Clark, W. G., merits of the poetry of, 30.
Coffin, George W., report by, review- ed, 299-statement by, of lands sold, 311, note - quoted, 327. Commerce, American, prosperous state of, in 1830, 110 - wild spirit of speculation in, 113-excuses for rashness in, 115 - vast increase of, 117 - revulsion in, 119. Congress of 1774, cited, 428 - dele- gates to the, how chosen, 429. Connecticut, early republican gov- ernment of, 376 - constitution of, how amended, 417 - Swift on the charter of, 424.
Conquest of Mexico, History of, by W. H. Prescott, reviewed, 157. See Mexico and Prescott.
Constitution of the United States, 415-of the several States, 416. See People.
Constitutional Jurisprudence of the United States, by W. A. Duer, noticed, 236- want of informa- tion on the, 237.
Cortés, the Conqueror, 189-char- acter of the soldiers of, 182 - how aided in his enterprise, 188 - high qualities of his companions, 189 great capacity of, 190- dates of the events in his expedition, 191 character and life of, 197 - his later career, 198- Prescott's esti mate of, 199. See Mexico. Cranch, C. P., poems by, 30. Crosby, Alpheus, Greek Grammar and Xenophon's Anabasis by, no- ticed, 516.
Crown, Champlin's edition of De- mosthenes on the, noticed, 240. Crusades, effects of the, on German poetry, $2.
Curiosity, Sprague's poem of, stolen, 11.
Cushing, Luther S., his report of pro- ceedings in the Massachusetts House of Representatives, noticed, 243 merits of the report, 247.
Dalton on meteorology, 356. Dana, Richard H., characterized as a poet, 13 mental powers dis- played by, 14-quoted, 15, 16 imagination and despondency of, 17.
Dunham, Dr, his opinion of Rob- ertson, 162.
Durfee, Judge, Charge to the Grand Jury by, 371 - merits of, 410.
Falmouth, burning of, 318. False Heir, The, by G. P. R. James, reviewed, 267. See James. Federalist, The, cited, 432. Ferdinand and Isabella, Prescott's History of, foreign translations of, 158.
Forest Lands, the, and Timber trade of Maine, 299 - described by the early voyagers, 300 grant of, to Gorges, 302- different titles to, 304-surveyors general over, 307
their oppressive conduct, 308- alienation of, 310 - amount sold, 311-large patent rights to, 312 wealth obtained from, 314 speculators in, 323 - statistics of, 323-value of the productions of, 326-waste and diminution of, 327. See Massachusetts and Tim- ber.
Franklin, Dr., discovers a law of storms, 335.
French and English Dictionary, edit- ed by J. Dobson, noticed, 517. Frieze, Jacob, History of the Con- test in Rhode Island by, reviewed, 371.
Tariff League, reviewed, 55 quoted, 56, 67, 71. Germany, maritime prospects of, 56 - state of opinions in, 57 larity of the Tariff League in, 60 - divided into petty states, 61 — small influence of these states, 62 folly of putting heavy duties on American products in, 68 — probable future union of, 77. See Tariff.
Guide for Writing Latin, by J. P. Krebs, translated by S. H. Taylor, noticed, 250.
Hackett, H. B., Plutarch on the De- lay of the Deity edited by, notic- ed, 514.
Hail, formation of, 360, 365. Halleck Fitz Greene, characterized as a poet, 21. Halling dance, description of, 505. Hanover, treaty of, with the United States, 61-refuses to join the Tariff-League, 77. Hans Sachs, poetry of, 86. Hanse Towns, reciprocity treaty with, 55-nature of this treaty, precarious position of, 65 - cannot tax American staples, 76. See Tariff and United States. Hare, Dr., on the law of storms, 355. Harvard College, library of, 229. Hazard, Mr., report by, quoted, 419. Herder, character and writings of, 97-compared with Lessing, ib.
Illinois, public debt of, 140. Indiana, public debt of, 140. Introduction to Geometry and the Lectures on the Constitution of the
Science of Form, noticed, 248.
Ivanhoe, the novel of, 269.
James, G. P. R., novels by, reviewed, 267 voluminous mediocrity of, 268 - repeats himself, 269 - little objectivity of, 271 abounds in moral truisms, 272 - cannot de- lineate character, 273 - paints ar- tificial men and women, 276-ab- surdly compared with Scott, 277
causes of the popularity of, 278 -his skill in weaving plots, 279- defects of his style, 280 possess- es some talent, 282.
Maine, Forest Lands and Timber Trade of, 299 - Levett's account of trees in, 301 - granted to Gor- ges, 302-opposing titles to lands in, 304 - French grants in, 305 slow colonization of, 310 - large landholders in, 313 - saw-mills in, 321- character of the lumberers in, 332. Constitution of, how amended, 416. See Timber and Forest.
Majority, the rights and nature of, 414-restricted by the constitu- tion of the Union, 415-and of the several States, 416 - Madison on, cited, 432. See People.
Mann, Horace, Report on Education by noticed, 518. Maple sugar, manufacture of, 324. Margranetto, capture of the, 318. Marina, Doña, the Mexican, 192. Maryland, amount of the debt of, 125-taxes necessary to be levied in, 126-can and ought to pay, 127 power of the government of, to make public works, 128.
Massachusetts, report of the land agent of, reviewed, 299-buys Maine of Gorges, 303-grants privileges to the people of Maine, 305- firm conduct of, 306-re- stricted in her second charter, ib. governors of, quarrel about timber, 308 disposes of lands, 310 - liberal management by, 312-dis- content in, caused by the restric- tions on the timber trade, 317 manufacture of tar in, 319 - poli- cy of, respecting the forests, 329. See Forest and Timber. Consti- VOL. LVIII. - NO. 123.
Mexico, History of the Conquest of, by W. H. Prescott, reviewed, 157
attractive qualities of the sub- ject, 160-external features of, 161, 168- materials for the histo- ry of, 164, 203 - ancient inhabit- ants and government of, 169 — arts of social life in, 170 - women in, 171 - scientific culture in, ib. -religion of, 172 - horrid prac- tices in, 174 origin of the civ- ilization of, 176 - expedition of Cortés into, 180-grand and beau. tiful scenery of, 183 - the Valley of, 184 battles fought by the conquerors of, 186- how soon conquered, 191 beautiful me- chanical execution of the work, 210. See Prescott.
Michigan refuses to pay a part of her debt, 134-history of the circum- stances, 135 - moral obligation to pay, 136.
Minnesingers, poetry of the, 83- inferior to that of the Troubadours, 84.
Minot's history, cited, 432. Miracles, efficacy of, as proof, 47. Mississippi, history of repudiation in, 130-morally bound to pay her debts, 131 state of public opinion in, 132 - peculiar opin- ions of the planters in, respecting their debts, 133 - may be sued in her own courts, 153.
Monteleone, Duke of, a descendant of Cortés, 167.
Montezuma, character of, 192. Morton, Marcus, A reply to the letter 57
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