My nature changed, by Jefu's faving grace, "The Saviour next (in glorious light arrayed) Nor pain, nor death shall e'er afflict thee more. "He ceafed; and round his throne the radiant throng, Unbounded joys o'erflowed my ravished heart, "Cease then your grief-By humble faith and prayer, Farewel bleft shade! I fee thy beauties rife ; Bless my whole houfe; prepare us all to fland The The BENEFIT of AFFLICTION, Job v. 6, 7, 8. WHEN huge afflictions prefs me down, And forrows make my nature groan, Where fhall I find relief? I'll bow myself before my God And humbly kifs the facred rod, My numerous fins will I confefs, So fure as sparks from burning fire, Nor is the caufe fo hard to tell, To Jefus then I make my moan :- Since thou for me didft undertake, My fuit is gained-thy blood did make Original Sermons. By the Rev. J. Welley. Sermon XXV. on Cor. xiii. 1, 2, 3, The fame, concluded Sermon XXVI. on Hebrews vi. 1. The fame, concluded 343 389 445 501 557 613 70 125 179 Sermon The fame, concluded J. Welley Sermon XXVII. on Hebrews xiii. 17. The fame, concluded Sermon XXVIII. on John i. 47. The fame, concluded Sermon XXIX. on Philippians ii. 12, 13. Sermon XXX. on Revelation xxi. 5. An Account of Mr. W. M'Cornock, in a Letter to the Rev. The fame, concluded An Account of Mr. J. Hofkins: in a Letter to the Rev. 359 J. Welley The fame, concluded Apparition 24 85 143 194 27 88 146 An Extract from a Sermon, on God is Love. 29 90 148 206 254 The fame, continued A Relation of a wonderful Difcovery of Murder, by an A late memorable Event The fame, concluded 312 369 32 34 96 The real Character of Montanus 35 The Shipwreck 87 From the Philofophical Transactions 39 The fame, concluded An Account of the Sunday Charity-Schools, lately begun 105 43 An Extract from a Journey from Aleppo to Jerufalem; at The fame, continued The fame, continued The fame, continued The fame, continued The fame, continued A Memorial for Mifs Nancy Biffaker: written in the seventh year of her Age, by the late Mr. C. Perronet The fame, continued The fame, concluded An Account of Mrs. Standering An Account of the Apparition of Major Sydenham A remarkable Will Remarkable Courage An Account of the Death of Mr. D. Jenkins An Account of the Death of Mr. J. Ellis Some Remarks on Article X. of Mr. Maty's New Review, 481 540 594 650 48 111 163 80 93 99 102 104 144 145 151 155 202 250 Dr. Hamilton's Account of a great Deliverance 157 Anecdote of Archbishop Sharpe ibid. An Account of the Life and Death of Thomas Slater A remarkable Account taken (verbatim) from a Grave- 159 197 An Account of the Death of Mr. T. Cappiter 199 The fame, continued The fame, concluded A remarkable Account of Jane Wildbore Of Eternal Providence 200 210 A remarkable punishment of Murder 213 Of planting Potatoes 215 An Account of the remarkable Conversion of an Indian Prieft to Chriftianity 216 A Method of faving frozen Limbs 222 A fhort Account of the Experience of the Rev. James |