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"career. As a lover of mankind I bewail it; but as a sub"ject of Great Britain, I must wish that their dependence


on it should continue. If the wisdom of Government can

" terminate the contest with honour instantly, that would " be the most desirable issue. This, however, I take to be " now impossible; and I will venture to foretel, that if our

“ leaders do not at once exert the power of the British Em" pire in its full force, the struggle will be long, dubious, " and disgraceful. We are past the hour of lenitives and " half exertions. If the contest be protracted, the smallest interruption of the tranquillity that now reigns in Europe, or even the appearance of it, may be fatal.

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" It is lucky that my American History was not finished " before this event. How many plausible theories that I " should have been entitled to form, are contradicted by "what has now happened!"

To this extract, I shall only add a few sentences from a letter written to the same correspondent, about the affairs of America, nine years before, at the time of the repeal of the Stamp-Act.

" I am glad to hear the determination of the House of "Commons concerning the Stamp-Act. I rejoice, from my " love of the human species, that a million of men in Ame" rica have some chance of running the same great career " which other free people have held before them. I do " not apprehend revolution or independence sooner than "these must and should come. A very little skill and atten" tion in the art of governing may preserve the supremacy " of Britain as long as it ought to be preserved. You can " do me no favour more obliging, than that of writing me " often an account of all the occurrences in the debates on " this affair. I am much interested in the subject; very "little in the men who act on either side. I am not weak " enough greatly to admire their virtues, nor so factious as " to adopt their passions."


Continuation of the same Subject Historical Disquisition concerning India. General Remarks on Dr Robertson's Merits as an Historian,

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In consequence of the interruption of Dr Robertson's plans produced by the American Revolution, he was led to think of some other subject which might, in the mean time, give employment to his studious leisure. A letter, dated July 1778, to his friend the Rev. Mr Waddilove, (now Dean of Rippon,) contains some important information with respect to his designs at this period.

"The state of our affairs in North America is not such as “ to invite me to go on with my History of the New World. “ I must wait for times of greater tranquillity, when I can " write and the public can read with more impartiality and " better information than at present. Every person with " whom I conversed in London confirmed me in my reso"lution of making a pause for a little, until it shall be known " in what manner the ferment will subside. But as it is " neither my inclination nor interest to be altogether idle,

many of my friends have suggested to me a new subject, "the History of Great Britain from the Revolution to the "Accession of the House of Hanover. It will be some sa" tisfaction to me to enter on a domestic subject, after being

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engaged so long on foreign ones, where one half of my " time and labour were employed in teaching myself to un"derstand manners, and laws, and forms which I was to


explain to others. You know better than any body how " much pains I bestowed in studying the constitution, the

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manners, and the commerce of Spanish America. The "Review contained in the first volume of Charles V. was

" founded on researches still more laborious. I shall not " be involved in the same painful inquiries, if I undertake "the present work. I possess already as much knowledge " of the British government and laws as usually is possessed " by other persons who have been well educated and have " lived in good company. A minute investigation of facts " will be the chief object of my attention. With respect to " these, I shall be much aided by the original papers pub"lished by Sir John Dalrymple and Macpherson, and lately

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by Lord Hardwicke. The Memoirs of Noailles, concerning the French negotiations in Spain, contain very curious "information. I have got a very valuable collection of

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papers from the Duke of Montague, which belonged to "the Duke of Shrewsbury, and I am promised the large

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" collection of the Duke of Marlborough, which were for

" merly in the hands of Mr Mallet. From these and other " materials I hope to write a History which may be both " entertaining and instructive. I know that I shall get

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upon dangerous ground, and must relate events concern" ing which our political factions entertain very different " sentiments. But I am little alarmed with this. I flatter

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myself that I have temper enough to judge with impar"tiality; and if, after examining with candour I do give " offence, there is no man whose situation is more independ


Whatever the motives were which induced him to relinquish this project, it is certain that it did not long occupy his thoughts. From a letter of Mr Gibbon, it would appear to have been abandoned before the end of the year 1779. The passage is interesting, not only as it serves to ascertain the fact, but as it suggests a valuable hint with respect to a different historical subject.

" I remember a kind of engagement you had contracted " to repeat your visit to London every second year, and I " look forwards with pleasure to next spring when your bond " will naturally become due. I should almost hope that you would bring with you some fruits of your leisure, had " I not been informed that you had totally relinquished

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