURSE I. Concerning Election and Reprobation. The State of the Question. "L ET it be observed from Bishop Davenant, "That no medium can be affigned, either on God's part, betwixt the decrees of predeftinating fome men, and not predeftinating others; or on men's part, betwixt men abfolutely predeftinated to the attainment of life eternal, and absolutely left to fail of eternal life, which is abfolute Reprobation. As for example: let us fuppofe the number of mankind to be two millions, if out of these, one million only, by the decree of Election, be infallibly appointed to eternal life, and abfolutely diftinguished from others, not only as to their number, but their perfons alfo; who can deny but that one million, and those certain, as to their perfons, are as abfolutely comprised under the decree of Reprobation, as the others were under the decree of Election." So there is no VOL. VIII. poffibility A 2 |