His joys be mine, each Reader cries, When my last hour arrives: They shall be yours, my Verse replies, Such only be your lives. He who fits from day to day, Hardly knows that he has fung. Where the watchman in his round BUCHANAN. So your verfe-man I, and clerk, Yearly in my fong proclaim Death at hand-yourselves his mark And the foe's unerring aim. Duly at my time I come, Publishing to all aloud Soon the grave must be your home, But the monitory ftrain, Oft repeated in your ears, Can a truth, by all confeffed Of fuch magnitude and weight, Grow, by being oft expreffed, Trivial as a parrot's prate? Pleafure's call attention wins, Hear it often as we may; New as ever feem our fins, Though committed every day. Death and Judgment, Heaven and Hell These alone, so often heard, No more move us than the bell When fome ftranger is interred. Oh then, ere the turf or tomb Spirit of inftruction come, Make us learn that we muft die. ON A SIMILAR OCCASION, FOR THE YEAR 1792. Felix, qui potuit rerum cognoscere causas, VIRG. Happy the mortal, who has traced effects THANKLESS for favours from on high, Though 'tis his privilege to die, Would he improve the boon.. But he, not wife enough to fcan Would gladly ftretch life's little span To ages in a world of pain, To ages, where he goes Galled by affliction's heavy chain, And hopeless of repofe. Strange fondness of the human heart, Enamoured of its harm! Strange world, that cofts it so much smart, And ftill has power to charm. Whence has the world her magic power? Why deem we death a foe? Recoil from weary life's beft hour, And covet longer woe? The caufe is Confcience-Confcience oft Her tale of guilt renews: Her voice is terrible though soft, Then anxious to be longer fpared With the approach of Death. |