borgians, which upon being shewn to the audience was found to be the T. C. R., so secretly disposed that nearly sixty copies have been sold in Brightlingsea during the past few months. After this dramatic display, Mr. Colclough proceeded to contrast the Bible and the T. C. R., confining his attention to the Memorable Relations. His charges against the T. C. R. were that it taught (1) that angels and devils can visit each other; (2) that the English and the Dutch dwell separately in heaven; (3) that Swedenborg's devil (T. C. R. 661) is as ugly and as bad as a devil with a tail; (4) that angels are clothed in various colours (T. C. R. 743); (5) that there are prisons in heaven, and that in heaven those who will not work are starved (T. C. R. 281); (6) there is penitence in heaven (281); (7) Swedenborg allows men to have more than one wife in heaven, &c. &c. &c. During his reading of these extracts he begged the audience to excuse him if he should read anything that was not fit to be read, as he had not read the passages accurately through. The following Sunday the church was again very full. On the Tuesday evening when I lectured on "Swedenborg not an Impostor," in reply to the Rev. J. G. Hopkins, the church was not near large enough to accommodate all who assembled. My task was an easy one, giving Mr. Hopkins credit for the best intentions. I endeavoured to shew the audience that not having studied Swedenborg Mr. Hopkins was not qualified to criticise him, pointing out several matters wherein Mr. Hopkins had totally mistaken the views of Emanuel Swedenborg. I more particularly dwelt upon Swedenborg's veneration for the Word. Our friends here say that even Mr. Hopkin's friends admit that he was completely refuted. The effect of the lecture was good, and though an opportunity was given, no questions were asked. At the close I announced that having to leave for Jersey the next morning I should be obliged to postpone my reply to the Rev. J. Colclough until my return to Brightlingsea in December. On the 5th I left the shores of my native land for the first time-and for eighteen hours had the felicity of experiencing the pleasures of sea-travelling. I cannot say that I liked it. The wind blew fearfully, the waves came over the vessel, and the vessel rocked incessantly, but it did not rock me to sleep. I did not suffer much from sickness, but I felt giddy all the time, and for two days after landing on the shores of Jersey, where I received a hospitable welcome, that to some extent compensated for the roughness and undue length of the passage. At Jersey I preached on the 9th and 16th November, and gave three lectures on "Shall we work in Heaven?' "The Nature and Duration of Hell," and "If God is just can He always follow the dictates of His love?" In addition I took part in a social meeting of the Society, and delivered two addresses at Good Templar meetings. On the 17th, as I could not get home by land, I again embarked on board the mail-steamer homeward bound. The passage was longer and rougher than usual, but I felt no disagreeable effects from it. I arrived at Bolton on the evening of the 18th, and on the following Sunday preached to a large congregation at Besses o' th' barn. On Tuesday I left Bolton for Sheffield, en route for Brightlingsea. On Sunday, November 30th, I preached twice to the friends at Sheffield. On Tuesday, December 2nd, I arrived at Brightlingsea to commence my duties as minister of the Society, and of course the first public step I had to take was to deliver the promised reply to the Rev. J. Colclough. This I did on the evening of the 9th December to a large audience, the subject being the Memorable Relations of Swedenborg. Our own friends were satisfied with the reply, but as yet we have heard but little of the opinion of outsiders. We had not many of Mr. Colclough's congregation present; a tea-meeting was held for their benefit that night. It is rumoured that Mr. C. is preparing a pamphlet which is thoroughly to expose and crush us. controversy has been useful; it has stimulated our own friends to renewed diligence; it has caused many strangers to our views to come to our services and judge for themselves; it has caused a good deal of enquiry for New Church Books; and it has been a good introduction of the new minister to Brightlingsea. Yours truly, JOSEPH DEANS. The BACUP.-A correspondent informs us that Mr. Boyle, the leader of this Society, is at present engaged in the delivery of a course of Sunday evening lectures, which have hitherto been well attended, from 50 to 130 strangers being present at each lecture. During the past few weeks several have announced themselves receivers of the doctrines of the New Church. On the 2nd and 4th of December two lectures were delivered in the Co-operative Hall by Mr. Gunton. The attendances were very good, and the lectures were well received. At the close of the one on the second evening some questions were asked, and a considerable number of books sold. The Society has just opened a subscription for the erection of a chapel, and, by the aid of the members of the Church elsewhere, hopes soon to be in possession of a place of worship. From a local paper which has come into our hands we learn that the Church has been assailed through its columns. Several letters have appeared on both sides in the controversy, and the discussion has doubtless attracted increased attention to the Church, and led to the increased attendances named by our correspondent. BARNSLEY.-Mr. Gunton has visited this place, where he gave three lectures and two Sunday services, all of which were eminently successful. These services were given in the Temperance Hall, and extended from the 12th to the 16th of November. The subjects discussed related to the descent of the New Jerusalem, the divinity and spirituality of the Bible, the holiness of the Sabbath, and the uses of Prayer. The subjects were discussed with Mr. Gunton's usual clearness of exposition, and were all well attended by an appreciative audience. Several questions were asked and answered in Mr. Gunton's usual lucid style. At the close of the second lecture a gentleman (a member of the Society of Friends) expressed his great satisfaction, and stated that there were signs in the religious world indicating coming change from the present to a more rational and scriptural theology; even amongst his own denomination the old dogmas were dying out. The Sunday services exceeded the most sanguine expectations of the friends at Barnsley. All expressed themselves highly delighted, and hoped soon to see Mr. Gunton again. Upon the whole, the prospects in Barnsley are encouraging. IPSWICH.-On the 26th November 1873, the members and friends of the Ipswich New Church Society had a tea party, to welcome Mr. S. Jepson, it having been previously arranged between the committee of the National Missionary Society and the friends at Ipswich that Mr. J. should minister to the Society for three months. The neat little church in High Street was tastefully decorated with banners, mottoes, etc. Behind the pulpit was placed the word Welcome. About fifty-one sat down to tea, after which a meeting was held, Mr. G. Fisk in the chair, who made a very appropriate speech. The meeting was also addressed by Messrs. Baldwin, Harrison, Hinds, Rev. S. Jepson, Messrs. Wright, Frost, and Jack. Several musical pieces were sung by the choir, and some of the friends gave readings and recitations, which greatly added to the delight of all present. Indeed, the writer of this notice has been informed that it was one of the pleasantest meetings the Ipswich friends ever held. J. LONDON-ARGYLE SQUARE.-Junior Members' Society.-The seventeenth annual festival of this Society was held on Wednesday, 19th November, and was attended by a numerous and appreciative audience. After tea, the subject for consideration-"The different elements of use to which the energies of the Society may be applied "-was introduced by the President, the Rev. J. Presland, and spoken to by the following gentlemen, under the various headings of, "The general advantages afforded by the Society," the Secretary, Mr. H. Rowe; "The Religious Element,' Mr. E. C. Clarke; "The Social Element," Mr. A. H. Caistor; "The Political Element," Mr. C. Tarelli; and "The Business Capacity," by Mr. A. Faraday. The speeches of the younger gentlemen proved that there is considerable ability, which only needs cultivation to make it of considerable advantage to the Society. The committee were fortunate in obtaining the services of well-known musical artistes, whose services were warmly appreciated. The meeting did not close till late, but with the exception of one or two all remained until the end, which is a sufficient proof of the excellence of the ménu, and the enjoyment of the audience. The number present was about 230. At a special general meeting of this Society, on Friday, 21st November, the title was altered from "Junior Members' Society and Literary Institute" to "Mutual Improvement and Junior Members' Society," by which title it will now be known. LONDON-BUTTESLAND STREET, HoxTON. Since the departure to Kersley of Mr. Ramage, the Society has been in a somewhat depressed condition. Convinced of the necessity of having a permanent minister, it recently invited Mr. S. B. Dicks of the South London Society to undertake that office, and that gentleman, after due consideration, decided to accept the invitation. On the 18th November, a meeting was held at Buttesland Street to welcome Mr. Dicks, at which many members of his late Society, as well as New Church friends from other parts of London, attended. After tea, the chair was taken at seven o'clock by Mr. R. Jobson. Rev. Dr. Bayley opened the proceedings with prayer, after which the chairman explained the cause of the gathering, as in some sort a marriage, pleasantly claiming for himself the role of one who had arranged the necessary settlements, and wishing the newly united pair every happiness and prosperity. Mr. Austin, as minister of the Society in which Mr. Dicks had been introduced to the doctrines of the New Church, and which he was now leaving, was able to speak in most favourable terms both of the earnestness and ability of Mr. Dicks, and of the aptitude for teaching which he had displayed in connection with the Sunday School. Mr. Austin's good advice and encouragement, as coming from one who, like its immediate recipient, is a layman devoting his leisure hours to ministerial work, was peculiarly forcible and cheering, and he concluded by urging any present who possessed the requisite capacity for the work to "go and do likewise." Rev. R. L. Tafel said that he had noticed how almost invariably a man who had been an active Sunday-school teacher became a good minister, and from this fact he argued favourably for Mr. Dick's future success. He urged the members of the Society to support the Sunday services, quoting Swedenborg in proof that doctrinal teaching from the Word produces higher intellectual states than the reading of pious books at home on the Lord's Day. Rev. Dr. Bayley dwelt chiefly on the institution of the ministry, and especially that of the New Church, remarking that if the duties were performed in a right spirit, the delights arising therefrom more than compensated for the trials and unpleasantness which had to be encountered. He urged the members to support Mr. Dick by their presence and sympathy, and to strengthen his hands in every possible way. Dr. Bayley concluded by suggesting some aims for the Society to strive for, the foremost being an increase in the existing list of members. Mr. S. B. Dicks, in a forcible style, responded to the many kind and evidently heartfelt wishes which had been expressed. He dilated upon the wide and denselypopulated field of action occupied by this young Society, and bespoke for it and its inexperienced minister the kindly feeling of the whole Church. He was listened to with great pleasure, and it was felt by all present that he gave every promise of becoming eventually a very powerful exponent of New Church truth. Messrs. E. H. Bayley, Noel, Waddington, and Dr. Bateman subsequently addressed the meeting, and a very delightful sphere pervaded the gathering from first to last. The building is certainly not all that could be desired in the way of comfort and convenience, and it is to be hoped that while the foundations of the New Jerusalem are being laid in the hearts of the members, means will ere long be found for erecting a more commodious edifice for the Society's worship. LONDON, EAST.-In the number of the Intellectual Repository for March last, we inserted a notice from Mr. W. H. Iles, advocating the formation of a New Church Society for the East of London. A correspondent now writes us that a "small Society has been formed, and a room has been secured for the worship of the Lord Jesus Christ. The first meeting for worship was held on the evening of Sunday, November 30th, when there were sixteen persons present. This was encouraging, as six was the most we had hoped for. The only means by which we have made ourselves known at present, is communications among friends, but the Missionary and Tract Society have agreed to defray the expenses of four lectures in the Beaumont Institution next January, and then we shall advertise it in every possible manner. We are very sanguine that the least flourishing of the New Church Societies will not be the one in East London. We had great difficulty in obtaining a suitable room; the one we have is not at all comfortable or suitable, but such as it is we should be glad to see any of our New Church friends residing in the East of London to worship with us. The meeting for worship is at No. 53 Stepney Green, Mile End, every Sunday evening at halfpast six o'clock; there is also a meeting every Wednesday evening, at eight o'clock, at the same place for business and conversation. was held in the schoolroom, for the purpose of presenting a testimonial to Mr. James Burton, who has recently been obliged to relinquish his post of superintendent of the Sunday school, with which he has been connected for upwards of thirty years. The testimonial took the shape of a handsome timepiece, bearing the following inscription:"Presented to Mr. James Burton by the teachers, scholars, and friends of the New Jerusalem Church Sunday School, Stand Lane, Pilkington, as an affectionate token of their esteem for his earnest zeal, unwearied patience, and long-continued labours as successively teacher and conductor of the Sunday School in the above school for upwards of thirty years. November 22, 1873." The timepiece was supplemented by a pair of handsome flower vases. At 5 o'clock about 150 persons sat down to tea in the schoolroom, and after tea the party was increased by the addition of about 100 more friends. The Rev. James Boys, the minister of the church, then took the chair, and explained the object of the meeting, bearing strong testimony to the value of the services which Mr. Burton had rendered, not to that Society and school only, but to all good works which had been carried on in his neighbourhood, giving to every worthy effort, no matter by whom set on foot, his sympathy and substantial support. Mr. Burton, he said, had more particularly been one of the few men who gave themselves publicly to works of usefulness, coming to the front rank and prominently carrying the banner of whatever good cause they are advocating. Mr. Burton's labours in the cause of temperance were also commended. Mr. Boys then disclosed the time-piece, amidst the applause of the audience, and read the inscription thereon, and explained that it had been purchased by a large num ber of subscribers, the subscriptions not having been allowed to exceed half-acrown each. Mr. James Burton, who was much affected, and who was most heartily received by the audience, thanked in warm terms the donors of the testimonial for the feelings of kindness and respect towards him which had prompted it. He acknowledged with gratitude the kindness he had invariably received from the teachers of the school; and, in reference to his own career in life, acknowledged also the incalculable LONDON SWEDENBORG READING SoCIETY, 36 BLOOMSBURY STREET.-The second meeting of the present session was held on Thursday, the 20th November, the Rev. John Presland in the chair. The paper for the evening was in continuation of the subject of the previous meeting, "The sin against the Holy Ghost," and was contributed by the Rev. W. Bruce, but as he was unable to attend it was read for him by Mr. J. Speirs. It was a most admirable paper, and placed this difficult subject in a very clear light. Every point necessary for its comprehension was opened in Mr. Bruce's usual simple and perspicuous style. It was unanimously voted that Mr. Bruce should be requested to have the paper inserted in the Intellectual Repository, and in the hope that he will accede to this request, no attempt is made here to give an idea of his mode of treatment. An animated and interesting discussion followed the paper, elicit ing and developing much valuable information. The next paper for December 18th, is on the "Science of Correspondences in relation to Manufactures and the Fine Arts," by Mr. Teed. The circumstance that the meetings of the Society take place on the third Thursday in each month prevents any notice being in time for the succeeding number of the Intellectual Repository. J. B. KEENE, Secretary, 38 Hartham Road, Hillmaston Road, Camden Road, N. RADCLIFFE NEW JERUSALEM CHURCH SCHOOLS.-On Saturday evening, 22nd November, a meeting of the teachers, scholars, and friends of the above schools benefits he had derived from his connec- lections. The committee, who had during their term of office held twentyfive meetings, had now £2,052 in hand, leaving a balance of over £300 due to the treasurer for payment to the builders and sub-contractors. Mr. J. Johnson said the New Church in Wigan had been very like the city of Rome-it was not built in a day, and he would, therefore, give them a few facts about the progress of the Society. In 1795 a few earnest men first met in a house in this town. In 1808 their friends met to the number of half-a-dozen in a room in Chapel Lane, whence they afterwards removed to a room or house in Mesnes Lane. There were a dozen other places where they had assembled during the present century. When the old school was erected WIGAN. We give the following ac- it was considered a miracle, and little count of the public services connected did they think that the time would come with the opening of the school-rooms when they would part with that builderected at this town, from the Wigan ing, which it was at one time feared Examiner of December 5th. "The new would never be built, and which some schools connected with the New Jeru- thought would never be paid for, to go. salem Church, Warrington Lane, Wigan, into a place of such beauty as that which were opened on Sunday last, sermons they had, under Divine Providence, being preached, morning and evening, raised for the inhabitants of Wigan in to large congregations, by the Rev. this year 1873. They had provided in Dr. Bayley of London. In the after- the very centre and heart of the building noon a children's service was held, at a church in which they hoped to worship which addresses were delivered to the and praise God, and they hoped that the young people by the Revs. Howell room intended for that purpose might Davies and R. Lambert. On Monday develope itself like a beautiful child into evening the Rev. Dr. Bayley delivered a goodly and elegant church, either to a lecture on "The uses of knowledge in the right or across the way to supplant this world and in the next. There was the buildings there situate. In addition a very good attendance, and the lecturer's to the Church they had the day-school. remarks were much appreciated. On They had 500 children on the books of Tuesday evening a tea party was held that school, and they had accommodation in the new schools, at which 160 persons for 600, a number which they hoped evenpartook of tea, and a well-attended tually to reach. The opening services were public meeting was afterwards held. continued over the following Sunday, the Mr. Francis Smith presided, and there officiating ministers being the resident were on the platform the Rev. Dr. ministers of other Christian communities. Bayley, Messrs. Peter Ramage, G. Meek, All the services were well attended and J. Johnson, and Edwin Rudd. The very successful, the collections reaching proceedings having been opened with the sum of £106. singing and prayer, Mr. E. Rudd read the financial report. He said that on WIDOW OF THE LATE PROFESSOR the 5th of February of the present year Busu.-Mr. Editor,-Permit us to the first meeting of the committee was follow up the appeal you kindly inserted held for the purpose of devising means in your last number, in behalf of the to carry out the scheme of erecting new widow of the late Professor Bush, hy schools, and they then called in the reminding friends intending to conassistance of Mr. R. T. Johnson, architect. tribute that-as in cases like the present, The cost of the schools was £2,353; "he gives twice who gives quickly' subscriptions to the amount of £473, we shall be additionally favoured if they 19s. were added on Saturday last, and will forward their subscriptions at since then £80 had been raised by col- their earliest convenience. The amount " |