The forms with which he sprinkles all the earth. Happy who walks with him ! whom what he finds Of flavour or of scent in fruit or flower, Or what he views of beautiful or grand In nature, from the broad majestic oak To the green blade that twinkles in... Poems - Page 193by William Cowper - 1802Full view - About this book
| William Cowper - 1787 - 342 pages
...the earth. Happy who walks with him I whom what he finds Of flavour or of fcent in fruit or flow'r, Or what he views of beautiful or grand In Nature,...broad majeftic oak To the green blade that twinkles imhe fun, Prompts with remembrance of a prefent G<*1. His prefence, who made all fo fair, percriVd,... | |
| William Cowper - 1787 - 230 pages Happy, who walks with him ! whom, what he finds Of flavour, or of fcent, in fruit or flcw'r, Or what he views of beautiful or grand In Nature,...from the broad majeftic oak, To the green blade, that twiukl.s in the fun, Prompts, with remembrance of a prefent God. His piefence, who made all fo fahr,... | |
| William Cowper - 1788 - 376 pages
...the earth. Happy who walks with him ! whom what he finds Of flavour or of .fcent in fruit or flow.'r, Or what he views of beautiful or grand In nature,.... ; Prompts with remembrance of a prefent God. His prefence,"who made all fo fair, perceiv'd, Makes all ftill fairer. As with him no fcene Is dreary,... | |
| William Cowper - 1790 - 300 pages
...the earth. Happy who walks with him ! whom what he finds Of flavour or of fcent in fruit or flow'r, Or what he views of beautiful or grand In Nature,...broad majeftic oak To the green blade that twinkles iri the fun, Prompts with remembrance of a prefent God. His prefence, who made all fo fair, perceiv'd,... | |
| William Cowper - 1793 - 384 pages
...Happy who walks with him ! whom what he finds R 2 '• Of flavour or of fcent in fruit or flow'r, 1 Or what he views of beautiful or grand In nature, from the broad majettie oak To the green blade that twinkles in the fun,Prompts with remembrance of a prefent God... | |
| William Cowper - 1795 - 410 pages
...walks with him ! whom what he finds R 2 Of flavour or of fcent in fruit or flow'r, Or what he,views of beautiful or grand In nature, from the broad majeftic...a prefent God! His prefence, who made all fo fair, perceiv'd, Makes all ftill fairer. As with him no fcene Is dreary, fo with him all feafons pleafe.... | |
| William Cowper - 1800 - 364 pages
...the earth. Happy who walks with him ! whom what he finds Of flavour or of fcent in fruit or flow'r, Or what he views. of beautiful or grand In nature,...prefent God ! His prefence, who made all fo fair, perceiv'd, Makes all ftill fairer. As with him no fcene Is dreary, fo with him all feafons pleafe.... | |
| William Cowper - 1800 - 394 pages
...Happy who walks with him ! whom what he finds Of flavour or of fcent in fruit or flow'r, VOL. n. P Or what he views of beautiful or grand In nature,...majeftic oak To the green blade that twinkles in the fun, Prpmpts with remembrance of a prefent God ! His prefence, who made all fo fair, perceiv'd, Makes all... | |
| William Cowper - English poetry - 1802 - 350 pages
...the earth. Happy who walks with him ! whom what he find* Of flavour or of scent in fruit or flow'r, Or what he views of beautiful or grand In nature, from the broad majestic oak To the green blade that twinkles in the sun, Prompts with remembrance of a present God... | |
| William Cowper - 1803 - 362 pages
...the earth. Happy who walks with him ! whom what he finds Of flavour or of fcent in fruit or flow'r, Or what he views of beautiful or grand In nature,...prefent God ! His prefence, who made all fo fair, perceiv'd, Makes all ftill fairer. As with him no fcene Is dreary, fo with him all feafons pleafe.... | |
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