Either his gratitude shall hold him faft, And keep him warm and filial to the last; Or, if he prove unkind (as who can fay But, being man, and therefore frail, he may ?) One comfort yet fhall cheer thine aged heart, Howe'er he flight thee, thou haft done thy part.
Oh barbarous! wouldeft thou with a Gothic hand Pull down the fchools-what!-all the fchools i' th' land;
Or throw them up to livery-nags and grooms, Or turn them into shops and auction rooms? A captious queftion, fir, (and your's is one) Deferves an answer fimilar, or none. Wouldeft thou, poffeffor of a flock, employ (Apprized that he is such) a careless boy, And feed him well, and give him handsome pay, Merely to fleep, and let them run aftray? Survey our schools and colleges, and fee A fight not much unlike my fimile. From education, as the leading caufe, The public character its colour draws; Thence the prevailing manners take their caft, Extravagant or fober, loose or chaste.
And, though I would not advertise them yet, Nor write on each-This Building to be Let,
Unless the world were all prepared to embrace A plan well worthy to fupply their place; Yet, backward as they are, and long have been, To cultivate and keep the MORALS clean, (Forgive the crime) I with them, I confefs, Or better managed, or encouraged lefs.
THE swallows in their torpid ftate Compose their useless wing,
And bees in hives as idly wait The call of early spring.
The keeneft frost that binds the ftream, The wildeft wind that blows,
Are neither felt nor feared by them,
Secure of their repose.
But man, all feeling and awake,
The gloomy scene surveys; With present ills his heart must ake, And pant for brighter days.
Old winter, halting o'er the mead,
Bids me and Mary mourn;
But lovely spring peeps o'er his head,
And whispers your return.
Then April, with her fifter May, Shall chafe him from the bowers, And weave fresh garlands every day, To crown the fmiling hours.
And, if a tear, that speaks regret Of happier times, appear,
A glimpse of joy, that we have met, Shall shine and dry the tear.
SHE came-she is gone-we have met- And meet perhaps never again;
The fun of that moment is fet,
And feems to have rifen in vain. Catharina has fled like a dream- (So vanishes pleasure, alas!) But has left a regret and esteem, That will not fo fuddenly pass.
The laft evening ramble we made, Catharina, Maria, and I,
Our progress was often delayed
By the nightingale warbling nigh.
We paused under many a tree,
And much she was charmed with a tone
Lefs fweet to Maria and me,
Who had witneffed fo lately her own.
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