thus you see, that to be generous is not quite the same as to be wise and good." - pp. 31-34. To illustrate and recommend a virtuous Perseverance, an interesting account is given of the singular fortunes of Jacquard, of Lyons, the inventor of the Jacquard machine for weaving the most complicated patterns of many-colored Oriental shawls, fashionable silks, and variegated ribbons. On the subject of Nobility of Skin, a story is told of a kidnapped African girl, founded apparently on fact, which it will not be to the credit of any one, young or old, to be able to read with dry eyes. Our limits will not allow us, however, to make further extracts or references; nor is it necessary. Of course, in the multitude of children's books, with which the press teems, most of them the offspring of feeble or narrow minds, some American publisher will eagerly avail himself of the opportunity to reprint the work under notice, as being a production not unworthy of the eminent scholar and philanthropist whose name it bears. The Boston Observer and Religious Intelligencer. - This is the title of a new weekly journal, begun under very promising auspices at the commencement of the present year, and devoted to "Liberal Christianity, Sunday Schools, Literature, and Intelligence." It is handsomely printed in a quarto form, as being best fitted for binding and future preservation; each number contains about as much matter as one of the monthly numbers of the Unitarian did; it is intended that it shall be filled almost entirely with original communications, and that it shall combine, as far as may be, the advantages of a religious newspaper and a religious magazine. The ability, spirit, and variety which appear in the numbers already issued, are an earnest and pledge at once of its usefulness and success, and we give it, therefore, a cordial welcome and recommendation. --- Sephora; a Hebrew Tale, descriptive of the Country of Palestine, and of the Manners and Customs of the Ancient Israelites. Abridged and corrected from the London Edition, by the Rev. THADDEUS MASON HARRIS, D. D. Worcester: C. Harris. 1835. 12mo. pp. 254. - It is matter of regret, if the appearance of this anonymous little work in England has had any thing to do in preventing the learned American editor from going on with his projected "Travels through Palestine of the good Roman Centurion." The latter, we are sure, would have been what the former is not, and could not be made to be, a useful and safe guide in regard to the country of Palestine and the manners and customs of the an 1 cient Israelites. We look in vain in its elaborate and finished, but somewhat stiff and verbose descriptions, for traces of the pliant imagination of Miss Martineau, or the Oriental mind of Herder, and, to a certain extent, of Milman, which makes us almost live, for the time, in the scenes and among the people of the East. The writer also seems but indifferently well acquainted with material characteristics of the Hebrew polity; for he represents the Feast of Tabernacles as being celebrated not at Jerusalem alone, but by various groups in different parts of the country, not unlike the camp-meetings of the Methodists. He even so far forgets what has always been considered, we believe, as a fundamental law of Moses, namely, that there should be but one place of sacrifice, as to speak of an altar on the plains of Zaanaim (p. 127), and of another on Mount Carmel (p. 131), on which victims were offered. But the most serious objection to this writer is to be found in his extreme and unaccountable misconception of the Jewish mode of thinking and speaking on moral and religious subjects, of which the following passage may be taken as a pretty fair specimen. Nicanor, a poor, sightless, decrepit peasant, in a miserable hut, and on his death-bed, is speaking of Patrobus, the father of Sephora. "I remember in particular," said the old man, "his coming here one Sabbath with the book of Isaiah in his hand, and beginning to unroll it, he said he was come to read it to me, and make me a partaker of the best gift he inherited from his forefathers. I thanked him, but told him I did not wish to hear it; that I knew the commandments, and many good texts from the phylacteries of the Pharisees; that I had never done harm to any man; and this was learning and religion enough for me. I have often since wondered at myself, that I should be so ill-mannered as to refuse to hear him. To be sure he had cause enough to be offended, considering how much I had formerly been obliged to him, and that he was so much above me in life, and had taken this trouble on my account. But, instead of showing any anger, he took my hand, and said with a voice of affection that I seem still to hear, Nicanor, you think that you have religion enough, but you may not always think so, you may perhaps live to feel the want of a peace of heart which this book could teach you how to obtain. Should that time ever come, send for me; we have been fellow soldiers in the turmoils of this life, - our lot is now cast together in these more peaceful scenes, and I hope we shall be compatriots in that glorious world that lies beyond the grave. Nicanor, if ever I should get there, (as through the merits of my promised Redeemer I do not doubt but I shall,) I think I should be sorry to miss you." - pp. 63, 64. The Biblical Repository and Quarterly Observer. Conducted by B. B. EDWARDS. January, 1835. Boston: Perkins, Marvin and Co. Andover: Gould and Newman. 8vo. pp. 264. The two journals above mentioned have been united, for the purpose, as we are told in the Prospectus, of concentrating talent and patronage, and the work is hereafter to be conducted by the gentleman who has had charge of the Observer. We hope that the biblical department will be as ably sustained as when in the hands of Professor Robinson. The first Number contains a paper by Professor Stewart, on the "Designations of Time in the Apocalypse," in which he arrives at last at the following sound conclusion. "To every devoted disciple of the Saviour, whose heart's desire and daily prayer to God is, that his kingdom may come, I would say, Never occupy your precious time in seeking out some possible sense of the Apocalypse by giving it a literal interpretation. I might even say, 'The letter killeth, but the spirit maketh alive." (p. 82.) This number also contains a translation, by Professor Torrey of Tholuck's "Exposition of the Lord's Prayer," taken from his " Commentary on the Sermon on the Mount." We also have a short but favorable notice of the first number of Professor Bush's Commentary on the book of Psalms, in which the writer observes: "It would be manifestly improper to give any decided opinion of the merits of a commentary on one hundred and fifty Psalms, when a tythe is published. We shall, therefore, mainly confine ourselves to the correction of a few errors." (p. 239.) Then follow a number of these errors, consisting for the most part of misprints of the Hebrew. We shall take leave to point out a few errors of the same kind in the Biblical Repository itself; for in one of the articles just mentioned, the "Exposition of the Lord's Prayer," the following mistakes occur. On page 228 we find the following strange combination of letters ; - פַּרְנָסָה : כִּרְפַרְנַסְתּוֹ and פַּרְנַסְתּוֹ we understand. We would say of these errata, in the words of the writer of the notice on Professor Bush's work: "We are aware that the above criticisms are minute, and do not affect at all the general merits of the commentary; yet they are not unimportant. Every author and publisher, particularly of works of this sort, ought to aim at entire accuracy. The proof-reader should look well to his calling." THE CHRISTIAN EXAMINER. N°. LXVIII. NEW SERIES - N°• XXXVIII. MAY, 1835. ART. I.-1. The Young Christian; or a familiar Illustration of the Principles of Christian Duty. By JACOB Аввотт. Stereotype Edition. Boston. 1833. 12mo. pp. 395. 2. The Corner-Stone; or a familiar Illustration of the Principles of Christian Truth. By JACOB Аввотт. Boston. 1834. 12mo. pp. 360. PERHAPS no books have issued from the religious press, more true to their title as "Illustrations," than those of Mr. Abbott. Familiar illustration is his characteristic, and reason, nature, and life, the sources from which he draws most freely, -not to the neglect of Scripture, for he aims to base everything on that, but to a much greater and bolder degree than has been common with writers of his faith. In this respect, if in no other, his writings may form an epoch in religious composition. We have felt a reluctance to draw into controversy books of so practical an aim and devotional temper. Mr. Abbott deprecates any such use of his works, which makes us the more unwilling to evince the least disposition to take them up for that purpose. We cheerfully accord him the justice which he asks in his Preface to "The Corner-Stone," -" to admit, that I have made this exhibition of the Gospel, with reference to its moral effect on human hearts, and not for the purpose of taking sides in a controversy between different parties of Christians." No one can read a single chapter from his pen, without seeing that to affect the heart is his great object, and that he does not contend for doctrine, so much as seek to illustrate and apply it. Still, we are sure, no one would be VOL. XVIII. -N. S. VOL. XIII. NO II. 18 less averse than himself to a temperate discussion of any doctrine or principle which he has advocated. Nor will he object to a candid, free examination of his books themselves. The notice that we shall take of them here will be general and free, we hope candid. These books deserve consideration. Their author possesses a happy power of illustrating the highest truths, and recommending them to the understanding and interest of the lowest minds, minds indeed of almost every grade. His works are calculated to find, and they have found, a ready reception and extensive circulation. We have seen accounts, though we do not retain particulars, of their great popularity and multiplication in England as well as this country. It does not surprise us, nor cause any regret. The increase of practical religious works, and the increased demand for them, we welcome as one of the best indications of our time. We are particularly glad, when any one succeeds in the difficult task of dressing religious truth in a garb which will make it attractive to the young, and even to the lovers of mere narrative and fiction. We are glad, when any thing is written, which will fix the mind upon religion in its private hours, and compel or allure it to contemplate its own habits, dangers, and duties. As we know not the form of Christianity which does not seem to us better than infidelity, so we hardly know the book, aiming to elucidate and enforce religion, however defective in doctrine, which we would not put into the hands, or see in the hands, of the young, more willingly, than the vapid, noxious trash, which usually passes under the name of light reading. We certainly recollect no book of a practical moral character in common use, which we would not prefer to have read, rather than that nothing of this character should be read, no interest engaged, or inquiry started. Much should we distrust our own interest in religion, our impartial joy in its spread, if we could treat any such book or writer, as some of our own practical writers have been treated. They have something to answer for, be they of our name or another, who attempt to stamp with opprobrium any works, whose unquestionable design is to awaken or strengthen religious feeling, and whose prevailing tendency, however feeble or with whatever exceptions, must be in that direction. In that direction clearly is the tendency of all we have seen in the books now before us, and several others, from the |