| 1718 - 348 pages
...and mufical Inftruments. Gladnefsgrewin ' me upon the Difcovery of fb delightful a Scene. I wifh« ed for the Wings of an Eagle* that I might fly away to •• thofe happy Seats; but the Genius told me there was no " -Pafl&£C to them, except through the Gates of Death that... | |
| 1729 - 342 pages
...delightful a Scene. I wifhed for the Wings of an Er.g!e, that I might fly away to thofe happy Seats ; but the Genius told me there was no Paflage to them, except through the Gitei of Death that I faw opening every Moment upon the Bridge. The Iflands, faid he, that lie fo freth... | |
| English literature - 1773 - 394 pages
...initruments. Gladnefs grew in me upon the difcovery of fo I dd;"hthft •delightful a fcene. I wifhed for the wings of an eagle, that I might fly away to...happy feats ; but the genius told me there was no paffage 10 them, except thro' the gates of death that I faw opening every moment •upon the bridge.... | |
| Young women - 1778 - 124 pages
...and mufical Inftruments : Gladnefs grew upon me on the Difcovery of fo delightful a Scene. I wifhed for the Wings of an Eagle, that I might fly away to thofe happy Seats ; but the Genius told me, there was no Paflage to them, except through the Gates of Death, tkat... | |
| John Wesley - Biography - 1785 - 718 pages
...me upon the difcovery of fo delightful a fcene. I wifhed for the wings of an eag!e, that I might fty away to thofe happy feats ; but the genius told me there was no paftage to them, except through the gates of death that I faw opening every moment upon the bridge.... | |
| 1786 - 694 pages
...>••«•».ten, ments. GlaJnefs grew in me upon the difcovery of fo delightful a fcene. I *vi(hed for the wings of an eagle, that I might fly away to ttiofc happy feats ; but the genius told me there was no paflage to them, except through the gates... | |
| Vicesimus Knox - English prose literature - 1790 - 1058 pages
...and mufical mllruments.. Gladnefs grew in me at the dif- . covery of fo delightful a fcene. I \viihed for the wings of an eagle, that I might fly away to thofe happy lents j but the genius told me there was no pafl'age to them, except through the gutes of death that... | |
| Addison (pseud.) - Anecdotes - 1794 - 562 pages
...and mufical inflruments. Gladnefs grew in me upon the difcovery of fo. delightful a fcene. I wifhed for the wings of an eagle that I might fly away to thofe happy fcas: But the genius told me there was no paflage to them, except through the gates of death, that... | |
| 1794 - 450 pages
...and musical instruments. Gladness grew in me upon the discovery of so delightful a scene. I wished for the wings of an eagle, that I might fly away to those happy seats \ but the Genius told me there was no passage to them, except through the gates of... | |
| Devotional literature - 1797 - 110 pages
...and mufical inftruments. Gladnefs grew in me upon the difcovery of fo delightful a fcene. I wifhed for the wings of an eagle that I might fly away to...happy feats ; but the genius told me there was no pafiageto them, except through the gates of death that I faw opening every moment upon the bridge.... | |
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