To stroke his azure neck, or to receive The lambent homage of his arrowy tongue. All creatures worship man, and all mankind One Lord, one Father. Poems - Page 214by William Cowper - 1802Full view - About this book
| William Cowper - 1786 - 756 pages
...feea And fmiles to fee her infant's playful hand Stretch'd forth to dally. with the cpefted j*worm, To ftroke his azure neck, or to receive The lambent homage of his arrowy tongue. All creatures vrojlhip man, and all mankind t One Lord, one Father. Error has no place ; That creeping peftilence... | |
| William Cowper - 1787 - 230 pages
...fee her infant's playful hand Stretch'd forth, to dally with the crefted worm, To itroke his auzure neck, or to receive The lambent homage of his arrowy...Father. Error has no place ; That creeping peftilence is driv'n. away, The breath of heav'n has chas'd it. In the heart No paffion touches a dHcordant firing,... | |
| William Cowper - 1787 - 342 pages
...Lurks rn the ferpent now : the mother fee*, . And fmiles toifee her infant's playful hand Stretch'd forth to dally with the crefted worm, To ftroke h'is...neck, or to receive The lambent homage of his arrowy tongue.All creatures worfhip man, and all mankind One Lord, one Father. Error has no place : That creeping... | |
| William Cowper - 1788 - 376 pages Lurks in the ferpent now : the mother fees, And fmiles to fee her infant's playful hand Stretch'd forth to dally with the crefted worm, To ftroke his...Father. Error has no place : That creeping peftilence is driv'n away ; The breath of heav'n has chas'd it. In the heart No paflion touches a difcordant firing,... | |
| William Cowper - 1790 - 300 pages Lurks in the ferpent now ; the mother fees, And fmiles to fee her infant's playful hand Stretch'd forth to dally with the crefted worm, To ftroke his...worfhip man, and all mankind One Lord, one Father. ErroY has no place : That creeping peftilence is driv'n away : The breath of heav'n has chas'd it.... | |
| William Cowper - 1793 - 384 pages
...Lurks in the ferpent now : the mother fees, And fmiles to fee, her infant's playful hand Stretch'd forth to dally with the crefted worm,. . . To ftroke...Father. Error has no place : That creeping peftilence is driv'n away; The breath of heav'n has chas'd it. In the heart " . • ' .--.... i No paffion touches... | |
| William Cowper - 1795 - 410 pages
...mother fees, And fmiles to fee, her infant's playful hand Stretch'd forth to dally with the crefled worm, To ftroke his azure neck, or to receive The...Father. Error has no place: That creeping peftilence is driv'n away; The breath of heav'n has chas'd it. In the heart No paffion touches a difcordant ft ring,... | |
| English poetry - 1796 - 218 pages Lurks in the ferpent now. The mother feea And fmiles to fee her infant's playful hand Stretch'd forth to dally with the crefted worm, To ftroke his...Father. Error has no place ; That creeping peftilence is driv'n away, The breath of Heav'n has chafed it. In the heart No paflion touches a difeordant Aring,... | |
| William Cowper - 1800 - 364 pages
...Lurks in the ferpent now i the mother fees, t And fmiles to fee, her infant's playful hand Stretch'd forth to dally with the crefted worm, To ftroke his...lambent homage of his arrowy tongue. All creatures worfliip man, and all mankind One Lord, one Father. Error has no place i That creeping peftilence is... | |
| William Cowper - English poetry - 1800 - 438 pages
...smiles to see, her infant's playful hand Stretch'd forth to dally with the crested worm, To stroke his azure neck, or to receive The lambent homage of his arrowy tongue. All creatures worship man, and all mankind One Lord, one Father. Error has no place: That creeping pestilence is... | |
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