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CXCV. To the Marquis of BUCKINGHAM.

My very good Lord,

I WRITE now only, rather in a kind of continuance and fresh suit, upon the king's business, than that the same is yet ripe, either for advertisement, or advice.

The sub-commissioners meet forenoon and afternoon, with great diligence, and without distraction or running several ways: which if it be no more than necessary, what would less have done? that is, if there had been no sub-commissioners, or they not well chosen.

I speak with Sir Lionel Cranfield, as cause requireth either for account or direction, and as far as I can, by the taste I have from him, discern, probably their service will attain, and may exceed his majesty's expectation.

I do well like the course they take, which is, in every kind to set down, as in beer, in wine, in beef, in muttons, in corn, etc. what cometh to the king's use, and then what is spent, and lastly what may be saved. This way, though it be not so accusative, yet it is demonstrative. Nam rectum est index sui et obliqui, and the false manner of accounting, and where the gain cleaveth, will appear after by consequence. I humbly pray his majesty to pardon me for troubling him with these imperfect glances, which I do, both because I know his majesty thinketh long to understand somewhat, and lest his majesty should conceive, that he multiplying honours and favours upon me, I should not also increase and redouble my endeavours and cares for his service. God ever bless, preserve, and prosper his majesty and your lordship, to whom I ever remain

Your true and most devoted servant,

16 Jan. 1617.

Stephens's second collection,

P. 71.



Sir Tobie CXCVI. To Mr. MATTHEW, about reading and giving judgment upon his writings.

second collection of

letters, p.**



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BECAUSE you shall not lose your labour this afternoon, which now I must needs spend with my lord chancellor, I send my desire to you in this letter, that you will take care not to leave the writing, which I left with you last, with any man, so long, as that he may be able to take a copy of it; because, first, it must be censured by you, and then considered again by me. The thing which I expect most from you is, that you would read it carefully over by yourself, and to make some little note in writing, where you think, to speak like a critic, that I do perhaps indormiscere, or where I do indulgere genio; or where, in fine, I give any manner of disadvantage to myself. This, super totam materiam, you must not fail to note; besides, such words and phrases as you cannot like; for you know in how high account I have your judgment.

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Stephens's CXCVII. To the Marquis of BUCKINGHAM,

second col lection,

p. 73.

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I THOUGHT fit by this my private letter to your lordship, to give you an account of such business as your lordship hath recommended unto me, that you may perceive that I have taken that care of them I ought, and ever shall in those you recommend or remit to me.

For the suit of the alehouses which concerneth your brother Mr. Christopher Villiers, and Mr. Patrick Mawl, I have conferred with my lord chief justice, and Mr. Solicitor thereupon, and there is as cruple in it that it should be one of the grievances put down in

*****This seems to be spoken pleasantly of himself, and to refer to
Jan. 15, 1617, on which day the lord Verulam was by special
warrant made lord chancellor. Rymer 55, and at which
time probably some affairs, that required privacy and retirement,
might occur.

parliament; which if it be, I may not in my duty and love to you advise you to deal in it; if it be not, I will mold it in the best manner and help it forward. The stay is upon the search of the clerk of the parliament, who is out of town; but we have already found, that the last grievance in septimo, is not the same with this suit; but we doubt yet of another in tertio.

For the business of Mr. Leviston, for your lordship's sake, who I perceive keeps your noble course with me, in acquainting me with these things, I shall apply myself unto you; though in my nature I do desire that those that serve in the court where I sit, though they be not in places of my gift, and so concerns not me nor my place in profit; yet I wish, I say, I might leave them in as good case as I find them. And this suit concerneth the main profit of the six clerks: who though they be of the master of the rolls his gift, yet they serve in my court. But my greatest doubt is, that the grant cannot be good in law; and that it is not like those other precedents, whereof I have received a note. For the difference is, where things have been written by all the clerks indifferently and loosely, in which case the king may draw them into an office; and where they have appertained to one especial office; in which case the king can no more take away the profits of a man's office, than he can the profits of his land. Therefore I think your lordship may do well to write to Mr. Solicitor and serjeant Finch, or some Sir Tho other lawyers that you trust, or such as Mr. Leviston mas Cotrusteth, being persons of account, to inform you of



? Sir Henry Finch, serjeant at law, being the first of his name that made a considerable figure in that profession, I shall give a short account of him. He was younger brother to Sir Moyle Finch of Eastwel in the county of Kent, and father of John lord Finch, keeper of the great seal in the reign of king Charles I. He died in 1625, leaving to posterity a sufficient testimony of his learning in the law, as well as the sciences, in his book intitled, "A Description of the Common Laws of England according to the rules of art, etc." His son's good parts and elocution were acknowledged by the greatest of his enemies; which accomplishbents, though he died without issue, have eminently appeared in some other descendents from his honourable family. Stephens.

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the point in law, before you proceed any farther: for without that all is in vain."

For the business of Hawkins, touching the register for the commission of bankrupts; I am not yet satisfied likewise for the law, nor for the conveniency; but I rather incline to think it may pass; and I have set it in a course by which it may be thoroughly informed.

For Sir Rowland Egerton's cause, and his lady's, the parties have submitted themselves unto me, and are content to do it by bond, and therefore I will undoubtedly make an end of it according to justice and conscience.

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For Sir Gilbert Houghton's business, I am in very good hope to effect your lordship's desire for his good. For Moor's business, concerning the printing of books, after hearing all parties, I have sealed his patent; but for his former patent of salt, I dare not do it, without acquainting the council therewith, which I am ready to do, if he require that course to be taken.

If his majesty at any time ask touching the lord Clifton's business, I pray your lordship represent to his majesty thus much: that whatsoever hath passed, I thank God I neither fear nor hate him; but I am wonderful careful of the seats of justice, that they may still be well munited, being principal sinews of his majesty's authority. Therefore the course will be, as I am advised, that for this hainous misprision, that the party, without all colour or shadow of cause, should threaten the life of his judge, and of the highest judge of the kingdom next his majesty, he be first examined, and if he confess it, then an ore tenus; if he confess it not, then an information in the star-chamber, and he to remain where he is till the hearing. But I do purposely forbear yet to have him examined, till the decree or agreement between him and my lord Aubigny, which is now ready, be perfected, lest it should seem an oppression, by the terror of the one, to beat him down in the other. Thus I ever reste ne

Your lordship's true friend and devoted servant, FR. BACON, Canc. York-house, Jan. 25, 1617. Saj to nonpistolence Si सेत्र म

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I pray your lordship to pardon me, if in respect of a little watering in one of mine eyes, I have written this letter, being long and private business, in my secretary's hand.


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I HAVE received your lordship's letters, wherein I see the continuance of your love and respect to me, in any thing I write to you of, for which I give your lordship many thanks, desiring nothing for any man but what you shall find just and convenient to pass. I am very glad to understand that there is so good hope of Sir Gilbert Houghton's business, which I must needs ascribe to your lordship's great favour toward him for my sake, which I will ever acknowledge. If his majesty at any time speak of the lord Clifton's business, I will answer according to that your lordship hath written, etc.) on te zhajano

Your lordship's faithful servant, sod drogig frnd 197903rod # 160 G. BUCKINGHAM. Newmarket, the last of Jan, 1617 arbe

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Stephens's second col


p. 75.

CXCIX. To the KING. Ibid. p. 76.

It may please your most excellent Majesty, FINDING as well by your majesty's dispatches and <directions to your council, as now by speech with Mr. 5Secretary Lake, that your majesty is content to be troubled with business of sundry natures; I thought good, according to the duty of my place, and the necessity of the occasion, to put your majesty in mind, that on this day seven-night, being Friday in the morning, I am, according to custom, to give a charge and admonition to the judges and justices of peace now before the circuits, wherein I am humbly to crave your majesty's pleasure and directions.

I have for your majesty's better ease set down the heads, which by the prescript of your book, and out of the consideration of the present times, I have thought

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