GRAND ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER OF THE STATE OF RHODE-ISLAND. Providence, July 7, A. L. 5802. THE subscribers, having been appointed a committee to examine a publication by companion THOMAS S. WEBB, entitled, "THE FREEMASON'S MONITOR," beg leave to report, that having attended to the subject of their appointment, they are of opinion, that the said publication is replete with useful Masonic Information, and is fully entitled to the sanction of this Grand Chapter. JOHN CARLILE, R. A. K. JOSEPH TILLINGHAST, R. A. C. Whereupon resolved unanimously, That this Grand Chapter recommend the aforesaid work to the attention and study of all the members of the fraternity to whom the same may come. Extract from the records. AMOS T. JENCKES, Grand Secretary PREFACE. THE following work, although chiefly intended for the use of the ancient and honourable society of Free and Accepted Masons, is also calculated to explain the nature and design of the Masonic Institution, to those who may be desirous of becoming acquainted with its principles, whether for the purpose of initia tion into the society, or merely for the gratification of their curiosity. The observations upon the first three degrees, are many of them taken from Preston's "Illustrations of Masonry,". with some necessary alterations. Mr. Preston's distribution of the first lecture into six, the second into four, and the third into twelve sections, not being agreeable to the mode of working in America, they are differently arranged in this work. It is presumed, that all regular Lodges, and Royal Arch Chapters, will find it a useful assistant and Monitor; inasmuch as it contains most of the Charges, Prayers, and Scripture Passages, made use of at our meetings, and which are not otherwise to be found, without recourse to se veral volumes. This often occasions much delay in the recitals, produces many irregularities in their distribution, and sometimes causes important omissions. The whole are here digested and arranged in such order, through the several degrees, from the Entered Apprentice to the Royal Arch Mason, that they may be easily understood; and, by a due attention to their several divisions, the mode of working, as well in arrangement as matter, will become universally the same. This desirable object will add much to the happiness and satisfaction of all good Masons, and redound to the honour of the whole fraternity. September 26th, 1797. VII Pre-requisites for a Candidate Form of a Petition to be presented by a Candi Declaration, to be assented to by a Candidate, |