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N.B. The numerals prefixed to the title indicate the Number and the Position of the article; those which follow it, the Volume and Page at which the article commences.

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242. VI. Academy, The Royal, cxviii. 483.

256. IX. Accidents, Fatal, in Coal-Mines, cxxv. 549.

225. VI. Acclimatisation of Animals, cxi. 161.

267. IV. Adderley, Sir Charles, on Colonial Policy, cxxxi. 98. 271. V. Admiralty, The, Facts and Fables at, cxxxiii. 122 281. XI. Afghanistan, Recent Events in, cxxxviii. 245.

274. V. Africa, South, and her Diamond Fields, cxxxiv. 410 262. VII. Agricultural Labourers of England, the, cxxviii. 489. 257. II. Agriculture and Prices in England (1259-1400), cxxvi. 43. 231. VI. Albany, Countess of, the last Stuarts, and Alfieri, cxiv. 145. 240. VIII. Alcock's, Sir Rutherford, Japan, cxvii. 517. 225. V. Alison's History of Europe, Vols. II.-VIII., cxi. 119. 234. VIII. Lives of Lord Castlereagh and Sir C. Stewart, cxv.


229. VIII. Alps, The, Forbes and Tyndall on, cxiii. 221.

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247. X.

277. V.

256. II.

264. VIII. American

253. VI.

236. XI.

250. X.

The last Campaign in, cxxi. 252.

The Southern States since the War, cxxxvi. 148
North, Archæology of, cxxv. 332.

Finance, 1865-1869, cxxix. 504.
Navy in the late War, The, cxxiv. 185.
Revolution, The, cxvi. 549.
Psychomancy, cxxii. 565.

[blocks in formation]

252. VII. American Union, The, Reconstruction of, cxxiii. 524.
269. VI. Ancient History, Manuals of, cxxxii. 154.


II. Andorre, The Republic of, cxiii. 345.

246. I. Angus, cxx. 309.

259. III. Anjou, cxxvii. 77.

261. III. Apocryphal Gospels, The, cxxviii. 81.

270. V. Arndt, Ernst Moritz, cxxxii. 414.

272. IV. Arnold on Puritanism and National Churches, cxxxiii. 399.
264. VII.
Matthew, Critical Works of, cxxix. 486.

268. VIII. Arthur, The Epic of, cxxxi. 502.

269. IX. Audubon, The Adventures of, cxxxii. 250.

266. III. Aumale, The Duke d', his Lives of the Condés, cxxx. 355.

242. V. Austin on Jurisprudence, cxviii. 439.

235. I. Australia, the Explorers of, cxvi. 1.

248. III. Australian Colonies, The, cxxi. 349.

253. V. Baker's Exploration of the Albert Nyanza, cxxiv. 151.
268. IX. Ballot, The, not secret Voting, cxxxi. 540.

265. V. Ball's, John, Alpine Guide, cxxx. 118.
269. II. Baltic Provinces of Russia, The, cxxxii. 46.
244. III. Basque Country, The, cxix. 369.

285. VI. Beauty, The Canon of, in Greek Art, cxl. 168.
Note to the above article, cxl. 590.


282. III. Beethoven, Lives and Letters of, cxxxviii. 366.
276. V. Bell, Sir Charles, Letters and Discoveries of, cxxxv. 394.
233. X. Belligerents and Neutrals, cxv. 258.

277. IX. Bennett Judgment, The, cxxxvi. 270.

279. IX. Berar, Administration of, cxxxvii. 225.

277. I. Berkeley, Bishop, Complete Works of, cxxxvi. 1.


I. Berry, Miss, Journal and Correspondence of, cxxii. 297.
256. I. Beugnot's, Count, Memoirs, cxxv. 303.

240. VII. Bible and the Church, The, cxvii. 498.

247. II.
249. IV.

The, Dictionaries of, (Smith and Kitto), cxxi. 42.
The English, Revision of, cxxii. 103.

266. V. Bismarck, Count, cxxx. 417.

284. III.

Prince, and the Church of Rome, cxxxix. 360.

240. V. Black Country, The, exvii. 406.

241. IV. Blanc's, Louis, French Revolution, cxviii. 101.
251. VI. Boner's Transylvania, cxxiii. 130.

244. V. Bonstetten, Charles Victor de, cxix. 413.
273. VI. Books, Suppressed and Censured, cxxxiv. 161.
248. VII. Bostaquet, Dumont de, Memoirs of, cxxi. 493.
228. VIII. Brain Difficulties, cxii. 526.

267. III. Brandt, General von, Memoirs of, cxxxi. 65.

263. X. Bright's, Mr., Speeches: the New Ministry, cxxix. 269.
247. VII. British American Federation, The, cxxi. 181.

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226. VI. Broglie, Prince Albert de, his Church and Roman Empire,

cxi. 422.


276. VIII. Brougham, Henry Lord, The Life and Times of, cxxxv.



272. I. Broughton's, Lord, Recollections of a long Life, cxxxiii. 287.
273. Letter from Earl Grey on the above article, cxxxiv. 291.
232. IX. Browning, Elizabeth Barrett, Works of, cxiv. 513.
Robert, his Poems, cxx. 537.

246. VIII.
275. IX.


his 'Balaustion,' cxxxv. 221.

IX. Buchanan, Mr., Presidentship of, cxii. 545.

231. VII. Buckle's Civilisation in Spain and Scotland, cxiv. 183.
IV. Buddhism, Recent Researches on, cxv. 379.



V. Bunsen's Memoirs, cxxvii. 469.

276. I. Burn's Rome and the Campagna, cxxxv. 293.
232. VI. Burnt Njal, The Story of, cxiv. 425.
233. VII. Burton's City of the Saints, cxv. 185.

257. IX.




History of Scotland, cxxvi. 238.

Vols. V.-VII., cxxxiv. 100.

231. IV. Caballero, Fernan, The Novels of, cxiv. 99.
III. Cadastral Survey of Great Britain, cxviii. 378.
V. Calvin, John, in Church and State, cxxxi. 122.
V. Campaign, The, of 1815, cxvii. 147.
270. VII.
August, 1870, cxxxii. 480.
250. V. Campbell's Frost and Fire, cxxii. 422.


X. Campbell's, Lord, Lives of Lyndhurst and Brougham, cxxix.

286. II. Carlaverock, the Book of, cxl. 322.

VI. Carlyle, Dr. Alexander, Autobiography of, cxiii. 144.

231. III. Carthage, cxiv. 65.





Note to the above article, cxiv. 589.

IX. Cavour, Count, cxiv. 269.

Note to the above article, cxiv. 277.

234. II. Centralisation, cxv. 323.

231. VIII. Chaillu, Du, his Adventures in Equatorial Africa, cxiv. 212.
252. VI. Charles of Hesse, Prince, Autobiography of, cxxiii. 483.

269. III. Charles V., the Chief Victories of, cxxxii. 67.

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I. Chevalier on the Probable Fall in the Value of Gold, cxii. 1.
272. III. Chorizontes, the Doctrines of the, cxxxiii. 358.

249. VII. China and Japan, cxxii. 175.

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The Foreign Relations of, cxxxiii. 176.
Western, Trade Routes to, cxxxvii. 295.

242. VII. Chinchona Cultivation in India, cxviii. 507.

229. I. Church Expansion and Liturgical Revision, exiii. 1.

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the Land, and the Liberals, cxxxv. 250.j
III. Classical Manuscripts and First Editors, cxxxvii. 57.
285. VIII. Cleasby-Vigfusson Icelandic Dictionary, The, cxl. 228.
234. XI. Clerical Subscription, exv. 577.




VI. Coal, Cost and Consumption of, cxxxvii. 456.
285. IX. Cockburn, Henry, Journal of, cxl. 259.
258. II. Codification, cxxvi. 347.







Note to the above article, cxxvi. 585.
III. Coinage, International, cxxiv. 383.

VI. Colebrooke, Henry Thomas, Life of, cxxxvi. 461.
II. Coleridge, Sara, Memoirs and Letters of, cxxxix. 44.
X. Colonial Episcopate, The, cxviii. 552.

IV. Colonies, The, Military Defence of, cxv. 104.

V. Comets and Meteors, cxl. 393.

I. Commercial relations of England and France, cxi. 277.
274. VIII. Commune of Paris, The, cxxxiv. 511.





II. Competitive Examinations, cxxxix. 330.

I. Comte, Auguste, the Positive Philosophy of, cxxvii. 303.
I. Confucius, cxxix. 303.

II. Coniferous Trees, cxx. 345.

239. VIII. Convict System in England and Ireland, cxvii. 241.
VI. Convocation, Parliament, and the Prayer Book, cxl. 427.
III. Cooke's Life of General R. E. Lee, cxxxvii. 363.




IV. Co-operative Societies in 1864, cxx. 407.

I. Corea, cxxxvi. 299.

251. VIII. Corn and Cattle, cxxiii. 185.

234. VII. Cotton Culture in India, cxv. 478.

257. IV. Council of Constantinople, The, cxxvi. 95.


IX. Court, Antoine, The Life and Labours of, cxxxviii. 203.
270. II. Cox's Aryan Mythology, cxxxii. 330.

250. II. Criminal Class, Life in the, cxxii. 337.

247. IV.

Law Reform, cxxi. 109.

267. VIII. Cross, The Prechristian, cxxxi. 222.

275. V. Crowe and Cavalcaselle on the History of Painting, cxxxv.


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Note to the above article, cxxxv. 584.

282. IV. Cuban Insurrection, The, cxxxviii. 395.

232. V. Cunningham's Church History of Scotland, cxiv. 394.

243. III. Dangeau, The Marquis of, and Duke de Saint-Simon, cxix.


226. VIII. Darwin on the Origin of Species, cxi. 487.

262. V.

273. VII.

280. VII.


on Variation of Animals and Plants, cxxviii. 414.
on the Descent of Man, cxxxiv. 195.
on Expression, cxxxvii. 492.

270. III. Decabrist, a Russian, Memoirs of, cxxxii. 363.
V. Derby, Lord, his Translation of the Iliad, cxxi. 136.
227. III. D'Haussonville's Union of France and Lorraine, cxii. 59.
I. Diaries of a Lady of Quality, cxix. 305.
264. VI. Dilke's Greater Britain, cxxix. 455.

III. Diplomatic Service, The, cxxxix. 68.
260. VIII. Disraeli Ministry, The, cxxvii. 559.
269. X. Disraeli's Lothair, cxxxii. 275.



Glasgow Speeches, cxxxix. 271.

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