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none so Odious, nor indeed so exquifitely Ridiculous, as
that of a rigid severe Temper in a Worthless Man,

THIS Part of Good-nature, however, which consists
in the pardoning and over-looking of Faults, is to be ex-
ercised only in doing our felves Justice, and that too in the
ordinary Commerce and Occurrences of Life; for in the
Publick Administrations of Justice, Mercy to one may be
Cruelty to others.

I T is grown almost into a Maxim, that Good-natured
Men are not always Men of the most Wit. The Obferva-
tion, in my Opinion, has no Foundation in Nature. The
greatest Wits I have conversed with are Men eminent for
their Humanity. I take therefore this Remark to have
been occafioned by two Reasons. First, Because Ill-nature
among ordinary Observers passes for Wit. A spightful
Saying gratifies so many little Passions in those who hear
it, that it generally meets with a good Reception. The
Laugh rises upon it, and the Man who utters it is looked
upon as a fhrewd Satyrist. This may be one Reason, why
a great many pleasant Companions appear so surprizingly
dull, when they have endeavoured to be Merry in Print;
the Publick being more just than Private Clubs or Affem-
blies, in diftinguishing between what is Wit and what is

ANOTHER Reason why the Good-natured Man may
sometimes bring his wit in Question, is perhaps, because
he is apt to be moved with Compassion for those Misfor-
tunes or Infirmities, which another would turn into Ridi-
cule, and by that means gain the Reputation of a Wit.
The Ill-natured Man, though but of equal Parts, gives him-
felf a larger Field to expatiate in; he exposes those Failings
in Human Nature which the other would caft a Veil over,
laughs at Vices which the other either excuses or conceals,
gives Utteranee to Reflections which the other stifles, falls
indifferently upon Friends or Enemies, exposes the Perfon











who has obliged him, and, in short, sticks at nothing that
may establish his Character of a Wit. It is no Wonder
therefore he succeeds in it better than the Man of Huma-

nity, as a Person who makes use of indirect Methods is

more likely to grow Rich than the fair Trader.





TION the Felicity of the Soul, Numb, 116.
Affliction and Sorrow, not always exprest by Tears,
N.95. True Affliction labours to be invisible, ibid.
The unnatural Misunderstanding between Age and
th, N. 153. The Authority of an aged virtuous
on preferable to the Pleasures of Youth, ibid.
nda, her Character, N. 144.

Ender, his Artifice in his Indian Expedition, N. 127.
Answer to those who ask'd him if he would not be
ompetitor for the Prize in the Olympick Games,ibid.
yllis, her Character, N. 144.

tion the Occafion of Factions, N. 125.

als, the different Make of every Species, N. 120. The
tinct of Brutes, ibid, exemplify'd in several Instances,
4. God himself the Soul of Brutes, 121. The Variety
Arms with which they are provided by Nature, ibid.
sements of Life, when innocent, necessary and al-
wable, N. 93.

aritions, the Creation of weak Minds, N. 110.
ble, (Mrs.) the great Heiress, the Spectator's Fel-
w-Traveller, N. 132.

totle, his Account of the World, N. 166.
stus and Aspasia, an happy Couple, N. 128.
ift, wherein he has the Advantage of an Author, N. 166.
ciation of honest Men proposed by the Spectator, N. 126.
thor: in what Manner one Author is a Mole to ano-
her, N. 124. Wherein an Author has the Advantage
of an Artist, 166. The Care an Author ought to take
of what he writes, ibid. A Story of an Atheiftical Au-
thor, ibid.


DAREFACE, his Success with the Ladies, and the


for it, N. 156.

car-Garden, the Spectator's Method for the Improvement
of it, N. 141,


Beauties, whether Male or Female, very untractable, N.
87. and fantastical, 144. impertinent and disagreeable,
ibid. The Efficacy of Beauty, ibid.
Board Wages, the ill Effects of it, N. 88.
Bodily Exercises, of ancient Encouragement, N. 161.
Books reduced to their Quintessence, N. 124. The Lega

cies of great Genius's, 166.

Burnet, (Dr.) Some Passages in his Theory of the Earth

confidered, N. 143, and 146.


CASAR (Julius) his Reproof to an ill Reader,


Cambray (the Bishop of) his Education of a Daughter
recommended, Ν. 95.

Cant, from whence said to be derived, N. 147.
Care: what ought to be a Man's chief Care, N. 122.
Carneades, the Philosopher, his Definition of Beauty,
Ν. 144.

Caffius, the Proof he gave of his Temper in his Child-
hood, N. 157.

Castle-Builders, who, and their Follies exposed, N. 167.
Censure, a Tax, by whom paid to the Publick, and for
what, N. 101.

Chaplain, the Character of Sir Roger de Coverley's, N. 106,
Chastity, the great Point of Honour in Women, N. 99.
Chearfulness of Temper, how to be obtained and prefer-
ved, N. 143.

Children: wrong Measures taken in the Education of the
British Children, N. 157.

Children in the Wood, a Ballad, wherein to be com--
mended, N. 85.

Church-yard, the Country Change on Sunday, N. 112.
Common Prayer, some Confiderations on the reading of -
it, N. 147. The Excellency of it, ibid.
Compassion, the Exercise of it would tend to lessen the
Calamities of Life, N. 169.


Compliments in ordinary Difcourse censured, Ν. 103,
Exchange of Compliments, 155.

Conde (Prince of) his Face like that of an Eagle, N. 86.
Connecte (Thomas) a Monk in the 14th Century, a zea-
lous Preacher against the Womens Commodes in those -
Days, N. 98.

[blocks in formation]


ment, the utmost Good we can hope for in this Ν. 163.

ation, usually stuffed with too many Compliments, 3. What properly to be understood by the Word ersation, 143.

his great Equanimity, N. 143.

(Sir Roger de) he is something of an Humourist, 06. His Choice of a Chaplain, ibid. His Manageof his Family, 107. His Account of his Aners, 109. Is forced to have every Room in his se exorcised by his Chaplain, 110. A great Beneor to his Church in Worcestershire, 112, in which uffers no one to fleep but himself, ibid. He gives Spectator an Account of his Amours, and Character mis Widow, 113, 118. The Trophies of his seveExploits in the Country, 115. A great Fox-huu

116. An Instance of his good Nature, ibid. His ersion to Confidents, 118. The manner of his Retion at the Afsizes, 122. where he whispers the Age in the Ear, ibid. His Adventure when a Schooly, 125. A Man for the landed Interest, 126., His venture with some Gypfies, 130. Rarely sports near = own Seat, 131.

ntry, the Charms of it, N. 118. Country Gentleman d his Wife, Neighbours to Sir Roger, their different empers described, 128. Country Sunday, the Use of 112. Country Wake described, 161. rage recommends a Man to the Female Sex more an any other Quality, N. 99. One of the chief Tocks in Books of Chivalry, ibid. False Courage, ibid. Mechanick Courage, what, 152. ley, his Magnanimity, N. 114.

combs, generally the Womens Favourites, N. 128.


EATH, the Contemplation of it affords a Delight mix'd with Terrour and Sorrow, N. 133. ed for our Relief, ibid. Deaths of eminent Persons the most improving Paffsages in History, ibid. bt: the ill State of suchas run in Debt, N. 82. ecency, nearly related to Virtue, N. 104.

emurrers, what fort of Women so to be called, N. 89.

natural Relief in our Afflictions, 163.
Dick Craftin challengeth Tom Tulip, N. 91.

Devotion, the great Advantage of it, N. 93. The most

Fan, th

quered of any other, N. 163.

Disappointments in Love, the most difficult to be con-



Duration, the Idea of it how obtained according to Mr.
Lock, N. 94. Different Beings may entertain different
Notions of the fame Parts of Duration, ibid.

Dissenters, their canting way of Reading, N. 147.
Diffimulation, the perpetual Inconvenience of it, N. 103.
Duelling, a Discourse against it, N. 48. Pharamond's E-
• dict against it, 97.








Youth, N. 157.

EDucation: an ill Method observed in the educating our



Eminent Men, the Tax paid by them to the Publick,
Ν. 101.

[blocks in formation]

Englishmen, the peculiar Blessing of being born one, N.
135. The Spectator's Speculations upon the English
Tongue, ibid. English not naturally talkative, ibid, and
148. The English Tongue much adulterated, 165.





Epaminondas, his honourable Death, N. 133.

Ephraim, the Quaker, the Spectator's Fellow-Traveller in a
Stage-Coach, N. 132. His Reproof to a recruiting
Officer in the fame Coach, ibid. and Advice to him at
their Parting, ibid.

Equanimity, without it we can have no true Taste of Life,

[blocks in formation]

Equestrian Order of Ladies, N. 104. Its Origin, ibid.
Errors and Prepoffeffions difficult to be avoided, N. 117.



Eternity, a Profpect of it, N. 159.


Eucrate, his Conference with Pharamond, N. 84.


Eucratia, her Character, N. 144.


Eudofia, her Character, N. 144.

Eudoxus and Leontine, ther Friendship, and Education of

[merged small][ocr errors]

Exercise, the great Benefit and Necessity of bodily Exer

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

in Man, a Recommendation to the fair Sex,



Families: the ill Measures taken by great Families in the
Education of their younger Sons, N. 108.


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