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crowns may do wonders: but this day is so welcome to the nation, and the time so short, as I do not fear the effect. My lord of Southampton expecteth release by the next dispatch, and is already much visited and much well-wished. There is continual posting by men of good quality towards the king: the rather, I think, because this spring-time, it is but a kind of sport. It is hoped, that as the state here hath performed the part of good attorneys to deliver the king quiet possession of his kingdoms, so the king will redeliver them quiet possession of their places; rather filling places void, than removing men placed. So etc. 1603.

Rawley's LXX. To the Earl of 9NORTHUMBERLAND, recommending a proclamation to be made by the king at his entrance.


It may please your Lordship,

I DO hold it a thing formal and necessary for the king to forerun his coming, be it never so speedy, with some gracious declaration for the cherishing, entertaining, and preparing of mens affections.' For which purpose

9 Henry Piercy, the ninth earl of Northumberland of that name, had not only great learning himself, but was also patron of other learned men, especially mathematicians. And though no man espoused the title of king James to the English throne with a greater zeal than himself, declaring that he would remove all impediments by his sword; yet the king, perhaps fearing that one who thought he could confer crowns, might attempt to resume them, caused this great man to be so effectually prosecuted in the starchamber in the year 1606, upon a supposition of his being privy to the powder-plot, or at least of concealing his cousin Mr. Thomas Piercy, one of the conspirators therein: that he was fined 30,000 and condemned to perpetual imprisonment. But the lord Hay, afterwards created viscount Doncaster and earl of Carlisle, marrying in 1617 his youngest daughter the lady Lucy Piercy, a lady of the most celebrated wit and beauty of any in her times; his release from the Tower was obtained about the year 1621. Though it is said, the earl was with great difficulty prevailed to accept of this favour, because procured by a man he disdained to own to be so near a relation, as that of a son. Stephens,

'Instead of this declaration, Sir Francis Bacon tells us, that at this time there came forth in print the king's book containing ⚫ matter of instruction to the prince his son, touching the office of a king; which falling into every man's hand, filled the whole realm as with a good perfume or incense before the king's

I have conceived a draught, it being a thing familiar in my mistress her times to have my pen used in public writings of satisfaction. The use of this may be in two sorts: first, properly, if your lordship think it convenient to shew the king any such draught, because the veins and pulses of this state cannot but be best known here; which if your lordship should do, then I would desire you to withdraw my name, and only signify, that you gave some heads of direction of such a matter to one, of whose style and pen you had some opinion. The other collateral; that though your lordship make no other use of it, yet it is a kind of portraiture of that which I think worthy to be advised by your lordship to the king; and perhaps more compendious and significant, than if I had set them down in articles. I would have attended your lordship but for some little physic I took. To-morrow morning I will wait on you. So I ever, etc.. 1603.

LXXI. To the Earl of 2 SOUTHAMPTON, upon Rawley's the king's coming in.

It may please your Lordship,

I WOULD have been very glad to have presented my humble service to your lordship by my attendance, if I could have foreseen that it should not have been unpleasing unto you. And therefore, because I would be sure to commit no error, I chose to write; assuring your lordship, how little soever it may seem credible to you at first, yet it is as true as a thing that God knoweth;

coming in; and far exceeded any formal or curious edict or declaration, which could have been devised of that nature, wherewith princes in the beginning of their reigns do use to grace ' themselves, or at least express themselves gracious in the eyes of their people.' Vol. V. p. 200.

2 Henry Wriothesley earl of Southampton having been involved in the guilt of the unfortunate earl of Essex, was condemned for the same crimes; but that earl, who seemed careless of his own life, interceded for the life of his friend, as did Southampton's own modest behaviour at his trial: from which time he suffered imprisonment in the Tower till the 10th of April, 1603. He was afterwards restored in blood, made knight of the garter, and one of his majesty's privy council. Stephens.


Sir Tobie


that this great change hath wrought in me no other change towards your lordship than this, that I may safely be that to you now, which I was truly before. And so craving no other pardon, than for troubling you with my letter, I do not now begin to be, but continue to be


Your Lordship's humble and much devoted



Collection Signifying the wise proceedings of King James at his first entrance into England.

of Letters, P. 18.


I WAS heartily glad to hear that you have passed so *Viz. Into great a part of your * journey in so good health. My Scotland to aim was right in my address of letters to those persons in king. See the court of Scotland, who are likeliest to be used for No. LXIV. the affairs of England; but the pace they held was too

meet the

P. 274.

swift, for the men were come away before my letters

3 Mr. Matthew was son to Dr. Toby Matthew, bishop of Durham, afterwards archbishop of York; an eminent divine, considered either in the schools, the pulpit, or the episcopal chair. He was born in Oxford in 1578, whilst his father was dean of Christ'schurch; but was, to the great grief of his parents, a few years after the King's accession, reconciled to the church of Rome, through the means, as is said, of Parsons the Jesuit: and became so industrious an agent for her, that his refusal of the oath of allegiance established by act of parliament, together with some imprudent carriage, gave the King such offence, that he was in a manner exiled the kingdom in the year 1607. He continued roving from one country and prince's court to another till 1617, when applying himself with much earnestness to the earl of Buckingham, he obtained a permission to come into England, which he did in July that year, presenting himself in the first place to Sir Francis Bacon then lord keeper of the great seal. But the King being afterwards displeased with him, did, notwithstanding his moving and pressing letters, command him again to depart in October, 1618. Yet in 1622, he was recalled to assist in the business of the Spanish match then in agitation, and knighted the year following. He is represented as a man of very good parts and literature, but of an active and restless temper. What opinion Sir Francis Bacon had of him when young, appears before in his letter to Sir Thomas Chaloner; and what esteem he had for Sir Francis may be seen in the preface to his collection of letters: at the beginning of which is printed his character of the lady Carlisle, whom I have mentioned No. LXX. He died at Gaunt in Flanders in 1655. Stephens.

could reach them. With the first I have renewed acquaintance, and it was like a bill of revivor, by way of cross-suits; for he was as ready to have begun with me. The second did this day arrive, and took acquaintance with me instantly in the council-chamber, and was willing to entertain me with farther demonstrations of confidence, than I was willing at that time to admit. But I have had no serious speech with him, nor do I yet know whether any of the doubles of my letter have been delivered to the king. It may perhaps have proved your luck to be the first.

Things are here in good quiet. The king acts excellently well; for he puts in clauses of reservation to every proviso. He saith, he would be sorry to have just cause to remove any. He saith, he will displace none who hath served the queen and state sincerely, etc. The truth is, here be two extremes; some few would have no change, no not reformation: some many would have much change even with perturbation. God, I hope, will direct this wise king to hold a mean between reputation enough and no terrors. In my particular I have many comforts and assurances; but in my own opinion the chief is, that the canvassing world is gone, and the deserving world is come. And withal I find myself as one awaked out of sleep; which I have not been this long time, nor could, I think, have been now without


• Upon this occasion it may not be amiss to remember what cardinal d'Ossat writ from Rome to M. de Villeroy upon the accession of king James to the crown of England, part of which I wish no prince would ever forget.

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"C'est l'ordinaire des hommes de regarder plus au soleil orient qu'à l'occident, & des Princes bien avisez qui sont appellez à 66 un nouvel estat, d'y entrer doucement, sans irriter ni mécontenter personne ni dedans ni dehors. Si ce Prince continüe guidé par la vertu & accompagné de bonheur, comme jusques "icy, il sera très-grand, & fera bon l'avoir pour amy; & nous, qui depuis quelques années en ça n'avions eu l'œil quasi qu'en un lieu, faudra que l'ayons cy-après en deux; comme fau"dra bien aussi que fassent encore d'autres. Et en fin de compte, Celui de tous qui regnera le mieux & le plus justement "à l'honneur & gloire de Dieu, & au soulagement, profit & felicité "de ses sujets; sera le plus asseuré, le plus fort, & le plus aimé, loué & beni de Dieu & des hommes; en quoy consiste la vraye & per"durable grandeur & puissance des Roys, & l'asseurance de leur "posterité." Stephens.


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such a great noise as this, which yet is in aura leni. I have written this to you in haste, my end being no more than to write, and thereby to make you know that I will ever continue the same, and still be sure to wish you as heartily well as to myself. 1603.

Rawley's LXXIII. To the Earl of NORTHUMBERLAND.



It may please your good Lordship,


I WOULD not have lost this journey, and yet I have not that I went for; for I have had no private conference to purpose with the king; no more hath almost any other English: for the speech his majesty admitteth with some noblemen, is rather matter of grace, than matter of business. With the attorney he spake, urged by the treasurer of Scotland, but no more than needs must. After I had received his majesty's first welcome, and was promised private access; yet not knowing what matter of service your lordship's letter carried, for I saw it not, and well knowing that primeness in advertisement is much; I chose rather to deliver it to Sir Thomas Erskine, than to cool it in my own hands, upon expectation of access. Your lordship shall find a prince the farthest from vain-glory that may be; and rather like a prince of the ancient form, than of the latter time. His speech is swift and cursory, and in the full dialect of his country; and in speech of business, short; in speech of discourse, large. He affecteth popularity by gracing' such as he hath heard to be popular, and not by any fashions of his own: he is thought somewhat general in his favours; and his virtue of access is rather, because he is much abroad, and in press, than that he giveth easy audience. He hasteneth to a mixture of both kingdoms and occasions, faster perhaps than policy will well bear. I told your lordship once before, that, methought, his majesty rather asked counsel of the time past, than of the time to come: but it is yet early to ground any settled opinion. For the particulars, I refer to conference, having in these generals gone farther in so tender an argument than I would have done, were not the bearer hereof so assured. So I continue, etc. 1603.

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