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hvorpaa man hensætter forskjellige Ting, saasom Uhr. Nipssager o. lign. to rave, tale vildt, fantasere. lighted on his face, mødte hans Ansigt. S. 412. To make the most of, gjøre det mest mulige ud af: han vilde nyde det til Bunds. Whitethe parish surgeon, Bylægen, Fattiglægen. friars, et Kvartér mellem Fleet Street og Themsen, saaledes kaldt efter de hvidklædte Karmelitermunke, som her havde et Kloster indtil Reformationstiden; under Jacob den Førstes Regjering fik Stedet forskjellige Rettigheder, som gjorde det til et Asyl for insolvente Skyldnere og andre af Loven forfulgte Personer; det omtales ofte i Scotts Roman »Lord Nigels Hændelser". Den værste Del af dette Strøg, det som laa nærmest Themsen, er i de sidste Aar forsvundet og har givet Plads for de prægtige Kaianlæg langs Floden, det saakaldte Thames Embankment.



S. 413. Casement, s. ovfr. til S. 20. sluggish odours, stillestaaende branch repositories, Beholdere eller Afløb, som udgrene sig fra den store Rendesten i Midten. garbage, Affald, Skarn, Urenlighed. the attic story, den øverste lave Etage under Taget, Kvist-Etage; an attic, et Tagkammer, Kvistværelse.

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S. 414.

Stool, Stol uden Ryg, Krak.

to swing, d. e. to be

hanged (Slang).

S. 416 His passage is taken, der er bestilt Plads for ham. landing, Trappe-Afsats.

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S. 418. Doorway, det aabne Rum mellem Gadedøren og den fremspringende Murvæg, Dørfordybning. the illusion was reality itself, Indbildningen var saa stærk, at det, som hans Fantasi foregjøglede ham, syntes at være den levende Virkelighed.

S. 419. Waterloo Bridge; de fleste Selvmord ved Drukning foregaa herfra, hvorfor Waterloo Bridge ogsaa har faaet Navnet »>Sukkenes Bro", the Bridge of Sighs (med Allusion til Venedigs Ponte dei Sospiri, smlgn. ovfr. til S. 321); den er nemlig den eneste af de over Themsen førende Broer, hvor der maa betales Bropenge, og som Følge deraf mindre befærdet end de andre. barges, store Føringsprammer paa Themsen, taklede som




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My Lords, I have done. The part of the Commons is concluded. With a trembling solicitude, we consign this product of our long labours to your charge. Take it — take it. It is a sacred trust. I do assure you, never was a cause of such magnitude submitted before to any human tribunal. My Lords, at this great close, in the name of the Commons, surrounded by them, I attest the retiring I attest the advancing generations, between which, as a link in the great chain of eternal order, we stand, that the Commons have shrunk from no labour, have not feared any odium whatsoever, in the long conflict which they have carried on with the crimes, with the vices, with the exorbitant wealth, with the enormous and overpowering influence, of Eastern corruption. This battle, my Lords, we have carried on for twenty-two years, the conflict of which has been fought at your Lordships' bar for seven years.

My Lords, two and twenty years is a great space in the scale of the life of man. It is no inconsiderable space in the history of a great nation. A business which has so long occupied the councils and the tribunals of Great Britain cannot possibly be huddled over in the course of vulgar, trite and transitory, events. Nothing but some of those great revolutions that break the traditionary chain of human memory, and alter the very face of nature itself, can possibly obscure it. My Lords, we are all elevated to a degree of importance by it. The meanest of us will, by means of this, more or less become the concern of posterity; if we are yet to hope for such a thing, in this state of the world, as a retrospective, recording, civilised, posterity. But this is in the hands of the great Disposer of events. It is not ours to settle how it shall be.

My Lords, your House yet stands. It stands as a great edifice; but let me say, that it stands in the midst of ruins in the midst of the ruins

that have been made by the greatest moral earthquake that ever has convulsed and shattered this globe of ours. My Lords, it has pleased Providence to place us in such a state that we appear every moment to be upon the edge of some great mutations. There is one thing, and one thing only, which defies all mutation; that is, the thing which existed before the world and will survive this fabric of the world itself thai I mean, justice! justice which, emanating from the Divinity, has a place in the breast of every one of us; given us for our guide with regard to ourselves and others; and which will stand, when the globe is burned to ashes, before the great Judge, when He comes to call upon us for the tenor of a well spent life, and to show that we have acted the last part with honour. That is in our power.

My Lords, the Commons will take every fate with your Lordships. There is nothing sinister which can happen to you in which we shall not be involved. But, if it should so happen that we should be subject to some of those frightful changes which we have seen, if it should happen that your Lordships, stripped of all the decorous distinctions of human society, should, by hands at once base and cruel, be led to those scaffolds and machines for murder upon which the greatest kings and the most glorious queens have shed their blood, amidst the prelates, amidst the nobles, amidst the magistrates, who have supported their thrones, may you in these moments feel that consolation which I am persuaded they felt, in the critical moments of their dreadful agony!

My Lords, there is always some consolation, and a great consolation, for oppressed virtue and oppressed, fallen, dignity. It often happens that the very oppressors and persecutors themselves are found to bear great testimony in its favour. I do not like to go a great way into antiquity. I know very well that length of time operates so as to produce something of the fabulous, that lessens, and that weakens the interest, and weakens the application of examples. I wish to come nearer to the present time. Your Lordships know and have heard and who has not known and heard? of the parliament of Paris. The parliament of Paris had an origin very similar to that of the great Court before which I stand. The parliament of Paris continued to have a great resemblance to it in its constitution, even to its fall. The parliament of Paris was! It is all over, my Lords. It is passed like a dream. It fell before the sword of the Comte de Mirabeau. And yet I will say that that man, in the moment of his inflicting the death wound of that parliament, produced at once the shortest and the grandest funeral oration that ever was or could be made upon the departure of a great magistracy. Though he has smarted himself under it as every one knows who knows his history, and he was elevated to be a great character in history - yet, when pronouncing the death sentence upon it and inflicting the mortal wound, he declared his motives for doing it were merely political, and that their hands were as pure as the justice they administered. A great and glorious conclusion of a great and glorious body! And never

was a sentence pronounced upon a body more noble. They were persons, in nobility of rank, in amplitude of fortune, in weight of authority, in depth of learning, inferior to few of those that hear me. It is but the other day that they submitted their necks to the axe I but not their honour. Their enemies, the persons who sentenced them, were lawyers full of subtlety; they were enemies full of malice; yet, lawyers full of subtlety and enemies full of malice as they were, they did not dare to reproach them with having supported the great and powerful, and oppressed the weak and feeble, in any of their judgments, or that they had perverted justice, in any one point whatever, for favour, for connection, or for cabal. My Lords, if you must fall, may you so fall! But, if you stand and stand I trust you will, together with the fortune of this ancient monarchy, together with the ancient laws and liberties of this great and illustrious kingdom may you stand as unimpeached in honour as in power! May you stand, not as a substitute for virtue, but as an ornament of virtue as a security for virtue! May you stand long, and long stand the terror of tyrants! May you stand the refuge of afflicted nations! May you stand a sacred temple, for the perpetual residence of an inviolable justice!


Side 55, Linie 23 f. n. gol, læs: gold.

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gamle Sagnhistorie, læs: gamle engelske Sagnhistorie. sympathiserede, læs: sympathiserer.

14 f.o. vistoresque, læs: victoresque.

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gallies, læs: galleys; ligesaa S. 177 og 178.

10 f. n. pullies, læs: pulleys.

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- 364; til de her opregnede Skrifter af Lord Stanhope føies: Life of William Pitt (1861).

· 427, Linie 12, en Begivenhed osv., læs: et Lykkespil, en Spekulation, som Jakob tjente for.

453, Linie 2 f. o. Westminsterretterne holdes, læs: Westminsterretterne holdtes.

464, L. 21 f. o. Leilighedsskrift; tilføi: Pjece, Hefte, Hefteskrift; eiendommeligt for alle de Tryksager, som kaldes pamphlets, er, at de ere heftede, ikke indbundne.

- 480, L. 4 f. n. føre ikke personlig dens Sager, læs: føre i Regelen ikke personlig dens Sager.

- 499, L. 14 f. o. paa den ene Side, læs: paa den ene Side, d. e. paa Siden, ikke paa Midten.

- 508, L. 3 f. o. en af Høiskotternes osv., læs: en af Høilændernes tappreste Førere i Kampen for det stuartske Kongehus under og efter den store Rebellion; han døde 1718 i den høie Alder af nitti Aar, hvoraf fulde femti vare tilbragte i Vaaben for Stuarternes Sag. Den fra Reisningen 1745 bekjendte Donald Cameron til Lochiel var hans Sønnesøn. Cheferne for Cameron-Clanen toges af Familien Lochiel.

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