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behold my hands: and reach hither thy hand, and thrust it into my side; and be not faithless, but believing. And Thomas answered, and said unto him, My Lord and my God."



THE order of Knights of the Holy Sepulchre was instituted in the year 1219. Their uniform was a red cross, and their oath, to defend the sepulchre of Christ. Upon the extinction of this order, many of them joined the Knights of Malta.

The Knights of Tutons, or Allemagne, wore white garment, with a black cross.

The Knights of Calatrava, a black garment with a red cross on the breast.

The Knights of Alcantrava, a green cross.

The Knights of the Redemption wore a white

garment, with a black cross.

The Knights of Christ wore a black garment, with a double cross.

The Knights of the Mother of Christ, a little red cross, reflected with gold.

The Knights of Lazarus wore a green cross on the breast.

The Knights of the Star wore a star on their


The Knights of the Band wore a band of three fingers width, fastened on the left shoulder, and brought over the breast, under the right arm.

The Knights of the Annunciation of the Virgin Mary wore a collar made of plates of gold and silver, with a picture of the Virgin Mary pendent thereto.

The Knights of St. Michael wore a chain of gold, woven like little shells, and a picture of St. Michael pendent thereto.

The Knights of St. Stephen wore a black gar-ment, with a red cross.

The Knights of the Holy Ghost wore a dove,

on the middle of a cross.





Of Encampments of Knights in America.


Grand Encampment of Pennsylvania.

ON the 12th day of May, A.D. 1797, a convention of Knights Templars was holden at Philadelphia, for the purpose of taking into consideration the propriety and expediency of forming a Grand Encampment. The convention, after having considered the subject, came to a determination to form and open a grand encampment. in the city of Philadelphia, to consist of an equal representation from the several encampments of Knights Templars in the state of Pennsylvania. They accordingly appointed a committee, consisting of four deputies from each encampment, to report a form of constitution; which report was made on the 19th of the same month, and, after having been read and amended, it was agreed to, and

the grand encampment organized agreeably thereto. The encampments under its jurisdiction are,

[blocks in formation]

United States Grand Encampment of Knights Templars, and the Appendant Orders.

A GRAND convention of Knights Templars was holden in Providence, on the 6th day of May, A.D. 1805; when the following measures were proposed and adopted, unanimously, viz.

"Resolved, as the sense of this convention, that the formation and establishment of a grand encampment of knights templars, would tend to promote the honour and interests of the orders of knighthood, and of masonry.

"Resolved, that a committee be appointed to devise and report a form of constitution, explanatory of the principles upon which a grand encampment shall be opened.

"Resolved, that the convention be adjourned until Monday the 13th instant, then to meet again in Mason's Hall, in-Providence."

Monday, 13th May, A. D. 1805. The convention met, agreeably to adjournment, to take into consideration the report of the committee appointed on the sixth inst. which, being read and amended, was unanimously approved and adopted.

At the annual assembly of the grand encamp. ment, holden at Boston, in the month of May, A. D.-1807, it was deemed expedient to extend the jurisdiction of the grand encampment to any state or territory wherein there is no regularly established grand encampment, and for this and other purposes, a number of alterations and amendments were made in the constitution.

The constitution as altered and amended is in the words following, viz.










Sec. 1. THE Grand Encampment shall consist of a General Grand Master, a Grand Generalisssimo, a Grand Captain General, a Grand Senior Warden, a Grand Junior War


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