Stephens's second collection, P. 77. a fittest to be remembered. I have also sent your ma jesty the last account of the judges circuits, not to trouble you with the reading of them all but to the end that if upon my memorial, or otherwise out of your majesty's own memory, which is above mémo rials, you should have occasion to resort to those accounts, the papers may be by you dibi 9 4190 The point of greatest weight, in my opinion, is the carrying of a balanced hand at this time in the matter of recusants, in regard of the treaty with Spain. For it were good, in respect of your people, that there were no note made, that the string is relaxed, and in respect of the treaty, that it is not strained; and there fore that the proceeding in those causes be rather diligent than severe. #ot bim but bbard & j'I am wonderful glad to hear that this extremity of weather, which I think the Muscovite hath brought with him, hath not touched your majesty, whose health and ease is far dearer to me than my life with! all the appurtenances. God ever preserve and pros per your wat Aussie 63 1 sotmgaping Your majesty's most faithful and most obliged servant, in FR. BACON, Canc! Friday morning, Feb. 6, 1617.1 Your majesty will be pleased your answer be with me on Thursday at noon, or soon after. CC. To the Lord Chancellor.odine of My honourable Lord, I HAVE acquainted his majesty with your letter to 'me, and delivered likewise to him the letter and other things directed to his majesty, who hath commanded me to return this answer to them all.lioma) 1 First, For your memorial of your charge to the judges, he liketh it so well, that he findeth nothing either to be added or diminished, and wash so well satisfied therewith, that he accounteth it needless to read the other papers, but sealed them up again, and sendeth them back to your lordship without reading si noi omo yd 19th and sw moto sit on them. Only in the point of recusants his majesty is of the quite contrary opinion to you; for though he would not by any means have a more severe course held, than his laws appoint in that case, yet sith the many reasons why, there should be no mitigation above that which his laws have enacted, and his own conscience telleth him to be fit. As first, the papists in his kingdom have taken such heart upon the commission given to Sir John Digby touching the match with Spain, that they have sent copies thereof privately up and down, and are so lifted up in their hopes of what they desire, that his majesty cannot but take a more severe course, as far as by his laws he may, than hitherto he hath done. Besides, when they shall see a harder hand carried toward them than hath been accustomed, his majesty assureth himself, they will employ all their means to further the match, in hope of mitigating of that severity when it shall be accomplished. And though these reasons were not, his majesty would account it a baseness in a prince to shew such a desire of the match, as to slack any thing in his course of government, much more in propagation of the religion he professeth, for fear of giving hindrance to the match thereby. And so with many thanks for your favours to my brother in his business, I rest MR. Chancellor of the exchequer hath signified to me this day, that yesterday his majesty called him to his coach, and said to him, that one that had used ill speech of me should be called before me, and make his submission to me; and thereupon be called before the council, and receive a sharp reprehension, and so be inlarged. And Mr. Chancellor could not tell me who the person was, but after by some letter he Stephens's received from my lord Clifton, and speech with a man of his, he perceived it was strok I pray your lordship in humbleness to let his majesty know, that I little fear the lord Clifton, but I much fear the example, that it will animate ruffians and rodomonti extremely against the seats of justice, which are his majesty's own seats, yea and against all authority and greatness, if this pass without public censure and example; it having gone already so far as that the person of a baron hath been committed to the Tower. The punishment it may please his ma jesty to remit, and I shall not formally but heartily intercede for him: but an example, setting myself aside, I wish for terror of persons that may be more dangerous than he, towards the least judge of the kingdom. Therefore it may please his majesty to speak of its with myself and my lords, when he cometh next, and in the mean time I will command, from his majesty, the master of the rolls, and Mr. Attorney, who were appointed by the table to examine him, to stay. ever prosper you. * ́`* God -Your lordship's true friend and devoted servant, ›› March 17, 1617. 2298 97816 8 12 uronby bovi non { CCII. To the Marquis of BUCKINGHAM. second col-My very good Lord,k lection, p. 80. We have sat once upon the commission of treasure to no ill purpose, as may appear by the account inclosed; wherein his majesty will find no preposterous. issue of treasure: Mr. Chancellor imagines well, Coke seeks and beats over, as well where it is not, as where it is; secretary Naunton forgets nothing. I will look to bow things to the true ends. God bless and prosper his majesty and yourself. Your lordship's most obliged friend 20 25 July, 1617. I know not whether there was any prosecution against the lord Clifton, or whether it was prevented by the laying of violent hands upon himself, in the year ensuing. Stephens. CCIII. To the Marquis of BUCKINGHAM. My very good Lord, I PRAY your lordship to signify to his majesty, that I thought it my duty to stay at the seal, a book of Sir Francis Steward's, and Sir James Auterlony, etc. of 2001. land in charge in fee-simple: my rea First, It is a perpetuity, and so much rent in diminution of revenue certain. Secondly, The warrant, as is acknowledged, came only from my lord of Suffolk, and not from Mr. Chancellor, And yet my lord was wont to boast, that since he was treasurer, all commissions and contracts for sale of the king's lands were broken off and ceased. Thirdly, The rate of the moneys paid by the gentlemen amounteth but to thirteen years purchase; which is a plain gift of a good proportion of value. hf his majesty, now informed, iterate his mandate, it is done, and I excused; but I could wish his majesty would refer it to the commissioners of the treasury, how the gentlemen may be otherwise satisfied. I received yesternight a brave account of the commission of the wards in Ireland, which this one year is advanced from 2001. per annum to 4000l. which is twenty fold multiplied. This I write for two reasons. First, Because I glory in it, because it was my work wholly; next, because his majesty may take occasion by this to look better to the improvement of his wards in England in due time. God ever preserve and prosper you.. Your lordship's most obliged friend York-house, July 27, 1618. FR. VERULAM, Canc. Stephens's second collection, p. 80. cap. 1. CCIV. To the Marquis of BUCKINGHAM P My very good Lord, 2. I AM very glad to hear of the honour his majesty intendeth to my noble lady your lordship's mother/ This, amongst many other things, sheweth in your lordship good nature, which is the root of all virtues, t of all your next religion. Besides, it doth sort well in states, when place and power do meet, and stand not too far at distance. For the passing of it by direction without bill signed, it cannot be in law. So is Mr. Attorney's opinion, and so is mine; and therefore there is presently a bill sent with an indorsement of passing it by immediate warrant, and this antedate. For the antedate, I must present his majesty with my caution, and with my obedience. or 1 or, For the statute tieth me from antedates; and indeed the mischief is infinite: for by that means the king may grant any land, etc. and take it away a month 18 H. VI. hence, and grant it another by an antedate. And. surely were it land or the like, I would not say absit, Your majesty cannot do it, for a world Your majesty is sworn and I am sworn; or such brave phrases: but surely, I say, I would in humbleness represent it to his majesty some m But the case of honour differeth; for therein his majesty's prerogative and declaration is absolute, and he may make him that is last to be first. And there 3 od མ་ في ? The advancement of this lady to the title of the countess of Buckingham, was, notwithstanding the reasons here alledged, so ill resented by the house of commons in 1626, that in article XI. of their impeachment of the duke her son, it was objected against him as one of his offences. Stephens. D) AT 3 By this and the preceding letter it appears, that as my lord chancellor thought it his duty to offer to the king his reasons against passing of a patent: yet if then the king, who was judge of the inconvenience, was pleased to command it, he was obliged to allow the same. But in those things which wereb contrary to law, as it is to be presumed, that after an humble representation thereof, no prince would exact, so no ministering such a case would yield an obedience Stephens,stil et5oq yobin 02 |