of a State. Let it not be supposed, that the extirpation of mankind is the chief object of legislation. Nous lisons de quelques empereurs de Maroc, qui uniquement, pour faire parade de leur addresse, enlevent d'un seul coup de sabre en se remettant en selle, la tête de leur écuyer. When by Stat. Jac. I. it was made felony for any person infected with the plague, to go abroad or converse with company; it was impossible to object to a severity, which though fatal to individuals, was essential to the general safety of the people. But when in the 18th century it is made a capital crime to cut down a cherry-tree in an orchard; the thinking part of mankind must listen to such a law with irreverence and horror: for they know that the evil to be prevented, is by no means adequate to the violence of the preventive. Under this head it may be observed, that laws very severe in their nature, but originally not inconsistent with sound policy, are sometimes suffered to retain their force, long after their subject-matter hath ceased to be of any consequence to the interests of society. Such for instance is that statute*, under which it is at this day a capital offence to give corn, cattle, or other consideration, to the Scots, for protection. It would be easy to produce many other instances equally exceptionable. And this is the necessary consequence of having given an unlimited existence to laws made for the correction of present evils. In the promulgation of such laws it should be observed, that they are founded in the momentary exigences of society, and resembled that necessity, which in cases of extreme famine, obliges men to eat each other. They cease to eat men, in such cases, as soon as bread can be obtainedt. * Stat. 43 Eliz. c. 13. ↑ See the French commentary on the M. Beccaria. It is a political truth, that, when the laws are good, those who deserve punishment, rarely escape the arm of Justice. "Cur tamen hos Tu Evasisse putes, quos diri conscia facti* Mens habet attonitos, et surdo verbere cædit, It cannot have escaped the notice of my readers, that the ideas, which in the course of this inquiry I have endeavoured to establish as principles of penal law, have not been stated as abstract propositions; but rather as argumentative inferences, interwoven with, and to be collected from observations on the penal systems of different Governments. My attention hath at the same time been most particularly turned to the English code of laws; and many melancholy instances have concurred to shew that the reformation of that code is become an important and almost necessary work. I know, that many will conceive such a reformation to be impracticable; I know, that the minds of some will startle at the idea of innovations; I know, that others will shrink from the supposed difficulty.-Yet I am convinced, that the undertaking is neither impracticable, unsafe, nor difficult‡. * The same idea is finely expressed by our own poet, who seems to have possessed the singular power of turning his genius to every train of ideas, of which the mind of man can be capable: "Tremble thou wretch That hast within thee undivulged crimes, That art incestuous: Caitiff, to pieces shake, That under covert and convenient seeming Hast practis'd on man's life." 7 Juv. Sat. xiii. ver. 193. + The British constitution is the pride of every Briton: to secure, to fortify Under this conviction it hath been my object, by frequent appeals to reason and benevolence, to engage those sensible and good minds, which are ever ready to sympathize with him who pleads the cause of humanity. To excite the attention of that more numerous class of men, who are distracted by the cares, heated by the action, or dissipated by the pleasures of the world, may be wished, but is not to be expected; though nothing is more certain than that the subject of these inquiries deserves the attention of every man amongst us. "For no rank, no elevation in life, no conduct how circumspect soever, ought to induce any reasonable man to conclude, that the penal system doth not, nor possibly can concern him *." A very slight reflection on the numberless unforeseen events which a day may bring forth, will be sufficient to shew that we are all liable to the imputation of guilt; and consequently all interested, not only in the protection of innocence, but in the assignment to every particular offence, of the smallest punishment compatible with the safety of society. It must ever happen, that many private members of the state will regard the imperfections of the laws with indifference, till they experience their effects. What in such men must be attributed to inability or neglect only, may in others, perhaps, deserve the appellation of a breach of trust. Be this as it may; it highly concerns the safety of every individual, as well as the general morality and happiness of the people, that the innocent be protected against unmerited severities, and that the guilty be conducted with certainty, to punishments proportionate to their crimes. to perpetuate that excellent system of government, is the business of every Briton. It may be pardonable therefore in me to point out what I conceive to be the best method of accomplishing the reformation in question; leaving the execution of that method, or the adoption of a better plan, to those who lie under the more immediate engagements both of interest and duty. The learned observer on the ancient statutes, was certainly well founded in suggesting that a reformation of the English law can never be effectually carried on, without the assistance of able lawyers, not members of the legislature. With such assistance it might perhaps be easy to frame separate declaratory statutes relative to each class of crimes, comprehending all the descriptions and degrees of each crime, with their proportionate punishments. Every such declaratory statute should be attended by a supplemental bill, repealing all prior provisions relative to the class of crimes, in that statute contained. It seems superfluous to point out the many collateral good effects which might arise from this method of seeking the end proposed. The repeal of particular statutes, without such preparatory caution will be found a mere palliative remedy; which may tend indeed to awake the symptoms of the disease, but from which a radical cure cannot be expected. * Foster's Crown Law, Pref. p. 3. These ends can be attained only when the penal system is good. Under such a system they who offend against the laws, and they only, have reason to fear; whilst those happier members of society, who deserve security, enjoy it in the full perfection to which the rectitude of their conduct hath entitled them. KELYNGE'S REPORTS, 28. VID. 9-9, 4, 28.-One demands his clergy, and the court took the book and turned him to a verse, and he could not read well, but read one word in one place, and another word in another 'place: and the judges asked the ordinary if he would have him; and he answered yea. The judges bid him consider, and told him the court was judge of his reading, and if the court should judge he did not read, the ordinary should be fined, and the prisoner hanged, notwithstanding his demanding of him, and he was hanged. THE PARLIAMENTARY REGISTER, OR HISTORY OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS, AT THE SIXTH Lond. J. DEBRETT, 1796.-Page 288. PARLIA Friday, 11th of March. MR. JODDRELL rose, to move for leave to bring in a bill for giving, for anatomization, the bodies of persons executed for burglaries and felonies. Mr. Buxton seconded the motion. Serjeant Adair said, he now rose to oppose the bill in the present stage, as he would in every subsequent one, should it be allowed to proceed any farther; and he hoped he would be able to shew, that it was essential to the dignity of parliament, and to the advantage of the public, not to encourage for a moment a measure from which so much evil would result. It had been an observation made by all versant with the criminal justice of this country, that the great defect of our criminal code consisted in confounding the gradations of crimes, removing the distinction of enormity, and the proportion of their punishment. He could not think of adding, as the proposed bill would do, to the severity of the punishment of death, in cases where the punishment of death ought not to be inflicted at all. In the various cases of burglary the same punishment was provided by the law. A ragged boy on the 21st of December last, cutting a hole in a pane |