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Clark, W. G., merits of the poetry
of, 30.

Coffin, George W., report by, review-
ed, 299-statement by, of lands
sold, 311, note - quoted, 327.
Commerce, American, prosperous
state of, in 1830, 110 - wild spirit
of speculation in, 113-excuses
for rashness in, 115 - vast increase
of, 117 - revulsion in, 119.
Congress of 1774, cited, 428 - dele-
gates to the, how chosen, 429.
Connecticut, early republican gov-
ernment of, 376 - constitution of,
how amended, 417 - Swift on the
charter of, 424.

Conquest of Mexico, History of, by
W. H. Prescott, reviewed, 157.
See Mexico and Prescott.

Constitution of the United States,
415-of the several States, 416.
See People.

Constitutional Jurisprudence of the
United States, by W. A. Duer,
noticed, 236- want of informa-
tion on the, 237.

Cortés, the Conqueror, 189-char-
acter of the soldiers of, 182 - how
aided in his enterprise, 188 - high
qualities of his companions, 189
great capacity of, 190- dates of
the events in his expedition, 191
character and life of, 197 - his
later career, 198- Prescott's esti
mate of, 199. See Mexico.
Cranch, C. P., poems by, 30.
Crosby, Alpheus, Greek Grammar
and Xenophon's Anabasis by, no-
ticed, 516.


Crown, Champlin's edition of De-
mosthenes on the, noticed, 240.
Crusades, effects of the, on German
poetry, $2.

Curiosity, Sprague's poem of, stolen,

Cushing, Luther S., his report of pro-
ceedings in the Massachusetts
House of Representatives, noticed,
243 merits of the report, 247.


Dalton on meteorology, 356.
Dana, Richard H., characterized as
a poet, 13 mental powers dis-
played by, 14-quoted, 15, 16
imagination and despondency of,

Daniell on meteorology, 356.
Debts of the States, the, 109-amount
of, in 1830, 110 - circumstances
under which they were contracted,
ib. -multiplied by the desire for
internal improvements, 114 - ex-
cuses for rashness in contracting,
115-obligation to pay, 116 - fail-
ure to pay, 121 case of Pennsyl-
vania considered, 122 - of Mary-
land, 125 of Mississippi, 130
of Michigan, 134 - of Louisiana,
137-of Indiana and Illinois, 240

three classes of, ib. - duty to
pay, if possible, 141-case of the re-
pudiating States considered, 142
to repudiate is to confiscate, 143
or to destroy the right of property,
146-strong obligation and mo-
tives to pay, 147 pretexts for
non-payment refuted, 148 - ill ef-
fects of repudiating, 150 - may
be recovered through the courts or
by negotiation, 152- protected by
the Constitution of the United
States, 154 - a foreign state may
sue for, 155-duty of intelligent
men respecting, 156.

Declaration of Independence, cited,
425, 428.

Demosthenes on the Crown, edited
by J. T. Champlin, noticed, 240
analysis of, 241.

Diary, A, translated by Mrs. Howitt,
reviewed, 480 - faults of transla-
tion in, 503. See Howitt..
Dickinson, John, on independence,
cited, 426.

Dorr, Thomas W., joins the suffrage
party in Rhode Island, 387
chosen governor of his party, 397-
meets his legislature, 399 - entry
of, into Providence, 401 - attacks
the arsenal, 402 - attack on the
head-quarters of, 403 - officers of,
desert him, 404 - actions of, at
Chepachet, 406 - arrested, 409 -
character of, 411. See Rhode Isl-

Dove, Prof., on the Law of storms,

Duer, William A., Lectures on the
Constitution of the United States
by, noticed, 236 - his qualifica-
tions for the task, 239.

Dunbar, David, surveyor-general
in Maine, 307 - offensive conduct
of, 308.

Dunham, Dr, his opinion of Rob-
ertson, 162.

Durfee, Judge, Charge to the Grand
Jury by, 371 - merits of, 410.



Falmouth, burning of, 318.
False Heir, The, by G. P. R. James,
reviewed, 267. See James.
Federalist, The, cited, 432.
Ferdinand and Isabella, Prescott's
History of, foreign translations of,

Forest Lands, the, and Timber trade
of Maine, 299 - described by the
early voyagers, 300 grant of, to
Gorges, 302- different titles to,
304-surveyors general over, 307


their oppressive conduct, 308-
alienation of, 310 - amount sold,
311-large patent rights to, 312
wealth obtained from, 314
speculators in, 323 - statistics of,
323-value of the productions of,
326-waste and diminution of,
327. See Massachusetts and Tim-

Franklin, Dr., discovers a law of
storms, 335.

French and English Dictionary, edit-
ed by J. Dobson, noticed, 517.
Frieze, Jacob, History of the Con-
test in Rhode Island by, reviewed,


East Indian trade, change in, 111.
Ecclesiastical Republicanism, by T.
Smyth, noticed, 512.
Edmeston, description of painted
glass by, 469.

Education, Mann's Report on, no-
ticed, 518.

Electricity, agency of, in storms,
343, 365.

Espy, James P., the Philosophy of
Storms by, reviewed, 335-out-
line of the theory of, 344 - erro-
neous account of the storm of
1780 by, 347- quoted, 348, 351
his misstatements exposed, 349 -
another wrong account of a storm
by, 351-errors in it exposed,
352-indebted to Dalton and Dan-
iell, 356-details of his facts and
principles, 358 - explanation of
various natural phenomena by,
360-beauty of his theory, 361
calculations by, 362 - on the
amount of rain, 363 - other objec-
tions to the theory of, 364 - does
not account for hail, 365 - defects
of his theory, 367 - inaccurate
statements by, 368 faults of
style and taste of, 369 - unjust to
the Huttonian theory, 370. See

Evidences of Christianity, Palfrey's
Lowell Lectures on the, reviewed,
39-contents of the volumes, 40
-errors committed by most writ-
ers on the, 41 - proper conduct of
the argument on the, 42-distinc-
tion to be made between the Old
and New Testaments, 43 - Chris-
tianity complete in itself, 45
validity of historical testimony, 46
- efficacy of miracles as proof, 47

bearing of the history of infi-
delity on the, 49 narrow com-
pass of the infidel argument, 50
concessions of unbelievers, 51, 54

early adversaries of the, 52
unbelief in modern times, 53 See

Gallagher, W. D., as a descriptive
poet, 5.

Geographers, English, blunders of,

Geometry and the Science of Form,
Introduction to, noticed, 248.
German Poetry, history of, by Ger-
vinus, 79- the early ballads lost,
80-rude character of, in early
times, 81 - effect of Christianity
and the Crusades on, 82 - effus-
sions of the Minnesingers, 83-
Lay of the Nibelungen, 84 - the
Gudrun, 85 - the Meistersingers,
ib. Hans Sachs, 86 effect of
the Reformation on, 87 Martin
Opitz, 88 Klopstock, 89 - Wie-
land, 90- Lessing, 92 Win-
ckelmann, 96-Herder, 97 - Jean
Paul Richter, 100 - Goethe, 104

Schiller, 106 degeneracy of,


German Quarterly, on the German


Tariff League, reviewed, 55
quoted, 56, 67, 71.
Germany, maritime prospects of, 56
- state of opinions in, 57
larity of the Tariff League in, 60
- divided into petty states, 61 —
small influence of these states,
62 folly of putting heavy duties
on American products in, 68 —
probable future union of, 77. See

Guide for Writing Latin, by J. P.
Krebs, translated by S. H. Taylor,
noticed, 250.


Hackett, H. B., Plutarch on the De-
lay of the Deity edited by, notic-
ed, 514.

Hail, formation of, 360, 365.
Halleck Fitz Greene, characterized
as a poet, 21.
Halling dance, description of, 505.
Hanover, treaty of, with the United
States, 61-refuses to join the
Tariff-League, 77.
Hans Sachs, poetry of, 86.
Hanse Towns, reciprocity treaty
with, 55-nature of this treaty,
precarious position of, 65 -
cannot tax American staples, 76.
See Tariff and United States.
Hare, Dr., on the law of storms, 355.
Harvard College, library of, 229.
Hazard, Mr., report by, quoted, 419.
Herder, character and writings of,
97-compared with Lessing, ib.



Gervinus, G. G., history of German
poetry by, reviewed, 79 high
merits of, 80 - quoted, 102, 107.

See German.

Goddard, William G., Discourse on
the affairs of Rhode Island by, re-
viewed, 371 - merits of, 410.

Goethe, an optimist, 104 - an artist,
105 great natural endowments
of, 106
compared with Schiller,


Gomara, the historian of Cortés, 204.
Gorges, Sir F., receives a grant of
Maine, 302 his grant sold to
Massachusetts, 303 introduces
saw-mills into Maine, 321.

Gosnold speaks of the woods in New
England, 300.

Gothic architecture, 463 impres-
sive effect of, 464 - different peri-
ods in, 464 the Saxon period in,
466 Norman period in, 467 - of
the 13th century, ib. - Tudor pe-
riod in, 468 - Decorated style in,
469 material for, 470. See


Government, power and right of, to
make public works, 128 - liability
of, to sudden demands, 151 - na-
ture of, 421.

Grahame on the charters of Rhode
Island and Connecticut, cited, 376.
Grecian architecture, rage for, 438

unequal decoration in, 448-
allows no windows, 450 - not suit-
ed to this country, 453 - charac-
ter of, 456. See Architecture.
Greek Grammar, by Alpheus Cros-
by, noticed, 516.

Griswold, Rufus W., The Poets and
Poetry of America by, reviewed,
1- too liberal in his selections, 2
merits of his work, 3
criticism on Longfellow objected
to, 22 his opinion of W. G.
Clark, 30. See Poets.

Gudrun, an early German poem, 85.

early opinions and tastes of, 98
remarkable change in his prin.

ciples, 99.

Heritage, the, by Lowell, 296.
History of the Conquest of Mexico,
by W. H. Prescott, reviewed, 157

the subject deficient in grandeur
and interest, 159 - characters in,
160. See Mexico and Prescott.
Hoffman, C. F., as a song writer, 5.
Holmes, O. W., as a comic poet, 29.
Howitt, Mary, translations from Miss
Bremer by, reviewed, 480 - un-
just and abusive preface by, 497
her unfounded claims and ac-
cusations, 498 - her versions made
from the German, 499 - her blun-
ders in translating, 500 geo-
graphical mistake by, 501-un-
grainmatical and inelegant use of
language by, 502 - faults in her
version of The Diary, 503- her
untruth exposed, 504 false
charges by, refuted, 505 - her po-
etical translations compared with
the American, 506 general ef-
fect of her preface, 508.

Hurricane of August, 1830, 339 –
of March, 1809, 341.
Hutton, Dr., theory of rain by, 370.


Illinois, public debt of, 140.
Indiana, public debt of, 140.
Introduction to Geometry and the Lectures on the Constitution of the

Science of Form, noticed, 248.

Ivanhoe, the novel of, 269.

James, G. P. R., novels by, reviewed,
267 voluminous mediocrity of,
268 - repeats himself, 269 - little
objectivity of, 271 abounds in
moral truisms, 272 - cannot de-
lineate character, 273 - paints ar-
tificial men and women, 276-ab-
surdly compared with Scott, 277

causes of the popularity of, 278
-his skill in weaving plots, 279-
defects of his style, 280 possess-
es some talent, 282.

[blocks in formation]

Latin, Guide for Writing, by J. P.
Krebs, translated by S. H. Taylor,
noticed, 250.

Lecoc, M., account of a storm by,366.

United States, by W. A. Duer,
noticed, 236.

Leeds on Grecian architecture, 450,

Leland's View of English Deists, 48.
Leslie, Prof., on barometric fluctua-
tions, 338.

Lessing, life and poetry of, 92
general spirit of his writings, 93
his philosophy, 94 - as a critic and
dramatist, 95 compared with
Herder, 97.

Letter to a Lady in France, by T. G.
Cary, noticed, 515.

Levett, Chris, account of woods in
Maine by, 301.
Libraries, public, in the United
States, 227-growth and impor-
tance of, 228.
Library of Brown University, Cata-
logue of, reviewed, 227 - how
provided for, 230 - heterogeneous
character of, 233 - Mr. Brown's
gift to, 234 other sums appropri-
ated to, 235- general character

of, 236. See Catalogue.
List, Professor, journal edited by, 70.
Longfellow, H. W., as a poet, 22
artistical ability of, 23 - his pow-
er over language, 24 - moral tone
of, 25- intellectual tendencies of,
26- his lively sense of beauty,
27 particular mention of some
poems of, 28.

Loomis, Elias, paper on storms by,
reviewed, 335 - its merits, 371.
Loudon on architecture, 461.
Louisiana, public debt of, 137 - ob-
jections to some legislative pro-
ceedings in, 138.

Lowell, James R., poems by, review-
ed, 283 progress made by, ib. -
finer tone of his later works, 286
a dreamer about radical reforms,
ib. - requires more catholicity of
mind, 287 - redundant in thought
and xpression 288 - his "Pro-
metheus," ib. - his "Rhœcus,"
289-his faults of style, ib. -
quoted, 291, 294, 296.
Lowell Lectures on the Evidences,
by J. G. Palfrey, reviewed, 39 -
honor due to the founder of the,


[blocks in formation]

Maine, Forest Lands and Timber
Trade of, 299 - Levett's account
of trees in, 301 - granted to Gor-
ges, 302-opposing titles to lands
in, 304 - French grants in, 305
slow colonization of, 310 - large
landholders in, 313 - saw-mills in,
321- character of the lumberers
in, 332. Constitution of, how
amended, 416. See Timber and

Majority, the rights and nature of,
414-restricted by the constitu-
tion of the Union, 415-and of
the several States, 416 - Madison
on, cited, 432. See People.

Mann, Horace, Report on Education
by noticed, 518.
Maple sugar, manufacture of, 324.
Margranetto, capture of the, 318.
Marina, Doña, the Mexican, 192.
Maryland, amount of the debt of,
125-taxes necessary to be levied
in, 126-can and ought to pay,
127 power of the government
of, to make public works, 128.

Massachusetts, report of the land
agent of, reviewed, 299-buys
Maine of Gorges, 303-grants
privileges to the people of Maine,
305- firm conduct of, 306-re-
stricted in her second charter, ib.
governors of, quarrel about timber,
308 disposes of lands, 310 -
liberal management by, 312-dis-
content in, caused by the restric-
tions on the timber trade, 317
manufacture of tar in, 319 - poli-
cy of, respecting the forests, 329.
See Forest and Timber. Consti-
VOL. LVIII. - NO. 123.

[blocks in formation]

Mexico, History of the Conquest of,
by W. H. Prescott, reviewed, 157

attractive qualities of the sub-
ject, 160-external features of,
161, 168- materials for the histo-
ry of, 164, 203 - ancient inhabit-
ants and government of, 169 —
arts of social life in, 170 - women
in, 171 - scientific culture in, ib.
-religion of, 172 - horrid prac-
tices in, 174 origin of the civ-
ilization of, 176 - expedition of
Cortés into, 180-grand and beau.
tiful scenery of, 183 - the Valley
of, 184 battles fought by the
conquerors of, 186- how soon
conquered, 191 beautiful me-
chanical execution of the work,
210. See Prescott.

Michigan refuses to pay a part of her
debt, 134-history of the circum-
stances, 135 - moral obligation to
pay, 136.

Minnesingers, poetry of the, 83-
inferior to that of the Troubadours,

Minot's history, cited, 432.
Miracles, efficacy of, as proof, 47.
Mississippi, history of repudiation
in, 130-morally bound to pay
her debts, 131 state of public
opinion in, 132 - peculiar opin-
ions of the planters in, respecting
their debts, 133 - may be sued in
her own courts, 153.

Monteleone, Duke of, a descendant of
Cortés, 167.

Montezuma, character of, 192.
Morton, Marcus, A reply to the letter

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