cause them to be delivered to persons that he should appoint, to secure them, and have them brought to Jerusalem, to receive the punishment due to their crimes. Solomon then elected fifteen masters, in whom he could place the highest confidence, and among whom were those who had been in the cavern, and sent them in quest of the villains, and gave them an escort of troops. Five days were spent in the search, when Terbal, who bore Solomon's letter to Moriha and Eleham, discovered them, cutting stone in the quarry; they immediately seized them and bound them in chains. When they arrived at Jerusalem, they were imprisoned in the tower of Achizer, and the next morning a punishment was inflicted on them adequate to their crimes. Lodge is closed by 3 times 5. CHAPTER VIII. Illustrious Knights, or Sublime Knights Elected. THIS lodge is called a grand chapter; Solomon presides, and of course is to be decorated with a sceptre. In place of two wardens, there are a grand, inspector, and grand master of ceremonies. The jewel worn in this lodge is a sword, ine tended to represent a sword of justice, hung to a large black ribbon; on the part crossing the breast, must be an inflamed heart; which is also to be The chapter is painted on the flap of the apron. illuminated by twelve lights. History of this Degree. After vengeance had been fully taken on the traitors mentioned in the foregoing degrees, Solo. mon instituted this, both as a reward for the zeal and integrity of the grand masters elect of fifteen, and also by their preferment to make room for raising other worthy brethren from the lower de grees to that of grand master elect of fifteen. He accordingly appointed twelve of the fifteen, chosen by ballot, to constitute a grand chapter of illustrious knights, and gave them command over the twelve tribes. He expressed a particular regard for this order, and shewed them the precious things in the tabernacle, Here follow the names of the twelve illustrious knights, with the tribes over which they respeetively presided: 1. Joabert, who presided over the tribe The illustrious knights gave an account to Solo mon, every day, of the work that was done in the temple, by their respective tribes, and received their pay. This chapter is closed by 12. CHAPTER IX.. Observations on the Degree of Grand Master Architects. THIS chapter is painted white, with red flames; by which is signified the purity of heart and zeal, that should be the characteristic of every grand master architect. It must have in it a delineation of the five orders of architecture; together with a representation of the north star, with seven small stars round it, which signify, that as the north star is a guide to mariners, so ought virtue to be the guide of grand master architects. The jewel is a gold medal, on both sides of which are engraved the five orders of architecture, suspended by a broad, dark, stone-coloured ribbon, from the left shoulder to the right hip. Every grand master architect must be furnished with a case of mathematical instruments. Address to a Candidate on his Admission to this Degree. "Brother, "I have elevated you to this degree from an expectation that you will so apply yourself to geometry, to which you are now devoted, as will procure you knowledge sufficient to take away the veil from before your eyes, which yet remains there, and enable you to arrive at the perfect and sublime degree." History. Solomon established this degree with a view of forming a school of architecture, for the instruction of the brethren employed in the temple of God, and animating them to arrive at perfection in the royal art. He was a prince equally famed for his justice, as for his wisdom and foresight; he was therefore desirous of rewarding the talents and virtues of the faithful, in order to make them perfect, and fit to approach the throne of God. He accordingly cast his eyes upon the chiefs of the twelve tribes, as persons extremely proper to fulfil the promise made to Enoch, to Moses, and to David, that with great zeal, in fulness of time the bowels of the earth should be penetrated. This chapter is closed by 1 and 2. CHAPTER X. Observations on the Degree of Knights of the Ninth Arch. TO form a lodge of this degree, five persons at least must be present.. 1st. The most potent grand master, represent ing Solomon, in the east, seated in a chair of state, under a rich canopy, with a crown on his head, and a sceptre in his hand. He is dressed in royal robes of yellow, and an ermined vestment of blue satin, reaching to the elbows; a broad purple ribbon from the right shoulder to the left hip, to which is hung a triangle of gold. 2d. The grand warden, representing the king of Tyre, on his left hand, seated as a stranger, elothed in a purple robe and a yellow vestment. 3d. The grand inspector, representing G-, in the west, with a drawn sword in his hand, |