second col and were opened, would be found at my heart, as queen Mary said of Calais; we find additionals still, but the consumption goeth on. I pray God give his majesty resolution, passing by at once all impediments and less respects, to do that which may help it, before it be irremediable. God ever preserve and prosper your lordship. Your lordship's most obliged friend 23 July, 1620. and faithful servant, FR. VERULAM, Canc. I have stayed the thousand pounds set upon Engle. field for his majesty, and given order for levying it. Stephens's CCXXXVII. To the Marquis of BUCKINGHAM. My very good Lord, lection, p. 112. ONE gave me a very good precept for the stone; that I should think of it most when I feel it least. This I apply to the king's business, which surely I revolve most when I am least in action; whereof at my attendance I will give his majesty such account as can proceed from my poor and mean abilities, which as his majesty out of grace may think to be more than they are, so I out of desire may think sometime they can effect more than they can. But still it must be remembered, that the stringing of the harp, nor the tuning of it, will not serve, except it be well played on from time to time. If his majesty's business or commandments require it, I will attend him at Windsor, though I would be glad to be spared, because quick airs at this time of the year do affect me. At London, and so at Theobalds and Hampton-Court, I will not fail, God willing, to wait upon his majesty. Mean while I am exceeding glad to hear his majesty hath been lusty and well this progress. Thus, much desiring to see your lordship, cujus amor tantum mihi crescit in horas, as the poet saith, I ever remain Your lordship's most obliged friend Gorhambury, this 30th of Aug. 1620.. FR. VERULAM, Canc. CCXXXVIII. To the Marquis of BUCKINGHAM. Stephens's My very good Lord, I WRITE now only a letter of thanks to his majesty, for that I hear, in my absence he was pleased to express towards me, though unworthy, a great deal of grace and good opinion before his lords; which is much to my comfort, whereunto I must ever impute your lordship as accessary. I have also written to him what signification I received from secretary Naunton of his majesty's will and pleasure, lest in so great a business there should be any mistaking. The pain of my foot is gone, but the weakness doth a little remain, so as I hope within a day or two to have full use of it. I ever remain Your lordship's most obliged friend second collection, p. 113. 2 Octob. 1620. FR. VERULAM, Canc. CCXXXIX. To the KINg. It may please your Majesty, I THOUGHT myself an unfortunate man that I could not attend you at Theobalds. But I hear that your majesty hath done, as God Almighty useth to do, which is to turn evil into good, in that your majesty hath been pleased upon that occasion to express before your lords your gracious opinion and favour towards me, which I most humbly thank your majesty for, and will aspire to deserve. Secretary Naunton this day brought me your pleasure in certain notes; that I should advise with the two chief justices, old parliament-men, and Sir Edward Coke, who is also their senior in that school, and Sir Randall Crewe the last speaker, and such other judges as we should think fit, touching that which mought in true policy, without packing or degenerate arts, prepare to a parliament, in case your majesty should resolve of one to be held; and withal he sig Ibid.p.114. Stephens's second collection, P. 115. nified to me some particular points, which your majesty very wisely had deduced. All your majesty's business is super cor meum, for I lay it to heart, but this is a business secundum cor meum; and yet, as I will do your majesty all possible good services in it, so I am far from seeking to impropriate to myself the thanks, but shall become omnibus omnia, as St. Paul saith, to attain your majesty's ends. As soon as I have occasion, I will write to your ma. jesty touching the same, and will have special care to communicate with my lords, in some principal points, though all things are not at first fit for the whole table. I ever rest Your majesty's most bounden 2 Oct. 1620. and most devoted servant, Your majesty needeth not to doubt but that I shall carry the business with that secrecy which appertaineth. CCXL. To the Marquis of BUCKINGHAM. YESTERDAY I called unto us the two chief justices, and serjeant Crewe, about the parliament business. To call more judges, I thought not good. It would be little to assistance, much to secrecy. The distribution of the business we made was into four parts. I The perusing the former grievance, and of things of like nature which have come since. II. The consideration of a proclamation, with the clauses thereof, especially touching elections; which clauses nevertheless, we are of opinion, should be rather monitory than exclusive. III. The inclusive: that is to say, what persons were fit to be of the house, tending to make a sufficient and well-composed house of the ablest men of the kingdom, fit to be advised with circa ardua regni, as the stile of the writs goeth, according to the pure and true institution of a parliament; and of the means to place such persons without novelty or much observation. For this purpose we made some lists of names of the prime counsellors, and principal statesmen or courtiers; of the gravest or wisest lawyers; of the most respected and best tempered knights and gentlemen of the county. And here obiter we did not forget to consider who were the boutefeus of the last session, how many of them are dead, how many reduced, and how many remain, and what were fit to be done concerning them. IV. The having ready of some commonwealth bills, that may add respect and acknowledgment of the king's care; not wooing bills to make the king and his graces cheap; but good matter to set them on work, that an empty stomach do not feed upon humour. Of these four points, that which concerneth persons is not so fit to be communicated with the counciltable, but to be kept within fewer hands. The other three may, when they are ripe. Mean while I thought good to give his majesty an account what is done, and in doing, humbly craving his direction if any thing be to be altered or added; though it may be ourselves shall have second thoughts, this being but the result of our first meeting. The state of his majesty's treasure still maketh me sad, and I am sorry I was not at Theobalds to report it, or that it was not done by my fellows: it is most necessary we do it faithfully and freely: for to flatter in this, were to betray his majesty with a kiss. I humbly pray his majesty to think of my former counsel; and this I will promise, that whomsoever his majesty shall make treasurer, if his majesty shall direct him to have relation to my advice, I will continue the same care and advice I do now, and much more chearfully when I shall perceive that my propositions shall not be literæ scriptæ in glacie. Mean while, to keep the commission in doing of somewhat worth the doing, it may please his majesty to take knowledge, that upon our report we had agreed to make remonstrance to him, that we thought Ireland might, if his majesty leave it to our care, be brought by divers good expedients to bear their own charge; and therefore his majesty may be pleased by his commandment to set us in hand with it out of hand. God ever prosper you. Your lordship's most obliged friend Stephens's second collection, P. 117. Octob. 7, 1620. CCXLI. To the Lord Chancellor. I HAVE acquainted his majesty with your letter, and labour in his service, for which he commandeth me to give you thanks, and to let your lordship know, that he liketh exceeding well your method held by the judges, which could not be amended, and concurreth with you in your opinions. First, touching the proclamation, that it should be monitory and persuasive, rather than compulsive: and, secondly, that the point concerning the persons, who should be admitted, and who avoided, is fit to be kept from the knowledge of the council-table, and to be carried with all secrecy. For the business of Ireland, his majesty had heard of it before, and gave commandment to the master of the wards, that it should be hastened and set in hand with all speed, which his majesty doubteth not but is done by this time. Touching your advice for a treasurer, his majesty is very mindful of it, and will let you know as much at his return, when he will speak farther with your lordship of it. And so I rest Royston, 9 October, 1620. Yours, etc. G. BUCKINGHAM. |