Abbott, Jacob, his Young Christian, and Corner-Stone, reviewed, 133 - his merits as a writer, 134 - his defects, 135- his illustrations of atonement, 146.
Abgarus and Jesus Christ, correspon- dence between, spurious, 300. Abney, Sir Thomas, the friend of Dr. Watts, 339.
Alexander, William, his vindication of Evanson, 402. Aristocracy, its elements, 354. Artemon, maintains the doctrine of Christ's humanity, 305. Atonement, views of, in a review of Abbott's publications, 142 -popu- lar illustrations of, examined, 144 Calvin's views of, 148 - Scrip- ture language concerning, 155 - Dr. Wayland's and Prof. Stuart's views of, 156 - errors in common reasoning concerning the, 158- sense in which Unitarians believe in it, 278.
Beard, J. R., editor of The Christian Teacher, 402.
Biblical Repository and Quarterly Observer, publication of the, 131. Boston Observer and Religious In- telligencer, publication of the, 130. Bowring John, his Minor Morals for Young People, noticed, 126. Bridgewater Treatises, 314. Bunyan, John, his experiences and conversion, 66.
Bush, Rev. George, his edition of Dymond's Essays, 101- differs from Dymond concerning the ground of moral obligation, 102.
Chaldee Grammar, Professor Pal- frey's, 399.
Christ, efficacy of his death, 149, 279 - not God, 277 - forbids war, 370.
Depravity, human, belief of Unitari- ans sin. in, 283.
Dewey, Orville, his Discourses on Various Subjects, reviewed, 389. Dionysius, bishop of Alexandria, 306. Divine Influence, Essay on the Doc- trine of, continued from last vol- ume, 50 et seq. - methods of, ib. - not supernaturally imparted, 51 - testimony of President Edwards,
52-no sufficient evidence of su- pernatural influences, 54 - other objections stated, 60 - opposed to what we know of God's moral government, 61 - not needed, 62
its supposed effects to be natu- rally accounted for, 63 - subject illustrated in the case of John Bunyan, 66- case of Jonathan Edwards, 72-supernatural influ- ence not supported by Scripture, 78- summary of the article, 83- Essay concluded, 230 et seq. - di- vine influence not specially im- parted, ib. not distinguishable from mental operations, 238 - not arbitrarily given, 244 - not irre- sistible, 246-laws of its opera- tion, 249-evidences of its pres- ence, 255.
Dymond, Jonathan, his Essays on the Principles of Morality, review- ed, 101 et seq. - his system based on the Gospel, 103 - differs from Paley, 104- on religious obliga- tions, 109 - on property, 110 - on NO. III.
slavery, 112 - on immoral agency, 115 - on moral education, 117- his Inquiry into the principles of War, 368 extract from, 371 another, on the wars of the Old Testament, 376.
Editors of the Christian Examiner, their notice to subscribers, 404. Edwards, Jonathan, his opinions on spiritual influences, 52 - his ex- periences and conversion, 72 et seq. on the evidences of divine in-
Election, Unitarian doctrine of, 286. Eusebius Pamphilus, Bishop of Cesa- rea, life of, 84 et seq. - early life, 85-his part in the Arian contro- versy, 89-a favorite of the Em- peror Constantine, 95 time of his death not known, 96 - his principal works enumerated, 96, 97-his doctrinal opinions, 98 - his character, 99 - his authority as an historian, 291 charges against him, 292 - value of his materials, 298 - his use of them, 308-infidel perversions of his authority, 311.
Evanson, Edward, vindication of him by Mr. Alexander, 402.
Fathers, the early Christian, their testimony on war, 371.
Fletcher, Giles, lines quoted from, 262.
Future state of the sinful, 226 - re- wards and punishments, 287.
Garrick, anecdotes of, in the Life of Hannah More, 6 et seq. German theology, 167. Gibbon, his insinuation against Euse- bius considered, 293. God, his agency in the material uni- verse, 314 - his justice, 151. Gospel, its morality original, 360 its great principle is love, 361 opposed to war, 369.
Grammar, principles of, 161.
Herbert, George, lines from his Tem- ple, 267.
Herder, John Godfrey, his place among German writers, 169 - and theologians, 171 - his birth and parentage, 174 - early instruction, 175 goes to Königsberg, as a student of medicine, 184 - chang- es to theology, 185 appointed an instructer in Frederic's-College, 186-leaves Königsberg for Riga, where he teaches in the High School, 190 begins to preach, 191-travels to Paris, 195 - trav- els as tutor to the son of the Duke of Holstein-Oldenburg, 196 — his station at Bückeburg, 197 - is married, 201 - publishes works, ib.
removes to Weimar, 203 - pub- lishes Letters on Theology, and Spirit of Hebrew Poetry, 205, 206
visits Italy, 207 - returns to Weimar, 208 - his death, 210- person and character, 211 - opin- ions, 213 - eulogy by Jean Paul Richter, 218.
Ignatius, of Antioch, 302. Infidelity, not remarkably prevalent in the Western States, 124.
Jenyns, Soame, anecdote of, 17. Johnson, Dr. Samuel, anecdotes of, in Hannah More's Life, 11 et seq. Justice of God, mistaken views con- cerning the, 151.
Kant, his friendship for Herder, 188.
Polycrates, referred to by Eusebius,
Latin Grammar, new method of Porteus, Dr. Beilby, anecdotes of in learning the, 161.
Man, Essay on the Moral Constitu- tion and History of, 345. Mant, Bishop, his Happiness of the Blessed, noticed, 222.
Marsh, James, his Translation of Herder's Spirit of Hebrew Poetry, reviewed, 167 - criticisms on, 170. Milner, Rev. Thomas, his Life of Dr. Watts, reviewed, 327.
More, Mrs. Hannah, her Life and Correspondence by W. Roberts, re- viewed, 1 et seq. account of her family and early life, 2- addressed by Mr. Turner, 3 - her first ap- pearance as an author, 6 - her in. troduction into London society, 7
her management of Sunday schools, 20 popularity of her ballads and tracts, 23, - her relig- ious opinions, 24 - her residences in Bath, Cowslip Green, and Bar- ley Wood, 26, 27 - loses her sister by death, 27 - her establishment at Barley Wood, 28 - removes to Clifton, her last residence, 29. More, Miss Sarah, sister of Hannah, letters of, 8 et seq. Müller, John George, a friend of Herder, 205.
Palfrey, Professor, J. G., his proposed work on the Jewish Scriptures, 271-his Grammar of the Chaldee, Syriac, Samaritan, and Rabbinical Languages, 399.
Papias, his authority for history, 301. Parker, Nathan, his Sermons noticed,
Mrs. More's Life, 12 et seq.
Syriac Grammar, Professor Palfrey's,
Taylor, Mr., of Norwich, mistakes in his account of Herder, 220.
Temperance, Young Men's Conven- tion at Worcester, 30 et seq. Legislation in support of, 32 objections against temperance leg- islation answered, first, on its practicability, 33 - second, on its expediency, 37 - third, on its con- stitutionality, 41 - fourth, on its necessity, 45. Therapeutæ, sect of, 312. Trescho, Sebastian, an instructer of Herder, 180.
Trial and Self-Discipline, a Tale, noticed, 268.
Tucker, Dean, his letter to Hannah More, 16.
Unitarian belief. See Unitarians. Unitarians, Sober Thoughts address-
ed to, 269-their belief, 273-be- lieve in the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, 277-believe in the atone- ment, 278-believe in human de- pravity, 283 - believe in regenera- tion, 285-believe in election, 286. believe in future rewards and pun- ishments, 287 - believe in the su- preme importance of religion, 289.
Walker's Dictionary, criticisms on, by Noah Webster, 122.
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