Thoughts upon fome late Occurrences A Defcription of St. Winefred's Well, at Holy-Well, in 267 held Nov. 1414 Some Particulars concerning the Council of Conftance, 269 An Helvetic Tale 271 Some Account of Mrs. Hannah Wood 273 307 The fame, concluded Some Account of Robert Dennis; in a Letter to the Rev. 362 J. Welley The fame, concluded 309 A Relation of Witchcraft difcovered in the Village of 366 The fame, concluded Of Judge Jefferies, on the Trial of Mr. Richard Baxter A Letter from the late Prefident Montefquieu to the Author of the View of Lord Bolingbroke's Philofophy A Remedy for the Palfy Method of curing a violent Sprain 3:8 375 321 325 327 ib:d. A fingular Cafe, related by Thunanus, in his Hiftory of the Civil Wars of France The Will of the late Lady Palmerston, indorsed, for the 328 A Copy of an original Letter, written by Mr. Solomon Some Account of the Right Hon. Laurence, late Earl An Effay to prove that the Chinese are an Egyptian Colony : A Feaft made by G. Nevil, Chancellor of England, and A brief Account of the Lord's Dealings with Sarah Powell 416 382 420 385 387 388 404 458 407 from an English Merchant, giving an Account 410 411 413 A remark A remarkable Story of a Gentleman walking in his Sleep gion in Indoftan The fame, concluded A remarkable Adventure A remarkable Inftance of Courage Some Account of Mr. J. Pritchard The fame, continued The fame, continued Account of Mr. Thomas Wadsworth Page 414 425 474 432 433 454 512 566 622 460 Account of Mr. Richard Wavel 465 A Queftion concerning Dew on Coach-Glaffes 469 An Account of an Expedition 470 Sir Robert Southwell's Method to make Fruit and Flowers grow in Winter, &c. 473 Pharamona's Edict against Duels 477 A Tranflation of an Epiftle from Philip Melanthon, to 535 537 A Tranflation of an Epiftle from Philip Melanthon to ibid. A Tranflation of an Epiftle written by Erafmus, about ten Years before his Death 539 A Trandation of an Epiftle written by Erafmus, a little before his Death, to Darnianus A fhort Account of the Life and Death of Jane Ogilby 574 Jedidiah Buxton's Prediction 577 The Chara&ter and Prayer of Prince Eugene A genuine Copy of King Henry the VIII, for a Day's 582 584 The To the Memory of Jofeph Trapp, D. D. Some Account of Second Sight The Hiftory of Inkle and Yarico Reflections, fuppofed to be made by an Indian King: then in London A fhort Account of the Death of Alderman Parker A fhort Account of Mary Crosdall From Mr. J. Hofkins, to Mr. Squire, giving an Account of the Work of God in Newfoundland Thoughts upon Government Remarks on the Planting of Trees The remarkable Speech of the great Czar of Mufcovy, 628 632 Peter I, to King William III. when he met him at Utrecht 633 On the Eternity of God 634 Mutual Generofity, &c. 637 An Account of the Ifland of Iona, &c. 641 Thoughts upon Dipation 643 An Extract of a Letter from a Perfon in Maryland, to his Friend in Philadelphia 646 An Account of a ftrange Deliverance 649 Divine Juftice 655 A Cure for a common Swearer 656 LETTER S. Letter CCCLII. From the Rev. J. Wesley to the Rev. Letter CCCLIII. From Mrs. Mary Jones, to the Rev. J. Letter CCCLIV. From Mrs. M. S. to the fame Letter CCCLXIV. From Mifs H. B. to the Rev. J, Letter CCCLXV. From Mifs A. B. to the fame Letter CCCLXVII. From Mifs H. B. to the fame Letter CCCLXVIII. From the Rev. Mr. Graves, to the Letter CCCLXIX. From Mr. G. Williams, to the same Letter CCCLXXI. From Mr. C. Winter, to the fame Letter CCCLXXIX. From Mifs F. Owen, to the fame Letter CCCLXXXII. From Mrs. Mary Jones, to the fame POETRY. Page 379 834 335 336 393 394 ibid. 434 437 489 490 551 552 604 606 608 657 658 To the Rev. Dr. Afcough; by Lord L-n 169 Bishop Corbet to his Son Vincent Corbet, two years of age 174 English Doggerel. An Epitaph ibid. The three Warnings: a Tale 225 A Midnight Hymn 228 Lord Guilford Dudley, to Lady Jane Gray: both under Trufting in the Mercy of God with humble submission and hope 398 Ал An Epitaph on an Infant found dead in a Field, who was denied Chriftian burial The fame, concluded Lines written on a Pane of Glass in one of the Windows of Bishop Bedell's Houfe A Letter to a Perfon in high life A remarkable Epitaph in Latin - An Elegy, written by a Father on the Death of his Child |