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upon, home-training and nurture. The author, in presenting it to the public, is fully conscious of its many palpable imperfections; yet, as it is his first effort, and as it was prepared amid the multiplied perplexities and interruptions of his pro fessional life, he confidently expects that it will be received with charitable consideration. It is now published as an introduction to a work on the historical development of home, to which his attention has for years been directed. If this unassuming volume should be instrumental in the saving of one family from ruin, we shall feel ourself fully compensated. THE AUTHOR.


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This Relation is Vital and Necessary, involving Mutual Depend-
Relation of Preparation. Home Completes Itself in the


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HOME AS A STEWARDSHIP.-What is a Steward? Home is a Stew-
ardship. Parents. Home-Interests. Identity of Interest between
the Master and Steward. Mother of Moses. Character and Re-
sponsibilities of this Stewardship. The Social Prostitution of
Home. The Principle of Accountability this Stewardship In-
volves. The Final Settlement,

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THE FAMILY BIBLE.-The Memories which cluster around it. The
Household Interests it Contains. The Bible as a Family Record.
As a Home-Inheritance. As the Gift of a Mother's Love. An In-
dispensable Appendage to Home. Its Adaptation to Home. It
should be Used as the Text-Book of Home-Education. Its Abuse
and Neglect,

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INFANCY.-New Eras in Family History. The First-Born. Charm
and Interest of Infancy. The Infant as a Member of Home. Its
Emblematic Character. Its Helplessness. Its Prophetical Char-
acter. The Trust and Responsibility Involved. The Mother's Re-
lation to Infancy. Address to Parents,

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CHRISTIAN BAPTISM.-The Baptismal Altar. It is the Sacrament
of Home-Dedication. Infants are its True Subjects. Home De-
mands it. Infant Baptism Proven, by the Child's Need of Salva-
tion, by the Idea and Mission of Christ, by the Idea of the Church,



CHRISTIAN NAMES.-Proper Kind of Names. Law of Correspond-
ence and Association. Christian Names. Much in a Name. Nam-
ing a Child should not be Arbitrary. Nebuchadnezzar. Adam.
The Hebrews. Woman. Eve. Cain. Seth. Samuel. Dr. Krum-
macher. Names now Given. The Folly and Evil of it. Why we
should give Suitable Names. Why Scriptural Names. Mary. In-
stances of Proper Christian Names,

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FAMILY PRAYER.-Its Relation to Home-Sympathy. Its Necessity.

Its Idea. Dr. Dwight's View. The Duty to establish it Proven.

Its Neglect. Excuses from Family Prayer. Address to Parents, 162


HOME-EDUCATION.-Section 1.: The Character of Home-Education.
What is Home-Education. Different Kinds. It must be Physical.
Intellectual. Moral. The Means. Circumstances. Temptation.
Example. Training. Habit. The Feelings. Conscience. Mo-
tives. Cardinal Virtues. When it should Begin. It must be Re-
ligious. Necessity of this. St. Pierre. The Mother as Teacher.
Objections Considered. Encouragement to Home-Training. Dr.
Doddridge. A Pious Minister. Dr. Dwight. Young Edwards.
Polycarp. Timothy. John Randolph. J. Q. Adams. Daniel. The
Power of Home-Training in Religion,
Section II.: The Neglect and Abuse of Ilome-Education. Popular
Prejudices Exposed. Dr. Johnson. Edmund Burke. Miss Sedg-
wick. Everett. Robert Hall. Fruits of a Neglected Education.
Law of the Icelanders. Parents are Responsible. Crates. Pleas-
ure of Teaching the Young. Thompson. Abuse of it. Fashion-

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