in England, 201; its present popu- | larity, 202; white wines mixed with sherry, 203; decreased con- sumption of real port, ib.; revived demand for foreign wines, 204 Wines, of Oporto, native quality of, cxxxi. 468
-in France, taxes on, cxxxi. 386 Winget (Ninian), appointed Lord Abbott of Ratisbon, cxix. 180 Winslow (Dr. Forbes), on 'Obscure Diseases of the Brain,' cxii. 526; on the symptoms of incipient in- sanity, 528; on the diseases of memory, 529; his theory of a co- ordinating mental power during insanity, 538
advocates asylums for habi- tual drunkards, cxxxvii. 416 Winston (Charles), his memoirs of glass-painting, cxxv. 154; his in- consistent advocacy of Munich glass, 155; on the evil effects of oil-painting on glass-painters, 160; his improvements in the quality of glass, 163; defends the practice of dulling, 171; his methods of glass- painting, 173; analysis of ancient glass, 175; specimen of his glass at Windsor, 185; his contributions to the art, ib. Winthrop (John), Governor of the
Massachusetts Bay Company, edi- tion of his Life and Letters, cxxxviii. 25; early history of the family, ib.
Wiseman (Cardinal), his pastoral letter of 1864, cxx. 303; real ob- ject of his attack, 304 Wissembourg, battle of (1870), cxxxii. 508; moral effect of the French defeat, 509 Witchcraft, historical belief in, cxxi. 432; trials in England for, 435
in America, cxxviii. 1 (see Salem); exploded by modern sci- ence, 47
Wodehouse (John, afterwards Lord Kimberley, b. 1826), his prompt
suppression of Fenianism, cxxii.532 Wodehouse (John, afterwards Lord Kimberley, b. 1826), his South African policy as Colonial Minis- ter, cxxxiv. 444 Wodehouse (Sir Philip, b. 1810), his administration at the Cape, cxxxiv. 421, 433
Wodrow, his account of Claverhouse, cxiv. 300
Woerth, battle of (1870), cxxxii. 510 Wolf (M.), on the influence of solar spots on the weather, cxxiv. 53 Wollaston (William Hide, 1766- 1828), his discovery respecting the nature of sunlight, cxvi. 298 Wollmann (Dr.), his resistance to the dogma of Infallibility, cxxxix. 372; his suspension by the Bishop of Ermland, ib.
Wolowski (M.), his able treatise on Banks, cxxi. 247
Wolsey (Thomas, Cardinal, 1471- 1530), his cautious advice to Princess Mary, cxxiii. 256; la- ments her marriage with Suffolk, 258
his portrait in the National Portrait Gallery, cxxiv. 350
his Scottish policy, cxxvi. 257 Woltmann (Dr. Alfred), his 'Life of
Holbein,' cxxv. 410; appreciation of English taste for art, ib.; com- prehensive character of his work, 414; his theory as to Holbein's grandfather, ib.; his limited sketch of his life, 417; merits of his work, ib.; his exuberant Protestantism, ib.; his article in the Fortnightly Review' on the last National Por- trait Exhibition, 418; assumes his visit to Italy, 423; on his Meyer Madonnas, 426-430; on spurious works assigned to Holbein, 431; his criticisms of Holbein's pictures, passim
'Woman's Work,' Essays on, edited by Mrs. Butler, cxxx. 572; droll suggestions, 593; Miss Wedge-
wood's theories, 600; list of learned women in, 601
Women, Whately on their deficiency of invention, cxx. 404
their qualifications for poli- tics, cxxi. 409
vague discussions on their moral and mental condition, cxxx. 573; legislative grievances of, 579; the natural inferiors to men, 582; question of relative intellects, ib.; absurdity of alleged antagonismı, 583; self-framed law of depend- ence, 585; political power un- suited to married women, 588; absurd theories of the 'Saturday Review,' 590; their influence felt in married life, ib. ; class of highly- cultivated unmarried women, 590; essays on Woman's Work,' 593; professional education for girls, 595; difficulties thereof with mar- ried women, 596; alternative of celibacy examined, 598; arguments on learned women,' 601. Mill, J.S.
Women, theories of their influence on the character of their children, cxxxii. 120, 122; employment of, in postal telegraphy, 215, 220 Woodbury (Mr.), his process of pho- tographic relief-painting, exxxiii. 340
'Woof of War,' the, poem of, cxiv.
Woollen manufacture, increase of exports from France since the Commercial Treaty, cxx. 570 and note
Woolwich Royal Military Academy, the competitive system at, cxxxix. 334; evil monopoly of crammers,' 351; Report of the Royal Com- mission of 1869, ib. Words, expression of 'general ideas' in, cxv. 100
Wordsworth (William, 1770-1850),
his remark on Landor, cxxx. 248; his friendship with Mr. Crabb
Robinson, 523, 526; his later High Church opinions, 527 Wordsworth (William, 1770-1850), his poem 'The Triad' criticised by Sara Coleridge, cxxxix. 50; his death, 65; consoling influence of his poetry on J. S. Mill, 133
his appearance and manners described by Mr. Greville, cxl. 531 Wordsworth (Dr., archdeacon of Westminster), on the Grammar of Inspiration,' cxxii. 106; on the received text of the Apocalypse, 111 note
'Work and Wages,' Mr. Brassey's work on, cxxxviii. See Labour Workhouses, evils of infant educa- tion in, cxxii. 344
earliest Acts respecting, cxxv.
Working-classes, taxation of, com- pared with that of the propertied classes, cxi. 263, 267
effect of depreciation of gold
dangers of unlimited suffrage with, cxxii. 274, 276; proper limits to their representation, 281
changes in their condition since 1832, cxxiii. 283; working men in Parliament, 289
proposed admission of, to the franchise in 1866, cxxv. 273
their ignorance of political economy shown in trades' union rules, cxxvi. 448. See Trades' Unions
their expenditure on drink. and tobacco, cxxxi. 385; cxxxvii. 400, 401
condition of, in the time of Anne, cxxxii. 538, 540
their high rate of wages, compared with those in foreign countries, cxxxviii. 96; their dis inclination to save, 97; extension of investments to, 113; value of co-operation in investment, 115;
amount of saving within their reach, 117 Working-classes, their alleged Con- servatism, cxxxix. 274; their sup- posed alienation from the Liberal party, 227; their view of the land question, 283
Wornum (Mr. R. N.), his 'Life and Works of Hans Holbein,' cxxv. 410; on Holbein's brothers, 415, 416; on his Meyer Madonnas, 426-430; his criticisms of Hol- bein's pictures, passim Worsaac (Professor), on the 'Three ages of Man,' cxvi. 155 Worsley (P. Stanhope), his transla-
tion of the Odyssey, cxvii. 353 Wotton (Sir Henry, 1568-1639), his provostship of Eton, cxiii. 394 Wreck-Register, the, statistics of, cxv. 154
Wren (Sir Christopher, 1632-1723), his original design of St. Paul's, cxviii. 85
his Report on Old St. Paul's, cxxix. 191
his Cathedral of St. Paul's, cxxxviii. 453, 482 Wright (Thomas), his 'Celt, Roman, and Saxon,' cxi. 356; his interest- ing work on Uriconium, 365 note
his theory of bronze weapons rej e cted, cxxxii. 471
XAVIER (ST. FRANÇOIS, 1506-1552), his missionary efforts in Japan, cxvii. 525
his independent system of missionary enterprise, cxviii. 560 and note
his arrival in Japan, cxxxvi.
247 Xeno, ancient Homeric critic, cxxxiii. 358, 360
Xenophanes (b. B.C. 620), his theory of the stars, cxvi. 91 Xenophon (about B.C. 450-360),
Wright (Mr.), his translation of the Iliad, cxxi. 143
Writing, art of, question of its anti- quity among the Hindus, cxii. 378
questions as to its introduc- tion into Egypt, cxix. 141 note Wrong, considered as a violation of rights, cxviii. 455; defective legal interpretation of, 456 Würtemberg (King of, d. 1864), his encouragement of horse-breeding, CXxxviii. 444
Würzburg, meeting of German bishops at, cxxxix. 367 Wykeham (William of, 1324-1404), his statutes for Winchester Col- lege, cxiii. 401
Wynn (Miss Williams), the authoress
of 'Diaries of a Deceased Lady of Quality,' cxix. 305; her desultory mode of writing, 306; her criti- cisms of the leading actresses, 313; her account of the last moments of Louis XVI., 338 Wyse (Sir Thomas), his 'Excursion in the Peloponnesus,' cxxii. 533; his qualifications for the work, 535; his pleasant style, 537; his niece's excellent edition, 538; on the typical nature of Spartan scenery, 541; his strictures on Government apathy, 554; his popularity at Athens, 565
his treatise on economics, exvi. 338 Xenophon, his country-house at Skil- lus, cxxii. 544
Xerxes (d. B.c. 465), question of his identity with the Ahasuerus of Scripture, cxxi. 67
Ximenes de Cisneros (Francisco,
Cardinal, 1437-1517), Viceroy of Castile, cxxxi. 358; treatment of Doña Juana, ib. Xochicalco, ancient pyramid of, CXXV. 360
YAKOOB KHAN (son of Shere Ali), his detection of Dr. Vambéry's disguise, cxxv. 30 note
- his mission to Persia, cxxxviii. 256; his rebellion, 288. Afghanistan
Yakoob Kooshbegee, ruler of Kash- gar, cxxvii. 390; his victory over the Toonganees, 391, 392; policy of Sir John Lawrence, 393; rule of, in Altyshahr, 394; his Russian policy, 395
Yakoob Beg, ruler of Kashgar, career of, cxxxix. 299; contests with the Toonganees, 300; his conduct to Hubeeboollah, 302; assumes the title of Atalik Ghazee, 303; his campaign of 1870 against the Toonganees, 304; austere char- acter of his rule, 305; his sys- tem of taxation, 306; his inde- pendence of the Chinese Govern- ment, 307, 309; relations with Russia, ib. 312; commercial treaty with Russia, ib.; his over- tures to England and Turkey,
Yarkund, anarchical state of, in 1867, CXXV. 35
Mr. Forsyth's mission to, cxxxix. 314 Yavanas, the, their place in ancient Indian history, cxxx. 504; con- quest of Cuttack, 507
Yeddo, bird's-eye view of, cxiii. 46; its defences, 47; picturesque suburbs, 50
Yeh (Governor of Canton), his Re-
port to the Chinese Emperor on the Indian Mutiny, exi. 98,
Yeomanry, rise of the class, cxxvi. See Peasant Proprietorship Yetholm (Roxburghshire), gipsy colony at, cxii. 512
York (Eboracum), condition of, under the Romans, cxi. 364 York (Frederick, Duke of, 1763- 1827), inquiry into his conduct as commander-in-chief, cxi. 411; his relations with Mrs. Clarke, 412; proceedings in Parliament, 413; letters of the Duke of Wel- lington thereon, 415; Sir A. Ali- son's defence of, 420
Young (Arthur, 1741-1820), his sketch of agriculture in France, cxiv. 349
his experiences of travel in England, cxxxviii. 490 Young (Brigham, b. 1801), proclaims the doctrine of polygamy, cxv. 202
his appearance described by Baron Hübner, cxxxviii. 71 Young (Edward, 1679-1765), Lan- dor's remark on his poetry,cxxx.246 Young (Dr.), his hieroglyphical re- searches, cxi. 33
first professor of natural philosophy at the Royal Insti- tution, cxxxv. 331
Yule (Colonel H.), his translation of Marco Polo, cxxxv. 1; his lively introduction, 2; his eclectic text, 4; his notes on oriental jugglery, 28; and mediæval legends, 30; his modest estimate of his oriental scholarship, 31; etymologies cri- ticised, ib.; his geographical merits, 33 Yverdun (Eburodunum), vestiges of lake-village at, cxvi. 170
(FRANCESCO ANTONIO, 1714-1795), his treatise On the Use of Ancient Christian Inscrip- tions in Theology,' cxx. 224; his project continued, with altera- tions, by Marini, ib.
Zamora (Spain), aspect of the town, cxxii. 154; Gothic architecture at, 155
Zany, early use of the noun and
verb, cxxx. 116, 117 Zarxo and Vaz, Portuguese adven- turers, their expedition to Madeira, cxxviii. 214
Zechariah, Book of, divided author- ship of, cxiii. 482
Zeid ben Amr, his religious verses, cxxiv. 16; interest of his career, 21; his meeting with Mahomet, ib. Zena (of Elea, b. about в.c. 500), his method of dialectics, cxxiii. 302; his argument against the reality of ⚫motion, ib.
Zenta, Turkish defeat at, cxvi. 509 Zoological Gardens (London), death of monkeys in, from consumption, cxi. 22
Zoological Gardens (London) their value to physiologists, cxi. 162; primary object of the Society, 163; capacity of animals for acclimatisation shown in, 164 (see Animals, Acclimatisation of); varieties of deer in, 166; Sir Jung Bahadoor's offer, ib.; Lord Derby's gift of elands, 167; vicissitudes of the Society's career, 173; their fortunes revived by the hippopota- mus, 174; anecdote of the Senegal chimpanzee, 177; proper treatment of monkeys, 179; bisons presented by the Emperor of Russia, 180 Zoology, the Protozoa described,
cxxx. 158; family of the Actino- phrys, 159; deep-sea Foramifera, ib.; the Eozöon of William Logan, 160; modern microscopic discover- ies, 161
Züllichau (Prussia), attack on, in 1740, cxvi. 184
Zurich, lake of, discovery of lake- dwellings in, cxvi. 159
Zwingli (Ulric, 1484-1531), his doc-
trine of the Eucharist, cxxxvi. 286
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