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with that of the Lit. The subscription year begins and ends with the college year. This arrangement has been adopted in order that the Senior editors may be released from the care of issuing a weekly paper during the last and busiest term of the college course. - Yale Record. -We think there is something in this worthy of our consideration. How is it, brother editors?

It is quite surprising to notice how much space the Cornell Era allows to a review of the Vassar Miscellany. Wonder if the editors can't afford to buy note paper.

THE following paid their subscriptions during the past month: Prof. R. B. Youngman, Angle, '76, S. Fleming, T. W. Youngman, W. M. L. Ziegler, B. W. Lewis, Wood McKnight, G. R. Stewart, J. S. Stewart, J. C. Crawford Weeks (student), Dumont J. Fox, Dr. S. W. Latta, S. R. Warrender, C. G. Voris, W. M. Hyde, A. K. Michler, Oscar J. Harvey, E. L. Campbell, I. V. A. Craighead, S. L. Stiver (1-2), — Miller. Lee Noll, I. H. Brakely, John Curwen, I. I. Pomeroy, Jas. Roberts, H. G. Fisher, E. M. Alcott (last year), O. C. McClure.

We have received our usual number of exchanges.

We take pleasure in presenting to our readers the following tribute to the memory of the kind-hearted, large-minded christian philosopher, Dr. Coffin. It is taken from the Presbyterian Banner :



In the death of James H. Coffin, Professor of Mathematics in Lafayette College, a dear, good man has gone to heaven. It was my privilege for four years to have his instruction, and I cannot recall one thing about him that did not favorably impress me. His is one of the very few names on which honorary titles can confer no lustre, but from which these titles themselves derive their glory. It seems altogether out of place to think of this truly great and good man as "Doctor Coffin." It takes from the lovely simplicity of his manner, as from the particular power of his life. It removes us too far from his personal attractiveness, and somewhat obscures the cheering brightness which ever encircles his spotless name. It is only when the sun is eclipsed that the corona can be seen. So do we think of this departed servant of God. He himself was too luminous to admit of the coronal display of earthly titles. In his profession few have risen to greater eminence. Too great and too good to aim at notoriety by any of the pedantic or sensational tricks of the day he excited no special stir in his busy age. He touched no note to catch the public ear, but modestly shrunk from all popular applause. And what is infinitely better than the eclat

attending the incoming and the outgoing of precocious scientists, he has left a noble life, which was consecrated to the pursuit of knowledge and the service of Jesus Christ, to bear precious fruits in the years to come. His contributions to science have been permanent acquisitions to the small stock of human knowledge. His grand head, accompanied by as grand a heart, traveled through regions unexplored, and took its own observations and made its own reckonings. He was a pioneer among "the ways of the wind.'" Æolus is said to have given Ulysses all the winds excepting Zephyrus; but on his way to Ithaca, Ulysses fell asleep in his boat, whereupon his covetous comrades, thinking it was gold in his ox-hide bag, opened the bag and allowed the winds to escape. It was reserved for James H. Coffin to gather up these wild, wandering winds, and trace their courses, and present them to us clothed with regular and beautiful laws. We shall look with interest for the publication of his last great work, "The Winds of the Globe." He has told us. whence they come and whither they go; and yet he never imagined himself opposed to Him who said, "The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh or whither it goeth." But rather he laid his vast learning at the feet of this Divine Teacher, saying in word and deed, "Thou, O Lord, art worthy." As a man, he was kind, and gentle, and courteous; yet always ready to solve a problem or help a sorrowing student. And sometimes, indeed, we would allow him. " to explain," not because it was necessary, but because it seemed. to please him so greatly. It was his joy to know that he could as-sist the needy. In all his business transaction he was honest to what we called "a fault." I knew of two pennies, which some one of the students had paid him too much, to lie on his table for days, while he constantly reminded every class that these pennies belonged to some one of them. I have often wondered since what be-came of those two friendless pennies which nobody would own. After seven years' absence I visited the college, and called at the home of this worthy man. It was Sabbath afternoon; and as I was about to leave he came across the parlor with something in his hand; and, after apologising for his action, as it was on the Sabbath, he handed me twenty-five cents which he said I had overpaid him while at college. I shall never forget that quiet, impressive lesson of probity. It is with genuine sorrow I think of the death.

of this dear man. Many hearts will mourn for him. Yet our sorrow is crowned with the christian's hope. He has left a bright mark on the world. His name is honored in many a land; and he has not passed away without the honorable recognition of our national government. The college has lost a staunch friend-one who stood by her in her dark days, and one whose name has given her renown. And our church has lost one of her most devoted and eminent elders. But our loss is heaven's gain. Dear, precious old man, whose gray hairs were a crown of glory, he has gone; gone from the toils of earth to the rest of heaven.

"Rest for the toiling hand,

Rest for the anxious brow;
Rest for the weary, way-worn feet,
Rest from all labor now."




Among the sketches in the Philadelphia Press of the members of the Constitutional Convention, we find the following of the Representative from this county (Hon. Charles Brodhead): Charles Brodhead, of Bethlehem, is a young man, though gray. He studied law at Hoffman's Law School in Philadelphia, finished with the Hon. Richard Brodhead at Easton, the late United States Senator, was admitted to the Bar of Northampton, in 1849, was eminently successful, retired at the expiration of only four years' practice, judiciously invested his money-not a large sum-at Bethlehem, and since then has realized largely from his real estate transactions. He is a Democrat, dyed in the wool, a gentleman and a scholar of no ordinary merit, and as a worker in the convention without any superior. He is appropriately named on the Committee on Counties, Townships and Boroughs, and on future amendments. He is not. only broadheaded, as his name imports, but broadbodied, and weighs his full complement of two hundred and a quarter avoirdupois. He wears full beard, hair cut short, is very slightly bald, but certainly has not only a beaming, but a smiling

face. He is about forty-five years of age, ard is the picture of perfect health; not tall but thoroughly developed." -Easton Express.


Henry Green, Esq., of Easton, was elected as Delegate at Large to the Constitutional Convention, to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Samuel E. Dimmick, who has accepted the position of Attorney-General of this State.


Henry T. Lee has again returned to Europe, where he expects to remain for several months.


Thomas McCamant, for several years chief clerk in the State Department, was recently re-appointed to the same position.


James K. Dawes, for six years town clerk of Easton, has resigned.


Rev. Henry L. Bunstein was installed pastor of the Clinton Street Presbyterian Church of Philadelphia, on the evening of February 25. He receives a salary of $2400 per annum.


Samuel Latta, M. D., whom we noticed a few months ago as being in China, has returned to this country. He was in Easton a few days ago.


Mr. James Hume Smith was recently married to a young lady of Philadelphia.


T. Jacobson, late professor of the English Language and Literature, at Washington and Jefferson College, has resigned his position and is now in New York city.

James P. Ziegler is on an engineer corps in Ohio.


F. W. Edgar was one of the three delegates that represented the Dane Law School of Harvard University at the National Convention to secure a religious amendment to the Constitution of the U. S.


Married, on February 25, at the Trinity Episcopal Church of Easton, by Rev. J. Sanders Reed, Mr. Thomas Fassitt, ('72), of Philadelphia, to Miss Dora A. Pyle, daughter of Hon. Robert C. Pyle, of Easton.

H. P. Hess has purchased the coffee and spice mills of Mr. I. A. Smith, in Easton. He will continue the business at the same stand.


Wm. Deats has just returned from Michigan, where he has been spending the winter in teaching.

Robert H. Fulton, a member of '74 during their Freshman year, is now at Amherst College.

Thomas F. Wells expects to return to college next term and take a special course with '75.


Lowe has left college for this year.

Young is in '76 at Cornell University.

Many of our readers will no doubt be sorry to hear of the death of Rev. Wm. A. Good, father of James I. Good of '72, which took place in Reading a few weeks ago.


On the evening of February 13th Dr. Porter lectured in the Brainerd Church, under the auspices of the Young Men's Christian Association. His subject was "Manners." 'The Dr.'s wit and sound sense both pleased and instructed the large audience that listened to him.

The citizens of Easton held a public meeting, February 20th, to elect delegates to attend the National Convention that met in New York City on the 26th of February, in the interest of the Religious Amendment to the Constitution of the United States. The meeting was addressed by Rev. A. M. Milligan, D. D., of Pittsburgh, and Rev. D. McFall, of Oil City. A series of resolutions were adopted and ten delegates appointed.

February 22d, the Washington Literary Society, according to their time-honored custom, celebrated the 141st anniversary of him whose name they bear. They gave an entertainment to the citizens of Easton and the Franklin Literary Society, in the hall of the new public school building. The order of exercises was as follows.

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