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accent adjective adverbs aimé aperçu believe book brother called CLASS compound tenses CONDITIONAL conjugated conjugation conjunction consonant country DEFINITE OR PRETERPERFECT derivatives dress dressed ending English eussiez Examples Exercise expressed father fear feminine first followed following French French language frequently friends fusse generally give given going to love good great habillé happy hast have been loved have dressed have had have loved hundred IDIOMATIC TENSES IMPERFECT INDEFINITE INDICATIVE MOOD INFINITIVE MOOD interrogatively J'ai know language less little loved make morning mute necessary Negatively NOTE noun number one's open order ourselves participle PAST DEFINITE perceive perceived placed PLUPERFECT plural préposition PRESENT OR FUTURE pronom pronounced pronouns pupil read réjouis rendered rules s'habille senti soon sound sounded speak speaking SUBJUNCTIVE SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD substantive syllable take thing think third thither Thou hadst three thyself time used verb vowel wilt wish words work write written year You have
Popular passages
Page 78 - Ne faites pas à autrui ce que vous ne voudriez pas qu'on vous fît.
Page 404 - British earth, that the ground on which he treads is holy, and consecrated by the genius of UNIVERSAL EMANCIPATION. No matter in what language his doom may have been pronounced ; no matter what complexion incompatible with freedom an Indian or an African sun may have...
Page 401 - To a poet nothing can be useless. Whatever is beautiful, and whatever is dreadful, must be familiar to his imagination: he must be conversant with all that is awfully vast or elegantly little.
Page 243 - Les mortels sont égaux ; ce n'est point la naissance , C'est la seule vertu qui fait leur différence.
Page 70 - Leur, leur, leurs, their. and number with the object possessed, and not with the possessor as in English ; as, Son âge, his, her, or its age.
Page 188 - L'épluche, la mange , et lui dit : Votre mère eut raison , ma mie, Les noix ont fort bon goût ; mais il faut les ouvrir. Souvenez-vous que , dans la vie , Sans un peu de travail on n'a point de plaisir.
Page 401 - I ranged mountains and deserts for images and resemblances, and pictured upon my mind ever}' tree of the forest and flower of the valley. I observed with equal care the crags of the rock and the pinnacles of the palace. Sometimes I wandered along the mazes of the rivulet, and sometimes watched the changes of the summer clouds.
Page 163 - ... je dis tu dis il dit nous disons vous dites ils disent je disais tu disais il disait nous disions vous disiez ils disaient je dis tu dis il dit nous dîmes vous dîtes ils dirent...
Page 401 - ... contemn the applause of his own time, and commit his claims to the justice of posterity. He must write as the interpreter of nature, and the legislator of mankind, and consider himself as presiding over the thoughts and manners of future generations; as a being superior to time and place.
Page 407 - He that wrestles with us strengthens our nerves, and sharpens our skill. Our antagonist is our helper. This amicable conflict with difficulty obliges us to an intimate acquaintance with our object, and compels us to consider it in all its relations.