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A discussion of the 335 English proverbs in Grutus's Florilegium Ethicopoliticum (1611). The proverbs printed with references to the same or similar proverbs in Heywood's collections.

Thornley, George. Daphnis and Chloe: A Most Sweet and Pleasant Pastoral Romance for Young Ladies. Translated out of the Greek of Longus by Geo. Thornley. London: Golden Cockerel Press, 1924.

Thornton, L. S. Richard Hooker. A Study of his Theology. London: S. P. C. K., 1924.

Henry Vaughan, Silurist. London: Nonesuch Press, 1924.

Rev. in LTS. June 19, 1924, p. 384.

Vogt, George McGill. Richard Robinson's "Eupolemia" (1603). SP., XXI, 629-48.

W., G. W. List of the Works of Thomas James, S. T. P. Bodleian Quarterly Record, IV, No. 42, pp. 138-41.

Ward, H. G. Sir Thomas Browne and Ausonius. N & Q., Vol. 146, No. 44, p. 325.

Comment by Edward Bensly, ibid., No. 46, p. 364.

Weever's "Faunus and Melliflora." "Notes on Sales," LTS., June 12, 1924, p. 376.

Discussion of Weever's work and brief description of this hitherto unknown volume of poetry by John Weever announced in Quaritch's 'Catalogue of Rare and Valuable Books."


Whibley, Charles (ed.). The Conspiracie of Cateline and the Warre of Jugarth. Written by Sallust. Translated (1608) by Thomas Heywood. London: Constable, 1924.

Rev. in LTS., Nov. 20, 1924, p. 749.

Wotton, Mabel E. Ralegh's Burial-Place. LTS., Feb. 14, 1924, p. 96.


Carpenter, Frederic Ives. G. W. Senior and G. W. I. MP., XXII, 67-8.

Suggestions for determining the authors of two sonnets prefixed to the Amoretti.

Carpenter, Frederic Ives. The Marriages of Edmund Spenser. MP., XXII, 97-8.

Carpenter, Frederic I. A Reference Guide to Edmund Spenser. Univ. of Chicago Press, 1923.

Rev. by Louis S. Friedland in JEGP., xxш, 316-22.

Covington, F. F. Biographical Notes on Spenser. MP., XXII, 63-66.

De Blacam, Hugh. The Secret of Spenser. Literary Review, Dec. 6, 1924, pp. 1-2.

De Reul, Paul. Le poète Spenser, à propos d'un livre récent. Revue de L'Université de Bruxelles, No. 3 (Feb.-Apr., 1924), pp. 268-80.

Draper, John W. The Narrative-Technique of the Faerie Queene. PMLA., XXXIX, 310-24.

Legouis, Emile. Spenser. Paris, 1923.

Rev. by René Galland in Rev. Ang. Am., April, 1924, pp. 351-3; by S. B. Liljegren in Beiblatt, xxxv, 355-56.

Nicolson, Margaret Erskine. Realistic Elements in Spenser's Style. SP., XXI, 382-98.

Padelford, Frederick M. The Allegory of Chastity in " The Faerie Queene." SP., XXI, 367-81.

Pienaar, W. J. B. Spenser's "Complaints." LTS., Dec. 4, 1924, p. 825.

Shipley, Joseph T. Spenserian Prosody: The Couplet Forms. SP., XXI, 594-615.

Spenser. "A French Critic on Spenser." Leading article in LTS. for Jan. 24, 1924.

Review of Emil Legouis's Spenser (1923).

Taylor, A. E. Spenser's Knowledge of Plato. MLR., XIX, 208-10. Waibel, Karl. Phineas Fletchers Purple Island in ihrer Abhängigkeit von Spensers Faerie Queene. Eng. Stud., Bd. 58, 321-67.

Welply, W. H. Edmund Spenser. Some New Discoveries and the Correction of Some Old Errors. N & Q., 146, pp. 445-47.


Bredvold, Louis I. Milton and Bodin's "Heptaplomeres." SP., XXI, 399-402.

Brodribb, C. W. Ovid, Sandys and Milton. N & Q., Vol. 147, No. 5, pp. 77-8.

Cf. reply by Hugh C. H. Candy, ibid., pp. 122-4.

Candy, Hugh C. H. Some Newly Discovered Stanzas written by John Milton on Engraved Scenes illustrating Ovid's “ Metamorphoses." Revised and Reprinted with many additional notes by London: Nisbet, 1924.

Rev. in LTS., Aug. 14, 1924, p. 499; by Richard Aldington in Nation and Athenaeum, July 19, 1924, p. 512.

Chauvet, Paul. Milton et la critique française. Les langues modernes, June, 1924.

Conacher, W. M. The Puritanism of Milton. Queen's Quarterly, July-Sept., 1924, pp. 69-80.

Curry, Walter Clyde. "Samson Agonistes" Yet Again. Sewanee Review, XXXII, 336-52.

Donady, Jules. La Création et le fruit défendu selon Milton. Paris, 1923.

Rev. by S. B. Liljegren in Beiblatt, xxxv, 359-60; by Camille Chernin in Rev. Ang. Am., Apr., 1924, pp. 353-7.

Elton, Oliver. A Sheaf of Papers. University of Liverpool Press, 1923; Boston: Small, Maynard, 1924.

Contains essay on Milton.

Fischer, Walther. Defoe und Milton. Eng. Stud., Bd. 58, 213-27. Fletcher, Harris. Milton and Yosippon. SP., XXI, 496-501. Harder, J. H. Milton, Puritan or Calvinist? Neophilologus, IX, No. 3 (Apr., 1924).

Havens, Raymond Dexter. The Influence of Milton on English Poetry. Harvard University Press, 1922.

Rev. by George Sherburn in MP., XXII, 107-8.

Herford, C. H. Dante and Milton. Bulletin of John Rylands Library, VIII, No. 1 (Jan., 1924).

Holmes, Elizabeth. Some Notes on Milton's Use of Words. Essays and Studies by Members of the Eng. Ass'n, Vol. x. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1924, pp. 97-121.

Hulme, William H (ed.). Two Early Lives of John Milton.

Western Reserve University Bulletin, Vol. XXVII, No. 8 (August, 1924). Pp. 94.

It is fitting that with the present revival of interest in Milton Professor Hulme should make available for students of the poet two such interesting early lives as those by John Toland (1698) and Elijah Fenton (1725). Of the two productions that by Toland is, as the editor is careful to emphasize, of especial interest and value, though, strangely enough, it has not been printed since 1699. Fenton's life, although frequently reprinted, has not heretofore been easily accessible; hence Professor Hulme has seen fit to reprint the reprint of 1785. He has attempted to provide students of Milton with reliable texts of the productions of Toland and Fenton, wisely refraining from burdening the text with elaborate annotations. Of special interest is the fact that the present pamphlet is apparently a sort of introduction to a comprehensive study of Toland's life and influence which Professor Hulme is preparing for publication.

Kellett, E. E. Suggestions. Literary Essays. Cambridge University Press, 1923.

Last essay-"The Literary Essay "-concerned largely with Milton. Keynes, Geoffrey (ed.). On the Morning of Christ's Nativity. Milton's Hymn with hitherto unpublished Illustrations by William Blake. Cambridge University Press, 1924.

Langdon, Ida. Milton's Theory of Poetry and Fine Art. An Essay with a Collection of Illustrative Passages from his Works. Yale University Press, 1924.

Rev. in LTS., Nov. 20, 1924, p. 758.

Larson, Martin A. The Influence of Milton's Divorce Tracts on Farquhar's Beaux Stratagem. PMLA., XXXIX, 174-8. Liljegren, S. B. La Pensée de Milton et Giordano Bruno. Paris, 1923.

Rev. by Walther Fischer in Beiblatt, xxxv, 76-8.

Liljegren, S. B. Milton's Personality. Neophilologus, IX (1923), No. 2.

Liljegren, S. B. Milton's Philosophy in the Light of Recent Scandinavian Scientific Review, II (1923),


Liljegren, S. B.

Miltons Wahl des Berufs. Beiblatt, xxxv, 158-60. Mackail, J. W. Bentley's Milton. British Academy, Wharton Lecture XV. London: Milford, 1924.

McGovern, J. B. A Milton Monument. N & Q., Vol. 146, No. 42, p. 287.

Inscription on Mynshull House in Manchester.

Cf. ibid., pp. 329, 405.

Milton's Poems, 1645. Type Facsimile. Oxford University Press,


Mutschmann, H. Milton's Eyesight and the Chronology of his Works. Pub. by Author: University of Dorpat, Esthonia, 1924.

Rev. by S. B. Liljegren in Beiblatt, xxxv, 360-1.

Mutschmann, H. Studies Concerning the Origin of “Paradise Lost." Dorpat, 1924.

Mutschmann, H. Zur Frage des Albinismus Miltons. Beiblatt, XXXV, 272-6.

Raisin, Max (Mardechai Zeeb). John Milton. The Man, the Poet, the Prophet. Berlin: Rimon, 1924.

Saurat, Denis. Blake and Milton. New York: Lincoln MacVeagh: The Dial Press, 1924.

Saurat, Denis, and Cabannes, Camille. Milton devant la Médecine. Journal de Médecine de Bordeaux, Jan. 10, 1924.

Rev. by Walther Fischer in Literaturblatt, XLV, 306-7.

Saurat, Denis, and Cabannes, Camille. Milton devant la Médecine. Rev. Ang. Am., Dec., 1923, 120-34.

Smart, John S. The Sonnets of John Milton. Glasgow, 1921.

Rev. by Ernest P. Kuhl in MLN., XXXIX, 45-50; by S. B. Liljegren in Eng. Stud., Bd. 58, 432-4.

Thomas, Walter. Les sonnets de Milton et sa vie intime. Revue de l'Enseignement des Langues Vivantes, June, 1924. Tillyard, E. M. W. Paragraphing in "Lycidas," Lines 23-24. LTS., Nov. 13, 1924, p. 731.


Adair, E. R. The Sources for the History of the Council in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries. London: S. P. C. K., 1924.

Anderson, A. G. (ed.). The Assize of Bread Book, 1477-1517.

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