TABLE VI. ABSTRACT of SIR STEPHEN THEODORE JANSEN'S TABLE of Criminals Condemned, Executed, and Pardoned, at the Old Bailey, LONDON, from the Year 1749 to 1771, both inclusive. TABLE VI Continued. Tot 81 208 362 90 95 11 31 240 1121 Pardoned, Transported, و 72 118 251 22 71 10 22 3 109 678 Of the hundred and twenty Sessions in the fifteen Years of Peace (eight in a Year) only one was Maiden; in 1749. Of the sixty-four Sessions in the eight Years of War, nine were Maiden. Sir Stephen, intending a list only of those who were condemned to die, has not in his table a column for transport convicts. But at the bottom of the sheet he notes that there were Transported for seven or fourteen years To which number he adds 5199 Transported by the King's mercy (after receiv ing sentence of death) 401 - Total transports 5600 The second number of transports 401 is, doubtless, part of the number 443, the last of the three totals above. When I referred to this table in page 9, I mentioned that the copper plate was in my possession; I now add, that if any Gentleman, who has leisure and inclination to study the subject, is desirous of a copy, one is much at his service. TABLE VII. NUMBER OF CONVICTS Executed, for LONDON and MIDDLESEX, during the last Twelve Years*. Murder. Coiners. Various Crimes. Rioters. From Dec. 1771 to Dec. 1772, 2 Men. Women. Men. Women. Men. Women. Men. Women. 3 32 37 Dec. 1772 to Dec. 1775, 1 burnt 1 1 29 32 Dec. 1773 to Dec. 1774, 1 31 32 Dec. 1774 to Dec. 1775, 1 1 3 40 1 46 Total. together with Jansen's, gives the total number of executions for * This table, thirty-five years past. |