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of Southampton in the same day, and in the same manner, with a teste meipso, and not hisce testibus. These three creations being made upon one day, and when the king was a child of about nine years old, and in the very entrance of his reign, for the patents bear date at the Tower of London, doth make me conjecture that all the solemnities were performed; but whether the king endured to be present at the whole ceremony, and to deliver the patents with his own hand, I doubt; for that I find that the very selfsame day, year, and place, the king created his uncle the earl of Hertford, to be duke of Somerset per cincturam gladii, cappam honoris, et circuli aurei impositionem, et traditionem virgulæ aurea, with a hisce testibus, and not teste meipso, and with a datum per manus nostras: yet these things are but conjectural.

I find no precedents for a non obstante, or a dispensation with the solemnities, as the lord Brackley's bill was penned.

CLXXIX. To the Lord Keeper,

My honoured Lord,

I HAVE acquainted his majesty with your letter, and the papers that came inclosed, who is exceedingly well satisfied with that account you have given him therein, especially with the speech you made at the taking of your place in the chancery, Whereby his majesty perceiveth that you have not only given proof how well you understand the place of a chancellor, but done him much right also, in giving notice unto those that were present, that you have received such instructions from his majesty; whose honour will be so much the greater, in that all men will acknowledge the sufficiency and worthiness of his majesty's choice, in preferring a man of such abilities to that place, which besides cannot but be a great advancement and furtherance to his service: and I can assure your lordship, that his majesty was never so well pleased, as

Stephens's second col


P. 47.

Stephens's second col

lection, p. 48.


first collection, p.207.

he is with this account you have given him of this passage. Thus with the remembrance of my service,

I rest

Your lordship's ever at command,

Edinburgh, 18 May, 1617.



My very good Lord,

I KNOW your lordship hath a special care of any thing that concerneth the queen. She was entered into dislike of her solicitor, this bearer Mr. Lowder, and resolute in it. To serve, and not to please, is no man's condition. Therefore, upon knowledge of her pleasure, he was willing to part with his place, upon hopes not to be destituted, but to be preferred to one of the barons places in Ireland. I pray move the king for him, and let his majesty know from me, that I think, howsoever he pleased not here, he is fit to do his majesty service in that place; he is grave and formal, which is somewhat there, and sufficient enough for that place. The queen had made Mr. Hackwell her solicitor, who hath for a long time taken much pains in her business, wherein she hath done well. He was an opposite in parliament, as Jones was, that the king hath made chief justice of Ireland. But I hold it no ill counsel to join, or to remove such men. God preserve and prosper you.

Your true and devoted friend and servant,

Whitehall, 25 May, 1617.


My very good Lord,

I SHALL write to your lordship of a business which your lordship may think to concern myself; but I do think it concerneth your lordship much more. For as for me, as my judgment is not so weak to think it can do me any hurt, so my love to you is so strong, as I


would prefer the good of you and yours before mine own particular.

It seemeth secretary Winwood hath officiously busied himself to make a match between your brother and Sir Edward Coke's daughter: and, as we hear, he doth it rather to make a faction, than out of any great affection to your lordship; it is true, he hath the consent of Sir Edward Coke, as we hear, upon reasonable conditions for your brother; and yet no better than, without question, may be found in some other matches. But the mother's consent is not had, nor the young gentlewoman's, who expecteth a great fortune from her mother, which without her consent is endangered. This match, out of my faith and freedom towards your lordship, I hold very inconvenient both for your brother and yourself.

First, He shall marry into a disgraced house, which in reason of state is never held good.

Next, He shall marry into a troubled house of man and wife, which in religion and Christian discretion is disliked.

Thirdly, Your Lordship will go near to lose all such your friends as are adverse to Sir Edward Coke; myself only except, who out of a pure love and thankfulness shall ever be firm to you.

And lastly and chiefly, believe it, it will greatly weaken and distract the king's service; for though, in regard of the king's great wisdom and depth, I am persuaded, those things will not follow which they imagine: yet opinion will do a great deal of harm, and cast the king back, and make him relapse into those inconveniences which are now well on to be recovered.

Therefore my advice is, and your lordship shall do yourself a great deal of honour, if, according to religion and the law of God, your lordship will signify unto my lady your mother, that your desire is, that the marriage be not pressed or proceeded in without the consent of both parents; and so either break it altogether, or defer any farther delay in it, till your lordship's return: and this the rather, for that, besides the inconvenience of the matter itself, it hath been

Stephens's first collection, p.210.

carried so harshly and inconsiderately by secretary Winwood, as, for doubt that the father should take away the maiden by force, the mother, to get the start, hath conveyed her away secretly; which is ill of all sides. Thus hoping your lordship will not only accept well, but believe my faithful advice, who by my great experience in the world must needs see farther than your lordship can; I ever rest

Your lordship's true

and most devoted friend and servant, FR. BACON, C. S.

I have not heard from your lordship since I sent the king my last account of council business: but I assure myself you received it, because I sent at the same time a packet to secretary Lake, who hath signified to me that he hath received it.

I pray your lordship deliver to his majesty this little note of chancery business.

July 12, 1617.


It may please your most excellent Majesty, I THINK it agreeable to my duty, and the great obligation wherein I am tied to your majesty, to be freer than other men in giving your majesty faithful counsel, while things are in passing; and more bound than other men in doing your commandments, when your resolution is settled, and made known to me.

I shall therefore most humbly crave pardon from your majesty, if in plainness, and no less humbleness, I deliver to your majesty my honest and disinterested opinion, in the business of the match of Sir John Vil liers, which I take to be magnum in parvo: preserv ing always the laws and duties of a firm friendship to my lord of Buckingham, whom I will never cease to love, and to whom I have written already, but have not heard yet from his lordship.

But first I have three suits to make to your majesty, hoping well you will grant them all.

The first is, that if there be any merit in drawing on that match, your majesty would bestow the thanks not upon the zeal of Sir Edward Coke to please your majesty, nor upon the eloquent persuasions or pragmaticals of Mr. Secretary Winwood, but upon them, that carrying your commandments and directions with strength and justice, in the matter of the governor of Diepe,' in the matter of Sir Robert Rich, and in the matter of protecting the lady, according to your majesty's commandment; have so humbled Sir Edward Coke, as he seeketh now that with submission, which, as your majesty knoweth, before he rejected with scorn: for this is the true orator that hath persuaded this business; as I doubt not but your majesty in your excellent wisdom doth easily discern.

My second suit is, that your majesty would not think me so pusillanimous, as that I, that when I was but Mr. Bacon, had ever, through your majesty's favour, good reason at Sir Edward Coke's hands, when he was at the greatest, should now, that your majesty of your great goodness hath placed me so near your chair, being, as I hope, by God's grace and your instructions, made a servant according to your heart and hand, fear him, or take umbrage of him, in respect of mine own particular.

My third suit is, that if your majesty be resolved the match shall go on, after you have heard my reasons to the contrary; I may receive therein your particular will and commandments from yourself, that I may conform myself thereunto; imagining with myself, though I will not wager on womens minds, that I can prevail more with the mother than any other man. For if I should be requested in it from my lord of Buckingham, the answers of a true friend ought to be, that I

All that I have seen relating to the difference between the governor of Diepe and Sir Edward Coke, is contained in a letter of secretary Winwood's to my lord Buckingham, dated 29 June this year, and in these words; "Sir Edward Coke hath consigned into the hands of the lords 24007. for the satisfaction of "the French ambassador, in the cause which concerneth the governor of Diepe." Stephens.

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