AND TRUTH: OR, Catholicks not uncharitable in Jay Because The RULE is not universal. We are willing the People should examine By H. E. Behold, I am with you always, even to the End BRUSSELS: Printed in the Year of our LORD, 1728. PREFACE. T HE only great, I might say, the only Business of a Chriftian in this Life, is Salvation. In this we are all equally and infinitely concern'd. And there cannot be a more fignal Instance of the prodigious Corruption of the present Age, than that an universal Concern of the highest Nature should be almost universally neglected. Religion, they say, is the Parson's Business; be maintains bis Wife and his Family by it. But is Confcience the Parson's Bufines too? If the People lose it, and Heaven with it, is it the Parson's Loss? Are they no Suffe rers by it? 2. But God is infinitely good : and it is hop'd, that Men may live as they please in this World, and A a |