heavenly Father gave them ample means. This church had cost a large sum of money, but he believed there would soon be no debt left upon it. Their friend Mr. Williams had set a good example, and other Societies in London had done nobly. Some people said the congregation should have done it themselves, but he thought they should give others an opportunity of having the pleasure of aiding in the building of their new church." The meeting was next addressed by Mr. Austin, who dwelt upon the history and uses of the Cross Street Society, and on the changes in the popular sentiments, which rendered men in the present day willing to acknowledge the New Church as a Christian community, and disposed to inquire respecting her doctrines. He was followed by Mr. Bateman, who intimated the prospect of a still further increase in the number of Societies in Islington, and the hope of their extended usefulness in the neighbourhoods in which planted. The proceedings were brought to a close by an address by Mr. John Smith, in which he urged on the members the necessity of setting an example to the neighbourhood, and thanked the visitors from other Societies for their encouraging attendance. At intervals during the evening the choir delighted the meeting by singing some beautiful pieces of music, which were warmly appreciated. On the following Sunday the sermon in the morning was preached by Mr. Bruce, and in the evening by Mr. Warren, to well-filled pews. After the morning service the Holy Supper was administered to about 80 communicants. LONDON-Flodden Road, Camberwell. -This Society, following the lead of Birmingham, Argyle Square, and Islington, has issued a four page Chronicle for the use of its members. In the brief notice of the work of the past year it is said: "Valuable help has been given to the cause by South London members going to most of the small Societies inserted on the missionary plan, and publicly proclaiming the truths of the New Dispensation. Mr. Austin's secular claims, and Sabbath duties at home, have precluded his frequent absence. He has, however, managed to preach five times to provincial congregations on Sundays, viz., once at Horncastle, once at Brightlingsea, once 'at Leicester, and twice at Yarmouth; also to give four week-night lectures at Deptford. Mr. Isaac Gunton and Mr. S. B. Dicks have on several occasions, when their convenience permitted, toiled in the same vast fields, all evidently white for the harvest. The most active worker, however, has been our zealous brother, Mr. Skelton. With rare exceptions he has every Sunday officiated at Horncastle, Chatteris, St. Ives, Ipswich, or other places on the list, and it is pleasant to report that his services have uniformly been acceptable. A feature in New Church Societies is the library. This has not been neglected in this Society. "Shortly after the establishment of the Society, the nucleus of a free library was formed by the committee. From time to time valuable additions have since been made thereto, by gift or purchase, until at the present moment the catalogue contains entries of 330 volumes. Many of the books are rare, and even out of print, but care has been taken to secure copies of all the recent productions from the English and American New Church press. A mutual improvement society is established, which provides in various ways for the instruction and entertainment of its members. "During the year the various lectures and entertainments have been of a high order of merit, and the general attendance thereat satisfactory. To afford a pleasing variety, special evenings have been set apart for debates and impromptu speaking, and these gatherings have been especially successful. . . Numerically the Society is in a healthy state. The existing number of members is seventy-nine." The leading feature of the Chronicle is the announcement of the Sabbath services, including the texts of the minister for three months, and the several week-night meetings appointed during the same time. It is thus a quarterly register of the services, intended for the guidance of the members and friends of the Society. 94 dens Chapel school-room, to a plenteous As a friends with excellent effect. Solos on NORTHAMPTON.-The anniversary services of this Society were held on Sunday, January 4th, when two discourses were delivered by Mr. Skelton of London, to good and attentive audiences. On Monday following, the usual tea meeting was held, at which about sixty "persons were present. After tea a public meeting was held, presided over by Mr. J. P. Berry. This meeting, which partook of a social character, was devoted, as on previous occasions, to the general welfare of the Church. Mr. Skelton gave us some interesting and encouraging facts in relation to Societies similarly situated to our own. The building fund report was read by Mr. Greeves, and showed the sum of £100 had been raised for that purpose. The choir, under the leadership of Mr. Lenton, admirably sung appropriate pieces at intervals, which greatly increased the pleasure of the evening. On the following day, Mr. Skelton delivered a lecture on NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE-Nun Street. This Society held a tea meeting on Christmas day, when about seventy sat down to an excellent repast. Afterwards, an appropriate hymn being sung and prayer offered, an opening address was given by the minister, the Rev. W. Ray, explanatory of our doctrines, and of the great objects of the Society. A presentation of a handsome work-box, fitted up, and including an elegant volume of the New Testament and Psalms, was made to Miss Jewitt as a small token of gratitude for her constant and efficient services at the harmonium. This was done in an appropriate address by Mr. James Johnson. A piece, "The Pilgrims of the Night, etc.," was sung by the young The tendency of New Church teaching to elevate and bless mankind." The lecture was listened to with marked attention, and gave much satisfaction and delight to our friends. Questions were asked by several persons, all of whom were favourably impressed by the answers given; which bore unmistakeable signs of deep thought and thorough acquaintance with the various subjects introduced. This is the first visit we have received from Mr. Skelton, but we hope that another may be granted us at no distant date. It may not be uninteresting to state that a short but respectful notice of the services appeared in one of the local papers. RAMSBOTTOM.-The annual tea party and recital of the New Church Sunday school in this town was held on Christmas day in a large hall belonging to the Co-operative Society, their own room being much too small to accommodate the numbers who usually patronise them on this occasion. Nearly 500 persons partook of tea, and a still larger number was present at the recital, which commenced immediately afterwards. The Rev. S. Pilkington occupied the chair. The proceedings were opened with sing ing, prayer, and a short address. The recitations of the children gave great satisfaction, and were much applauded. At intervals selections of music were sung by the choir in a very creditable manner; and a very pleasant evening was spent. In addition to these annual festivities the Society held in their schoolroom, during the Christmas holidays, a stall and a Christmas tree. A few weeks' earnest work enabled them to bring together a large quantity of useful, ornamental, and seasonable articles for sale, many of which also served to adorn and illuminate the tree. The room was tastefully decorated with bannerets, mottoes, etc. On Christmas Eve, when all things had been satisfactorily arranged, the Rev. S. Pilkington, after giving out a hymn and offering up, prayer, introduced Dr. Pilkington of Clayton-le-Moors, who delivered a very earnest and appropriate address, and concluded by declaring the stall, etc. open for sale. Mrs. S. Pilkington, Miss E. Hock of Southport, and Miss Peake, to whose efforts the success of the affair was mainly due, presided at the stall, and were assisted by several young ladies of the Society. The sales realized upwards of £42, which has been devoted to the augmentation of a fund for the erection of a school and a suitable place of worship. Contributions to this fund will be thankfully received and promptly acknowledged by the Rev. S. Pilkington, Stanley Street, Ramsbottom. evergreens, SALISBURY.-The annual Sunday-class Christmas tea meeting was held at the Fisherton Street Church, on the evening of Monday, December 29, 1873, and was attended by upwards of sixty persons. The church was tastefully decorated with holly and wreaths of evergreens, and presented a very pleasing appearance. After tea Mr. Dyke, the resident minister, was called upon to preside, and together with Messrs. Whitehorn and Saunders, gave some interesting and amusing readings. These were interspersed with various pieces sung by the children belonging to the Sunday-school, who, with Miss Bessie Tutt as their guide and leader at the harmonium, gave selections from the small American musical gem, entitled The Welcome, in an admirable manner. Two recitations of poetry were given with good taste and emphasis, and several glees were sung, which greatly contributed to enliven the meeting. SCANDINAVIAN MISSION. As the Magazine is going through the press we have received a painful letter from Rev. A. Boyesen, addressed to the Secretary of Conference. In this letter Mr. Boyesen says:-"This great undertaking has not got any support from the friends in America since last April, and I myself being deprived of all means to establish any business independent of the intolerance and the prejudices of the world, you can see, dear Sir, how unhappy my If not a friend of mine situation is. had aided me to get credit, I had been exposed to the worst consequences of not being able to buy the very first necessaries of life, and to pay the house rent." In this difficulty Mr. B. has endeavoured but has found the prejudices against him to earn something by teaching English, as a "Swedenborgian" and a stranger, such as to prevent his success. New Church Society in Denmark has subscribed 300 Rixdollars, or about £30 yearly, to aid the missionary and translating work, but this is quite inadequate to their wants. The It is easy to conceive how difficult it is t owork under these deplorable circumstances, and how imperative, if this mission is to be sustained, is immediate assistance. At the last General Conference a committee was appointed to procure the aid needed for the present year. Of this committee Rev. Dr. Tafel, 14 Rothbury Villas, Stroud Green Lane, London, N., is Secretary, and to him contributions may be sent. Birth. Grove, Camberwell, London, Mrs. Chas. On December 26, 1873, at 128 The Higham of a daughter. Obituary. At Chester, November 26th 1873, Mr. Albin Minshul Roberts, departed into the spiritual world, aged 57 years. Our departed brother became acquainted with the doctrines of the New Church when a young man, by reading the work on the intercourse between the soul and the body. Of the truth of this work he was convinced, but was not aware of the existence of the New Church till some time afterwards, when he was greatly rejoiced to find that the same doctrines were preached in the church in Russel Street, Liverpool. Here he became a regular attender. After living many years in Liverpool he removed to Chester. Three years ago he was taken with a bad cold, which ended in consumption; during his illness he was remarkably patient and resigned to the will of the Lord, and passed most of his time in reading. He has passed away greatly regretted by all who knew him. At Leeds, December 13, 1873, Mrs. Ann Coop, aged 57 years. The deceased had been for many years an esteemed member of the New Church. Though precluded by the circumstances of her life from taking a very active part in the affairs of the Society with which she was connected, she always manifested the warmest interest in its prosperity, and entered, so far as she was able, with interior delight into its services. She closed an exemplary life in quiet resignation and peace. At Heywood, December 19, 1873, Miss Einma Rawson, aged 37 years. The deceased had been trained by her parents in the knowledge of the heavenly doctrines of the New Jerusalem. As she grew to maturity, the training of her childhood commended itself to her mind and understanding, and she pursued her inquiries and made herself intelligently acquainted with the truths in which she believed. Her social position and general conduct secured her the esteem of many who were not members of the New Church, as well as of those with whem she was more closely associated in Chris tian fellowship. She sustained with patience a long and painful illness, and realized that though the afflictions of this life are painful and sorely trying to our feeble nature, they are yet mercifully overruled by our Heavenly Father for the promotion of our spiritual and eternal good. Her family and friends mourn her dpearture, but doubt not that their loss is her eternal gain. On the 8th of January, at Heywood, Miss Mary Wild, daughter of Jacob and Alice Wild, aged 26 years. The deceased has been from earliest childhood connected with the Sunday-school and congregation of the New Church in this town. Her removal was by a sudden and short sickness, which she bore with exemplary fortitude, looking forward in hope of a glorious translation to a better world. Her departure leaves a blank in the home of her parents and the hearts of many by whom she was warmly esteemed. Road, Upper Norwood, the beloved and Mrs. Nichols, of Egmont, 15 Farquhar devoted wife of R. P. Nichols, Esq., after a severe illness of nine weeks, passed into the eternal world on Thursday, January 8, 1874. For forty-four years she had lived exercising all the virtues of a true Christian. Six of them she passed with her bereaved husband at the Cape of Good Hope, where both of them received the heavenly doctrines they subsequently so much valued and carried out, and by which in suffering they were fully sustained. The departed lady endured her severe suffering with exemplary patience, and passed to her eternal home in perfect peace. A very short time before her last breath she exclaimed, with rapt affection, "What ecstasy to be with the blessed Jesus for ever and ever!" Mr. J. TAYLOR.-We have received a letter from the son of Mr. Taylor, whose obituary appears in our last number, informing us that there are certain misstatements in that notice which he desires should be corrected. "He was," we are informed in this letter, "acquainted with Swedenborgians before 1858, and did not come to London as an artist. . . but as a sub-superintendent at the International Exhibition of 1862." Although subject to much privation from his failing sight, he received the greatest kindness and pecuniary aid from many New Church friends, and did not want food and clothing. His MSS. are left in charge of his son, to be published, if the opportunity is presented, for the benefit of his widow. ERRATUM.-Page 32, line 16, for Hunt's read Hurd's. NOVELS usually end with the marriage of the hero and heroine. In real life, however, marriage only renders true men and women more heroic; while the troubles inseparable from married life make greater demands upon the virtues of both, and thus may develop virtue in both. He who has become a father has "given hostages to society for his good behaviour." He counts for more in the world, because he has undertaken a larger share of worldly responsibility. He has the privileges, and also the cares of a married man. The uncertainties of love-making have become superseded by the duties of love. His love for his wife may continually deepen and be purified. The consequences of his actions before marriage chiefly affected himself; now, those consequences will affect another, and in due time others. The profession or business which will most probably engage the larger portion of his time will have become defined; those who will be his general fellowworkers, competitors, and rivals will be known to him; his previous preparations for doing good and honourable service in this work-a-day world will have already begun to bear some fruit for him and his. As the head of a household, a new class of duties will devolve upon the young husband. His home will form another centre of social life in the place in which the couple dwell, around which will be gradually formed a circle of old and new friends. He will owe duties to the family of which marriage has constituted him a member. As a house G |